Acid bolts (Evocation)

Level: 4
Components: V,S
Range: 60 yds. + 10 yds./level
Casting Time : 4 segments
Duration: Instant.
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Up to two creatures

This spell summons two teardrops of flesh-corrosive force that dart forth from the caster's hands to strike their targets unerringly.

Each target must be a single creature that the caster can see and distinguish from others during casting, though a bolt will follow a fleeing target out of the caster's view. It will dodge around obstacles and other creatures, even those who move to intercept it. The caster cannot aim the bolt at specific body parts, areas, or carried items.

Any being struck by an acid bolt suffers 4d4 points of damage. Undead and nonliving objects (even wood and cloth) are unaffected by an acid bolt.

Amgig's Rowers (Alteration, Conjuration)

Level: 4
Components: V,S
Range: 20'
Casting time: 6 segments
Duration: 1 hour per level
Saving Throw: None
Area of effect: One ship

This spell creates banks of magical glowing oars on the sides of a vessel that row with their own power. For each level of the mage, the oars increase the vessel's movement by one mile per hour, up to double the normal movement rate. If the mage maintains concentration on this spell, he can direct the speed and direction of the vessel with the oars; otherwise the ship goes straight forward at its maximum movement rate.

The oars are magical constructs. Although they can be dispelled, they are not harmed by normal means.

Argaster's cloak of shadows (Alteration)

Level: 4
Components: V,S,M
Range: 0
Casting Time : 4 segments
Duration: 1d4 +2 rds.
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: One creature

This spell enables a caster or a touched recipient to be obscured by an ever-shifting, roiling webwork of intangible, dark shadows. Argaster's cloak of shadows veils the recipient's face, overall appearance, and precise location (although if the caster "wears" the spell, he can reveal his face or hide it, whenever desired).

The result is that the recipient gains a 2-point armor class bonus(e.g., AC 4 to AC 2), and missile weapons aimed at the being suffer a -1 penalty on attack rolls. Web and Evard's black tentacles spells won't stick to a being protected by Argaster's cloak of shadows-but these spells destroy, and are destroyed by, a cloak of shadows upon contact. Because the rippling waves of varying darkness are quite noticeable in all but the worst lighting, thieves "wearing" a cloak of shadows only gain a +5% bonus to their Hide in Shadows ability (lost whenever they move, of course).

The material components of this spell are a bit of cobweb and a pinch of dust.

Arnvid's Unseen Limb (Conjuration/summoning)

Level: 4
Components: VS,M
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 1 round
Duration: 6 turns/lvl.
Saving Throw : None
Area of Effect: Creature touched

Explanation/Description: When Arnvid's unseen limb is cast, the magic-user causes an invisible limb (arm, hand, leg, or foot) to come into being. This limb may replace a missing limb, or it may be used to create an extra one. The invisible limb functions exactly as a normal limb, except that, at the option of the recipient of the spell, parts of it may become immaterial so as to pass through solid objects. For example, the limb could be used to uncork a potion inside a closed chest and dump the bottle out, but it could not remove the potion from the chest. The limb has normal touch sensations. It may be used to wield a weapon only if the limb is replacing a missing arm or hand. The limb bestows no extra senses other than touch, so it cannot be used, for example, to add a second shield arm in the middle of the recipient's back. The invisible limb has no hit points or armor class as such, and it cannot be harmed unless it is dispelled. The material component of the spell is the tail of a lizard (any type that regenerates lost body parts). This is touched to the place on the body where the limb is to be restored.

Bands of ice (Evocation)

Level: 4
Components: V,S,M
Range: 10 yards/level
Casting Time: 3 segments
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: Neg.
Area of Effect: One creature

When this spell is cast, the wizard is able to trap a chosen victim in thick bands of ice. The spell-caster can create bands sufficient to hold a creature 1' tall for every level that she possesses, e.g., a 10th-level spell-caster may capture any being of 10' height or less. If the affected being is very broad, such as an umber hulk, add 1' or 2' to its effective height for the purposes of determining who or what the wizard can capture.

The victim immediately receives a saving throw to determine the effectiveness of the bands of ice. If the save is successful, the ice is brittle and easily broken, allowing the creature to escape in one combat round. Otherwise, the being is trapped for at least one turn. Once a turn has passed, the victim is allowed a bend bars/lift gates roll to determine if the ice has melted to the point where the creature can escape. If the roll is successful, the creature breaks free of the ice and is no longer effected by the spell. The normal duration of the bands of ice is two turns. If the spell is cast in a cold environment (400F or lower), the duration is doubled to four turns, and if the surroundings are very cold (00F or below), the duration is increased to six turns (one hour).

Applying a torch to the bands will shorten the duration by one round for each round that heat is applied. Magical fires such as a fireball will melt the ice, but the trapped being will be injured in the process.

Creatures trapped within the bands of ice suffer 1d6 points of frost damage each turn the ice encircles them. cold-dwelling creatures do not receive any damage, while fire-dwelling beings suffer double damage. The extra damage suffered by heat-based creatures is offset by the monster's body heat, which will cause the ice to melt twice as fast, halving the spell's effective duration.

The material components for this spell are several chain links made of nickel, a piece of iron in the shape of a hoop, and a bit of snow.

Bowgengle's Fleeting Journey (Alteration)

Level: 4
Components: V, S, M
Range: 0
Casting Time: 4 segments
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: Special
Area of Effect: One being

Explanation/Description: By the use of this spell, the caster or another creature touched by the caster (an unwilling creature gains a saving throw to negate the spell) is enabled to teleport to a specific destination viewed and pointed at during spell casting. The location may be up to 1" per level of the caster vertically and 2" per level of the caster horizontally away from the caster's spell recipient's initial position. The shift in position takes 1 segment, and the caster or spell recipient may remain at the new location for a round (or less, if the spell caster wills) before being teleported back to his or her initial location.

During the time spent in the location journeyed to, the caster or recipient can make physical attacks, move about, pick up or leave behind objects, manipulate items, or cast any spell for which components are at hand and which requires a round or less to cast. Note that it is possible for a spell to take effect after the caster journeys back to his or her initial position; this, however, cannot happen if the spell cast has an instantaneous duration (such as a fireball). If not made earlier, the return journey always occurs at the end of the round regardless of the caster's or recipient's wishes or state of consciousness (even if dead).

No possibility of error exists in teleportation. If the journey is made into an area already occupied by a solid body (unlikely, as the destination must be within the caster's view), or if the area of return is similarly blocked, the journeyer is stunned (unable to cast spells) and displaced into the Astral Plane. Note that the journey is a form of teleportation; neither physical nor magical barriers can stop it or the return trip, and a journeyer who is pinned down, constricted, or otherwise physically encumbered will simply vanish from such constraints on the return trip. All that the journeyer carries (save other living creatures, who will simply be left behind) will be teleported with him or her, up to a maximum weight equal to 5,000 gold pieces. The material component of this spell is a small ball of rubber (which may be uncured, just as it comes from the tree). Note that if the destination chosen is beyond the caster's range, the spell will not work; 1 segment is wasted, and a second destination may be pointed at. If it, too, is out of range, nothing occurs, and the spell is wasted.

Charm Monster (Enchantment/Charm)

Level: 4
Components: V, S
Range: 6"
Casting Time: 4 segments
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: Neg.
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: This spell is similar too charm person spell (q.v.), but it will affect any living creature - or several creatures of lesser level as explained hereafter. The magic-user costs the charm monster spell, and any affected creature regards the spell caster as friendly, an ally or companion so be treated well or guarded from harm, If communication is possible, the charmed creature will follow reasonable requests, instructions, or orders most faithfully (cf. suggestion spell). Affected creatures will eventually come Out from under the influence of the spell, and the probability of such breaking of a charm monster spell is a function of the creature's level, i.e. its number of hit dice:

Monster Level or Hit DicePercent Chance/Week of Breaking Spell
1st or up to 25%
2nd or up to3+210%
3rd or up to 4+415%
4th or up to 625%
5th or up to 7+235%
6th or up to 8+445%
7th or up to 1060%
8th or up to 1275%
9th or over 1290%

Naturally, overtly hostile acts by the person charming the monster will automatically break the spell, or at the very least allow the monster a new saving throw versus the charm. The spell will affect from 2-8 1st level creatures, 1-4 2nd level creatures, 1 or 23rd level, or 1 creature of 4th or higher level.

Confusion (Enchantment/Charm)

Level: 4
Components: V, S, M
Range: 12"
Casting Time: 4 segments
Duration: 2 rounds + 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Special
Area of Effect: Up to 6"X6"

Explanation/Description: Except as noted above, this spell is identical to the seventh level druid spell, confusion (q.v.). However, it affects a basic 2-16 creatures, Its' material component is a set of three nut shells.

Conjure Dream Object (Conjuration/Summoning)

Level: 4
Components: V,S, M
Range: 10 yards
Casting Time: 4 segments
Duration: 1 turn/lvl
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: One small object

When this spell is cast, an object up to the size of a sword appears where the caster directs, within the spell's range. The object can be anything that the caster has seen in someone else's dream (by means of the enter dream spell). Thus, the spellcaster may conjure the long lost sword of a warrior's grandmother, the trothing cup imagined in the dreams of a young woman, or simply a fabulous ruby dreamed by a greedy merchant.

The conjured object is real in all respects, but it never has magical properties, even if it has such properties in the dreams from which it is drawn. At the end of the spell's duration, the object returns to the realm of dreams, from where it may be conjured again.

The material components of this spell are a strip of dreamwillow bark and a bit of matter of the same type the caster wishes to summon (a piece of steel for a sword, a fragment of glass for a goblet, etc.)

Detect Ensorceilment (Divination)

Level: 4
Components: V, S
Range: See below
Casting Time: 4 segments
Duration: 1 turn
Saving Throw: See below
Area of Effect: One creature or object per round

With this spell, a rhabdomancer can not only determine if a person or object is either charmed or cursed, but also may gain some insight into the origin of such ensorceliment. The creature (or object in some cases as determined by the DM) is allowed a saving throw vs. spell modified by the difference in levels between the caster of the enchantment or curse and the rhabdomancer (thus a minotaur under the influence of a 7th-level evil wizard's charm monster would save at -2 if this spell is cast by a 9th-level rhabdomancer). If the saving throw is successful, then the caster only learns of the presence, if any, of ensorceliment but nothing more. A failed saving throw reveals the exact nature of the spell, including effects, duration, and sphere of origin. In addition, the rhabdomancer has a 5% chance per level of further discerning the identity of the ensorceliment's caster. The information discovered would be that of race, class, relative magical strength, and alignment. A dowsing check may also be rolled then and if successful, the location and (common, not true) name of that spelicaster is also learned. Should a creature or object be under more than one magical effect, a dowsing check is necessary to pierce each such spell. A failed roll means that nothing more can be learned after the first charm or curse has been discovered.

Dig (Evocation)

Level: 4
Components: V, S, M
Range: 3"
Casting Time: 4 segments
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Special
Area of Effect: 5, cube per level of the magic-user

Explanation/Description: A dig spell enables the caster to excavate 125 cubic feet of earth, sand, or mud per round. The hole thus dug is a cube 5' per side. The material thrown from the excavation scatters evenly around the pit. If the magic-user continues downward beyond 5', there is a chance that the pit will collapse: 15%/additional 5' in depth in earth, 35%/additional 5' depth in sand, and 55%/additional 5' depth in mud. Any creature at the edge (1') of such a pit uses its dexterity score as a saving throw to avoid falling into the hole, with a score equal to or less than the dexterity meaning that a fall was avoided. Any creature moving rapidly towards a pit area will fall in unless it saves versus magic. Any creature caught in the center of a pit just dug will always fall in. The spell caster uses a miniature shovel and tiny bucket to activate a dig spell and must continue to hold these material components while each pit is excavated.

Dimension Door (Alteration)

Level: 4
Components: V
Range: 0
Casting Time: 1 segment
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Spell caster

Explanation/Description: By means of a dimension door spell, the magic-user instantly transfers himself or herself up to 3" distance per level of experience of the spell caster. This special form of teleportation allows for no error, and the magic-user always arrives at exactly the spot desired -whether by simply visualizing the area (within spell transfer distance, of course) or by stating direction such as "30 inches straight downwards," or "upwards to the northwest, 45 degree angle, 42 inches." If the magic-user arrives in a place which is already occupied by a solid body, he or she remains in the Astral Plane until located by some helpful creature willing to cast a dispel magic upon the person, for he or she is stunned and cannot successfully perform any spell casting. If distances are stated and the spell caster arrives with no support below his or her feet (i.e., in mid-air), falling and damage will result unless further magical means are employed. All that the magic-user wears or carries, subject to a maximum weight equal to 5,000 gold pieces of non-living matter, or half that amount of living matter, is transferred with the spell caster. Recovery from use of a dimension door spell requires 7 segments.

Dispel Illusion (Abjuration)

Level: 4
Components: V, S
Range: 1/2"/level
Casting Time: 4 segments
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: This spell is similar to the 3rd-level illusionist spell of the same name. A magic-user attempting to dispel an illusion is considered at two levels below his actual level with respect to illusion/phantasm spells cast by an illusionist.


Level: 4
Components: V,S,M
Range: 3" + 1"/level
Casting Time: 4 Segments
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

This spell is a variation of the 1st level spell. It behaves in a similar fashion except as noted here. 2 missiles are generated per 2 levels of the caster. The caster must have BOTH hands free to cast the spell as missiles alternate shooting from each hand. If either hand is not free, the spell acts as a normal 1st level Magic Missile spell. All missiles MUST be expended at the time of casting, no holding of shots is possible. The missile will shoot forth, disregarding all intervening obstacles and strike its target, as long as it can "find" a clear path to the target and the caster can see the target. The caster may "spray" the shots to attack multiple targets, but one missile is lost (shot into) per hex separating the targets (as machine gun fire).

Damage is d4+1 per missile. The material component of the spell is 1 ounce of lead and is lost when the spell is cast.

Empath (Necromantic/Alteration)

Level: 4
Components: V,S,M
Range: Touch
Casting Time : 5 rounds
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw : None
Area of Effect: Creature touched

Explanation/Description: The empath spell enables the caster to transfer a certain loss in hit points from another creature to himself, thus curing the recipient. Up to 2 hp per level of the spell-caster may be transferred, so a 10th-level magic-user could cure his friend of a 20-hp wound (but the magic-user will then take 20 hp in damage himself). The hit-point loss could have originally resulted from physical attacks, certain poisons, spell effects, diseases, or curses (except those that cannot be removed by remove curse). This spell cannot restore amputated limbs, drained life levels, or death. It also cannot undo any continuously acting poison or disease, so the spell only temporarily reverses such harm, which will then continue to affect the victim.

If the caster is brought below zero hit points by use of empath, he begins to die. No effect results from casting empath on the deceased character.

The material components of this spell are hair and blood from both the recipient and the caster, two newt eyes, and two wolf teeth (each from a different animal). The components disappear in the casting of the spell.

Enchanted Weapon (Alteration) Reversible

Level: 4
Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 1 turn
Duration: 5 rounds/level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Weapon(s) touched

Explanation/Description: This spell turns an ordinary weapon into a magical one. The weapon is the equivalent of a + 1 weapon but has no bonuses whatsoever. Thus, arrows, axes, bolts, bows, daggers, hammers, maces, spears, swords, etc. can be made into enchanted weapons. Two small (arrows, bolts, daggers, etc.) or one large (axe, bow, hammer, mace, etc.) weapon can be affected by the spell. Note that successful hits by enchanted missile weapons cause the spell to be broken, but that otherwise the spell duration lasts until the time limit based on the level of experience of the magic-user casting it expires, i.e. 40 rounds (4 turns) in the case of an 8th level magic-user. The material components of this spell are powdered lime and carbon.

Encrypt (Illusion/Phantasm)

Level: 4
Components: V,S,M
Range: 1 "plus 1"/level
Casting Time: 4 segments (plus writing time)
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: See below

Explanation/Description: By means of this spell, a normal message containing up to 66 characters or letters (about fifteen words) written on parchment, stone, or the like can be made unreadable (even to magics such as comprehend languages, read magic, and true seeing) to all but the spell-caster, any being or beings named in the message (regardless of the caster's wishes in this regard) and a specific recipient being, who must be named aloud and pictured mentally by the caster at the time of casting. Such a message will appear to all others as an illegible, smudged area radiating a dweomer.

A cryptic message will remain until erased magically, willed to disappear by the caster (who may be at any distance, but must be on the same plane to do so), or a dispel magic is cast so that the message is within its area of effect. Weathering and other physical effects such as burning, scrubbing, or defacing the smudged area will not destroy the message as long as the actual surface it was written on survives (encrypt can be safely cast on any reasonably stable surface, such as stone, wood, or paper; but not usually with success on messages scrawled in soot, dust, or snow); it will still be clearly legible to those identified above.

The message does not glow or in any way attract attention to itself - an intended recipient may well not see it if not looking for a message or not chancing to look in the right place. A message encrypted in a language not known to the intended recipient is not made understandable by means of this magic; nor will it magnify script too small for the recipient to read. The text of a spell may not be encryptically concealed, but writing related to magic such as spell ink formulae, magic-item command words, and directions for magical processes such as enchanting a certain item or constructing a golem may be so concealed.

No part of any message longer than the first 66 characters will be obscured or protected by this magic - attempting to encrypt such an overlong message would result in wastage of the spell; the entire message could be read (or destroyed) normally. Additional writing in the same area after the spell is cast will not affect an encrypted message - thus, a second message can be written on top of an encrypted one to further conceal the former, without rendering the original message unreadable by those for whom it is intended. Morever, adding words or characters to a message known to be encrypted will not cause it to appear; the additions will remain clearly visible and the original will remain concealed. Multiple encrypt spells cast on the same or adjacent areas will not allow messages longer than 66 characters to be concealed - rather; when a second encrypt spell is cast, the concealed message of the first encrypt spell will vanish forever, replaced by the second message. "Adjacent" in this case extends to areas of effect that are up to 10 feet distant, so that different walls in a small room cannot be used to encrypt multiple messages. Different sides of a wall or object cannot be used, either, unless the distance separating them is more than 10 feet. Writing used in encrypted messages can be very large or very small, written on walls, mountainsides, or even small bones or slivers of wood, and still be concealed so long as the maximum of 66 characters is not exceeded.

Encrypt may be used to conceal messages written by others, regardless of time elapsed since the writing, and will be effective in obscuring even runes deeply graven in stone, or letters formed by patterns of colored mosaic riles. In such a case, the surface will appear faded, stained, discolored, or even covered with a smoky, sooty deposit so that the message is concealed. As aforementioned, no amount of physical cleaning will reveal the concealed message. The figure given for range in the above text is the distance at which the caster can obscure a message with the encrypt spell.

A true seeing spell will reveal clearly the outlines of an encrypt spell's dweomer, but will not allow the message to be read, unless the viewer can deduce by the shape of the dweomer what is concealed. Written or graven symbols can be encrypted, but magical symbols or glyphs will be unaffected. And encrypt will conceal, but not harm, the efficacy of protective pentagrams, thaumaturgic triangles, and the like.

If the caster of encrypt writes the message to be concealed himself or herself, this writing must be done directly; the spell cannot cause it to be magically written from afar. The material components for this spell are a pinch of dust or grey lint "fluff," and a feather, and are consumed in the casting.

Evard's Black Tentacles (Conjuration/Summoning)

Level: 4
Components: V, S, M
Range: 3"
Casting Time: 8 segments
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 30 sq. ft. per level of caster

Explanation/Description: By means of this spell the caster creates many rubbery, black tentacles in the area of effect of the dweomer. These waving members seem to spring forth from the earth, floor, or whatever surface is underfoot - including water Each tentacle is 10' long, AC 4, and takes as many points of damage to destroy as the magic-user who cast the spell has levels of experience. Furthermore, there will be one such tentacle for each of the levels of experience of the spell caster Any creature within range of the writhing tentacles is subject to attack. If more than one target is within range of a tentacle, the probability of attack on each is determined and the result found by die roll. A victim of a tentacle attack must make a saving throw versus spell. If this succeeds, the victim takes 1-4 hit points of damage from initial contact with the tentacle, and it then is destroyed. Failure to save indicates that the damage inflicted will be 2-8 points, the ebon member is wrapped around its victim, and damage will be 3-12 points on the second and succeeding rounds. Since these tentacles have no intelligence to guide them, there is the possibility that they will entwine any object - a tree, post, pillar - or continue to squeeze a dead opponent. Once grasped, a tentacle remains wrapped around its chosen target until the tentacle is destroyed by some form of attack or it disappears due to the expiration of the dweomer's duration. The component for this spell is a piece of tentacle from a giant octopus or giant squid.

Extension I (Alteration)

Level: 4
Components: V
Range: 0
Casting Time: 2 segments
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: By use of an extension I spell the magic-user prolongs the duration of a previously cast first, second, or third level spell by 50%. Thus, a levitation spell can be made to function 11/2 turns/level, a hold person spell made to work for 3 rounds/level, etc. Naturally, the spell has effect only on such spells where duration is meaningful.

Fear (Illusion/Phantasm)

Level: 4
Components: V, S, M
Range: 0
Casting Time: 4 segments
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: Neg.
Area of Effect: 6" long cone, 3" diameter at end, 1/2" at base

Explanation/Description: When a fear spell is cast, the magic-user sends forth an invisible ray which causes creatures within its area of effect to turn away from the spell caster and flee in panic. Affected creatures are likely to drop whatever they are holding when struck by the spell; the base chance of this is 60% at 1st level (or at 1 hit die), and each level (or hit die) above this reduces the probability by 5%, i.e. at 10th level there is only a 15% chance, and at 13th level 0% chance. Creatures affected by fear flee at their fastest rate for the number of melee rounds equal to the level of experience of the spell caster. The panic takes effect on the melee round following the spell casting, but dropping of items in hand will take place immediately. Of course, creatures which make their saving throws versus the spell are not affected. The material component of this spell is either the heart of a hen or a white feather.

Fire Charm (Enchantment/Charm)

Level: 4
Components: V, S, M
Range: 1"
Casting Time: 4 segments
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Saving Throw: Neg.
Area of Effect: 30'diameter of fire

Explanation/Description: By means of this spell the magic-user causes a normal fire source such as a brazier, flambeau, or bonfire to serve as a magical agent, for from this source he or she causes a gossamer veil of multi-hued flame to circle the fire at 5' distance. Any creatures observing the fire or the dancing circle of flame around it must save versus magic or be charmed into remaining motionless and gazing, transfixed at the flames. While so charmed, creatures are subject so suggestion spells of 12 or fewer words, saving against their influence at -3. The fire charm is broken by any physical attack upon the charmed creature, if a solid object is interposed between the creature and the veil of flames so as to obstruct vision, or when the duration of the spell is at an end. Note that the veil of flame is not a magical fire, and passing through it incurs the same type and amount of damage as would be sustained from passing through its original fire source. The material component for this spell is a small piece of multicolored silk of exceptional thinness which the dweomercraefter must throw into the fire source.

Fire Shield: (Evocation-Alteration)

Level: 4
Components: V, S, M
Range: 0
Casting Time: 4 segments
Duration: 2 rounds + 1 round/level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Personal

Explanation/Description: By casting this spell the magic-user appears to immolate himself or herself, but the flames are thin and wispy, shedding light equal only to half that of a normal torch (15' radius of dim light), and colored blue or green if variation A is cast, violet or blue if variation B is employed. Any creature striking the spell caster with body or hand-held weapons will inflict normal damage upon the magic-user, but the attacker will take double the amount of damage so inflicted! The other spell powers depend on the variation of the spell used:

A) The flames are hot, and any cold-based attacks will be saved against at +2 on the dice, and either half normal damage or no damage will be sustained; fire-based attacks are normal, but if the magic-user fails to make the required saving throw (if any) against them, he or she will sustain double normal damage. The material component for this variation is a bit of phosphorous.

B) The flames are cold, and any fire-boxed attack will be saved against at +2 on the dice, and either half normal damage or no damage will be sustained; cold-based attacks are normal, but if the magic-user fails to make the required saving throw (if any) against them, he or she will sustain double normal damage. The material component for this variation is a live firefly or glow worm or the tail portions of 4 dead ones.

Fire Trap (Evocation)

Level: 4
Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 3 rounds
Duration: Permanent until discharged
Saving Throw: 1/2 discharged
Area of Effect: Object touched

Explanation/Description: Any closable item (book, box, bottle, chest, coffer, coffin, door, drawer, and so forth) is affected by a fire trap spell, but the item so trapped cannot have a second spell such as hold portal or wizard lock placed upon it except as follows: if a fire trap/hold portal is attempted, only the spell first cast will work, and the other will be negated (both negated if cast simultaneously). If a fire trap is cast after a wizard lock, the former is negated, if both are cast simultaneously both are negated, and if a wizard lock is cast after placement of a fire trap there is a 50% chance that both spells will be negated. A knock spell will not affect a fire trap in any way - as soon as the offending party enters/touches, the trap will discharge. The caster can use the trapped object without discharging it. When the trap is discharged there will be an explosion of 5' radius, and all creatures within this area must make saving throws versus magic. Damage is 1-4 hit points plus 1 hit point per level of the magic-user who cast the spell, or one-half the total amount for creatures successfully saving versus magic. The item trapped is NOT harmed by this explosion. There is only 50% of the normal chance to detect a fire trap, and failure to remove it when such action is attempted detonates it immediately. To place this spell, the caster must trace the outline of the closure with a bit of sulphur or saltpeter.

Firedart (Evocation)

Level: 4
Components: V, S, M
Range: 300 yards
Casting Time: 2 segments
Duration: 2 rounds
Saving Throw: 1/2
Area of Effect: Special

This spell brings into being one fiery dagger per level of its caster. These look like 4" long knives whose blades are wavering tongues of flame and which flicker into existence around the caster's head and shoulders. They can't harm the caster who creates them or cause harm to any non-living material (they can't ignite wood, cloth, paper, or anything else) but are deadly to living and undead targets.

These firedarts fly at targets chosen by the caster. They must be visible to the caster as speilcasting begins, but they need not be so after; the firedarts follow and seek them, at MV Fly 20 (A), THAC0 4, two attacks allowed (the second only if the first misses). Contact with any magical barrier or spell effect, or passing out of spell range, causes a firedart to vanish instantly and harmlessly.

A firedart that misses on both its attack attempts fizzles out and vanishes harmlessly, wasted. One that strikes deals 1d4 hp piercing damage and is quenched, its magic expended. The target is allowed a saving throw vs. spell, and if (and only if) that save fails, the dart also inflicts 1 d4+1 hp fire damage.

A caster can elect to hurl each firedart at a different target, or group them in attacks against various targets, or even save some to attack on the second round of the spell. All of the firedarts vanish when they miss or hit, or if they haven't been fired when the spell expires (the firedart spell ends instantly if the caster casts another spell during that second round). Decisions about the targets of firedarts saved until the second round need not be made until that second round, but the targets are still limited to creatures visible to the caster when the spell is first cast.

A common use of this spell is to strike out at a group of warriors attacking the caster, saving some firedarts to send against warriors who are still attacking after the first "wave" of firedarts have struck.

The material components of a firedart spell are a fragment of flint and a feather. The feathers may be of any size and from any source.

Fistandantilus's firequench (Abjuration, Alteration)

Level: 4
Components: V,S,M
Range: 10 yards/level
Casting Time: 2 segments
Duration: 4 rounds
Saving Throw: Special
Area of Effect: 40-radius sphere

This spell extinguishes fire and prevents combustible materials from igniting. Normal fires get no saving throw to avoid the spell; blazing arrows, campfires, even burning trees or thatched roofs simply go out when fire quench is cast.

Magical fires get a save to resist the spell, as do the fiery powers of beings from the elemental plane of Fire and all creatures having a natural fire-related power, including fire resistance. Creatures get a normal save vs. spells; for magically induced fires, such as those making up the body of a fire elemental, roll 1d20; the result must be equal to or less than the spell level of the fire's cause for it to ignite or remain alight, or it fails or is extinguished (for this determination only, treat magical items as 6th level unless their powers are specifically stated to be otherwise). Note that fires causes by a fireball or similar spell or effect, once the spell or effect itself has ended or been removed, are considered to be normal fires. This spell can be cast before anticipated fiery attacks reach an area, to prevent them taking effect. The area of effect is fixed once the spell is cast; it can t be moved or travel with the caster. (However, Elminster suspects Dalamar uses a sixth-level variant of this spell that can do just that.)

The material component of firequench can be a piece of ice, a cupped handful of water, a pinch of sand, or a drop of the caster's spittle.

Fumble (Enchantment/Charm)

Level: 4
Components: V, S, M
Range: 1"/level
Casting Time: 4 segments
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: 1/2
Area of Effect: 1 creature

Explanation/Description: When a fumble spell is cast, the magic-user causes the recipient of the magic to suddenly become clumsy and awkward. Running creatures will trip and fall, those reaching for an item will fumble and drop it, those employing weapons will likewise awkwardly drop them. Recovery from a fall or of a fumbled object will typically require the whole of the next melee round. Note that breakable items might suffer damage when dropped. If the victim makes his or her saving throw, the fumble will simply make him or her effectively operate at one-half normal efficiency (cf. slow spell). The material component of this spell is a dab of solidified milk fat.

Geirdorn's grappling grasp (Evocation)

Level: 4
Components: V,S,M
Range: 10'/lvl.
Casting Time: 4 segments
Duration: 2 rds./lvl.
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

This magic brings into being a hand-shaped force, invisible to all but the caster, that can be used to grapple objects and even certain spell effects. Only the caster can direct the hand, which is twice the size of the caster's own left hand. Directing Geirdorn's grappling grasp precludes spell-casting; if such is undertaken, the magical hand merely hangs motionless until concentrated upon again or until the spell expires (control can be assumed and neglected several times, if desired). This hand can move through the air as rapidly as the caster normally moves. The hand can grip but not strike: it cannot even touch living matter, but it can grasp parapets, locks, keys, levers, weapons, etc. with the same strength as the caster. Small objects can be carried about. The hand cannot manipulate things with any delicacy, but it can slow or prevent their movement for one round. Weapons cannot be wielded by the spell force, but the hand can act against any nonliving enemy's weapon so as to cause a -2 to-hit penalty.

The primary use of this spell is to combat the various Bigby's hand spells. This spell can lessen the damage dealt by the Bigby's hand spells by 1d4 + 1 hp. If a Bigby's hand spell causes no damage, Geirdorn's grappling grasp will keep the former from taking effect for one round. The material component of this spell is a glove or a human finger bone.

Hailcone (Evocation)

Level: 4
Components: V,S,M
Range: 1 "/level
Casting Time: 6 segments
Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 3" diameter cone

Explanation/Description: The spellcaster, by use of a pinch of dust (a grain or two of sand will suffice) and a few drops of water, causes large (two-inch and greater diameter) hailstones to rain down in a conical area, from a focus 3" above a surface or desired target downward in a cone opening to 3" base diameter. Creatures within the area of effect suffer 3-30 hit points of damage, and exposed items must save versus a crushing blow to remain undamaged. If the spell is cast in midair, creatures that fly as close as 6" below the focus and within the 3"-diameter area of effect will take 1-10 points of damage. Only fragile items within this area (from 3" to 6" beneath), such as glass or parchment, must make a saving throw. Creatures that fly more than 6" beneath the focus in the area of effect may be struck by hailstones and thereby made aware of the spell effect, but these stones will have no appreciable force and will do no damage.

Hallucinatory Terrain (Illusion/Phantasm)

Level: 4
Components: V, S, M
Range: 2"/level
Casting Time: 1 turn
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 1" X 1"square area/level

Explanation/Description: By means of this spell the magic-user causes an illusion which hides the actual terrain within the area of the spell's effect. Thus, open fields or a road can be made to look as if a swamp or hill or crevasse or some other difficult or impassable terrain existed there. Also, a pond can be made to appear as a grassy meadow, a precipice look as if it were a gentle slope, or a rock-strewn gully made to look as if it were a wide and smooth road. The hallucinatory terrain persists until a dispel magic spell is cast upon the area or until it is contacted by an intelligent creature. Each level of experience of the magic-user enables him or her to affect a larger area. At 10th level, a magic-user can affect an area up to 10" X 10" square, while at 12th level the spell caster affects a 12" X 12" square area. The material components of this spell are a stone, a twig, and a bit of green plant - leaf or grass blade.

Handfangs (Alteration, Necromancy)

Level: 4
Components: S, M
Range: 0
Casting Time: 4 segments
Duration: 1 rnd/lvl
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Caster's hands

Using a flake or chip of bone from any source, and a subtle, almost unnoticeable gesture, the caster of this spell conjures bony fangs or hooked teeth that protrude from the back andlor knuckles of one or both of his hands, or a single other extremity, though the fangs appear only on bare flesh, not beneath footwear or clothing.

The fangs are sharp enough to saw through bindings, tear cloth, or slash opponents (for 1d2 hp damage), but they have a more potent attack: the first time handfangs touch living flesh, they inject a virulent poison that slows a victim for 1d4 rounds (no saving throw) and instantly inflicts 1 hp damage/level of the caster. The poison's effects can be removed by a neutralize poison spell, but slow poison is ineffective; there's nothing to "slow:' This nerve-numbing attack functions only once per casting, not once for each fanged hand.

Hurricane Anchor (Alteration)

Level: 4
Components: V,S,M
Range: 0
Casting Time: 4 segments
Duration: Instant
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Target vessel, 20' long + 10'/caster level

The hurricane anchor holds a ship firmly in place in winds up to 150 miles per hour. The spell prevents damage from the wind and from the tossing sea, but does not provide any protection from flying debris. A ship with a hurricane anchor spell placed upon it can safely weather a hurricane.

The material components are the ship's anchor (not consumed) and a strong piece of steel wire worth at least 5 gp (consumed).

Hypothermia (Evocation)

Level: 4
Components: V, S, M
Range: 50 yds.
Casting Time: 4 segments
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: Half
Area of Effect: 30' radius

When hypothermia is cast, the wizard infuses extreme cold into the bodies of all living creatures within a 30' radius. The extreme cold inflicts an immediate 4d6 hp damage, unless a successful save vs. spell is made, reducing the damage by half. Those creatures failing their saving throw must make a successful System Shock check or lose consciousness for a number of rounds equal to the caster's experience level. Upon regaining consciousness, creatures must take at least five rounds to warm up before they can function normally.

The material component is a small crystal ball worth at least 100 gp. The crystal ball is broken during casting.

Ice Storm (Evocation)

Level: 4
Components: V, S, M
Range: 1 "/level
Casting Time: 4 segments
Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: When this spell is cast, the magic-user causes either great hail stones to pound down in an area of 4" diameter and inflict from 3 to 30 (3d10) hit points of damage on any creatures within the area of effect; or the ice storm can be made to cause driving sleet to fall in an area of 8" diameter and both blind creatures within its area of effect for the duration of the spell and cause the ground in the area to be icy, thus slowing movement within by 50% and making it 50% probable that a moving creature will slip and fall when trying to move. The material components for this spell are a pinch of dust and a few drops of water. (Note that this spell will negate a heat metal spell (q.v.), but its first application will also cause damage in the process.)

Illykur's Mantle (Abjuration)

Level: 4
Components: S,M
Range: 0"
Casting Time: 4 segments
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Aura about caster

Explanation/Description: When Illykur's mantle is called into being, the caster is surrounded by a faintly luminescent aura following the contours (and conforming to the movements) of the caster's body. Spells can be cast out of this field without it having any effect, but spells impinging upon the mantle from without are affected as follows:

the protected caster gains +3 on saving throws versus all Enchantment/Charm spells, +1 on saving throws versus all other spells for which there is normally a saving throw, and suffers only half damage when an electricity-related spell (e.g., shocking grasp, lightning bolt) does affect him. The mantle flares to a vivid (not blinding) white glow when the caster's mind is contacted by the psionic powers of another being, but does not protect against any psionic attacks or effects.

The material component for the spell is a natural (not cut) crystal of gemstone. Note that a small familiar or pet clinging to the spellcaster - there must be physical contact - can be protected by the mantle, but no creature the caster does not wish protected will be shielded by the mantle, and in no case will it protect any such creature (whether a familiar or a normal pet) larger than a pseudodragon.

Laeral's aqueous column (Alteration,Evocation)

Level: 4
Components: V,S,M
Range: 10'/lvl.
Casting Time : 2 rounds
Duration: 10 rnds./lvl.
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 10'-diam. cylinder,10' long/lvl.

By means of this spell, a mage can transmute the air in a particular area into water; a free-standing cylindrical volume 10' in diameter can be created. It will be pure water, either fresh or salty as the caster decrees in casting, and will circulate freely within itself, drawing oxygen into itself to support marine life inside it. The water is held in a cylindrical shape by the spell's dweomer, the cylinder expanding lengthwise with increasing areas of effect, 10' per level of the caster. Multiple spells (cast by the same being or by several spell-casters) can be used to extend the cylinder even further. The column can run horizontally, vertically, at an angle, or even make turns as desired in the casting, but once established its location cannot change.

Creatures and objects can pass freely through the cylinder of water without spilling water or disturbing the stability of the column, but creatures not able to breathe in water are not empowered to do so by this spell. This spell is often used to introduce marine creatures into an otherwise "dry" environment for purposes of imprisonment, conferences, or transportation. The cylinders are usually vertical and may connect with other bodies of water, such as sewers beneath buildings or the sea beneath a ship. At the spell's expiration, the water simply vanishes; marine creatures can thus be stranded. Varying water pressures are equalized by the magic so as to harm neither creatures in the column nor structures entered by the column (a column connected to the sea from a cellar will not then cause the sea to flood the cellar). The material components of this spell are a hair from any sort of creature and a drop of water, spittle, dew, juice, sap, or a tear.

Leomund's Secure Shelter (Alteration - Enchantment)

Level: 4
Components: V, S, M
Range: 2"
Casting Time: 4 turns
Duration: 6 turns/level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 30 sq. ft. per level of caster

Explanation/Description: This spell enables the magic-user to magically call into being a sturdy cottage or lodge, made of material which is common in the area where the spell is cast - stone, timber, or (at worst) sod. The floor area of the lodging will be 30 square feet per level of the spell caster, and the surface will be level, clean, and dry. In all respects the lodging will resemble a normal cottage, with a sturdy door, two or more shuttered windows, and a small fireplace.

While the lodging will be secure against winds of up to 70 miles per hour, it has no heating or cooling source (other than natural insulation qualities). Therefore, it must be heated as a normal dwelling, and extreme heat will certainly affect it, and its occupants, adversely. The dwelling does, however, provide considerable security otherwise, as it will be as strong as a normal stone building regardless of its material composition, will resist flames and fire as if it were stone, and will be generally impervious to normal missiles (but not the sort cast by siege machinery or giants). The door, shutters, and even chimney are secure against intrusion, the two former being wizard locked and the latter being being secured by a top grate of iron and a narrow flue. In addition, these three areas are protected by an alarm spell (qv). Lastly, an unseen servant (qv) is called up to provide service to the spell caster.

The inside of a Leomund's Secure Shelter will contain crude furnishings as desired by the spell caster - up to 8 bunks, a trestle table and benches, as many as 4 chairs or 8 stools, and a writing desk. The material components of this spell are a square chip of stone, crushed lime, a few grains of sand, a sprinkling of water, and several splinters of wood. These must be augmented by the components of the alarm and unseen servant spells if these are to be included in the spell; i.e. string and silver wire and a small bell.

Lesser spelldream (Invocation, Illusion/Phantasm)

Level: 4
Components: V,S
Range: 0
Casting Time: 1 turn
Duration: 1 turn/lvl.
Saving Throw: Special
Area of Effect: One touched creature

This spell is only effective against sleeping beings. It allows the caster to remove any spells of fourth level or less already in effect on the recipient (such as charm person or change self). The spell effects are unraveled slowly, without doing harm to the caster of the spelldream or the recipient, and without triggering any spelltraps or defensive effects. This occurs during an enforced slumber, which can be broken by any physical attack on the recipient (such an event will jolt the recipient into instant alertness). This enforced sIumber is accompanied by dreams, and the caster of this spell can choose one image per level to feature in these dreams typically, the caster shapes a sequence of images showing the recipient how they came to be enspelled, or why the caster has chosen to remove those spells). While a spelldream is unfolding in the recipient's mind, his mind cannot be contacted or influenced by any other being. Thus, a wizard can pass information to a recipient who is under magical thought-surveillance without risk of the information being detected.

When the spell is cast, the recipient is allowed a save vs. spells with a -5 penalty. If the save succeeds, the spell is lost, and the intended recipient instantly awakens.

Life Force Transfer (Necromantic)

Level: 4
Components: V,S,M
Range: 12"
Casting Time : 4 segments
Duration: Instant.
Saving Throw : None
Area of Effect: One creature

Explanation/Description: This spell allows the caster to transfer some of his life-force to another creature. When cast, the spell transfers 1 hp/level of the caster to the target creature, plus an additional 1-4 hp. The hit points are added to the target's current hit-point total and deducted from the spell-casters. Thus, a 7th-level magic-user can transfer 8-11 hp from himself to another creature. The caster can transfer only as many hit points as he currently has; if he purposefully or accidentally transfers more, his current hit-point total plus 1-4 hp are transferred to the target, while that amount is subtracted from the caster's total (and the caster begins to die). The target creature cannot gain more hit points than its full normal total; such extra hit points are merely lost. The magic-user's hit-point losses can be regained by normal healing or magic. After the transfer is complete, the magic-user loses four points of constitution temporarily; each point may be recovered by six turns of rest. If the caster's constitution drops below 3, unconsciousness results and full constitution is not regained for 24 hours. The material component of this spell is a glass tube filled with the caster's blood, which disappears when the spell is cast.

Lightning shield (Evocation, Alteration)

Level: 4
Components: V,S,M
Range: 0
Casting Time: 4 segments
Duration: 2 rds. + 1 rd/lvl.
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: The caster

This spell is identical to the fourth-level spell fire shield (qv.), except that it creates sparks rather then flames around the caster's body, and as noted below:

A.) Sparks are cold, and any lightning-based attacks will be saved at + 2 on the dice, with either one-half or no damage taken. All acid-based attacks are normal, but double damage is sustained. The material component for this version is a small rubber ball.

B.) Sparks are hot, and any acid-based attacks are saved at +2 on the dice, with either one-half or no damage being taken. All lightning-based attacks are normal, but double damage is sustained. The material component is a scale from a black dragon or a small piece of marble.

Type A has black sparks, and type B has bluish-white sparks. Note that this spell does not work in conjunction with a fire shield, and if the caster places both spells upon herself, each cancels the other out in a brilliant flash, negating both magicks and leaving the caster stunned for 1-3 rounds.

Magic Mirror (Enchantment - Divination)

Level: 4
Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 1 hour
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: By means of this spell, the magic-user changes a normal mirror into a scrying device similar to a crystal ball. The details of the use of such a scrying device are found on p.141 of the DM0 under the description for the crystal ball. The mirror used must be of finely wrought and highly polished silver of a minimum cost of 1,000 gp. This mirror is not harmed by casting of the spell as are the other material components - the eye of a hawk, an eagle, or even a roc, and nitric acid, copper and zinc (cf. 5th-level cleric spell magic font and 2nd-level druid spell reflecting poof). The following spells can be cast through a magic mirror: comprehend languages, read magic, tongues, infravision, and ultra vision. The following spells have a 5% chance per level of the caster of operating correctly if cast through the magic mirror: detect magic, detect good/evil, message, and detect illusion. There is a chance of the target realizing he or she is being watched. The base chance for a target to detect any crystal ball-like spell is listed in the crystal ball item description, with the following additions: A cavalier has a base 50% chance of detecting scrying and a barbarian has a base 1% chance.

Major Disarm (Abjuration)

Level: 4
Components: S, M
Range: 10 yards/level
Casting Time: 8 segments
Duration: 5 rounds/level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 10' x 10' x 10' cube/level

This spell temporarily suspends the function of large mechanical traps (deadfalls, pits, etc.), rendering them harmless for the spell's duration. All such traps whose triggers fall within the spell's area of effect are rendered ineffective, although magical traps and smaller devices are not affected. Only traps that have a physical trigger of some kind can be disarmed. Thus, a pit trap with a collapsing floor can be disarmed, but a pit with an illusion covering the top cannot. Poison needles, traps, and other small devices are not affected in any way by the spell.

Mana Orb

Level: 4
Components: V,S
Range: 0
Casting Time: 1 round
Duration: until dispelled
Saving Throw: none
Area of Effect: caster

Explanation/Description: This spell creates a dull, glowing field of energy around the caster. The orb of energy creates a contained environment in which the memorization of spells may take place in half of the normal amount of time. The orb blocks out all outside noises and other distracitons which might normally have interrupted the re-memorization process. The only spell which may not be regained while in the orb is mana orb itself. If the plane of energy is ever broken, then the orb is dispelled. This included movement on the caster's part (normally when he has finished memorizing spells and is ready to get on with other business).

Massmorph (Illusion/Phantasm)

Level: 4
Components: V, S, M
Range: 1 "/level
Casting Time: 1 turn
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 11' X 1" square/level

Explanation/Description: When this spell is cast upon willing creatures of man-size or smaller, up to 10 such creatures per level of experience of the magic-user can be made to appear as normal trees of any sort. Thus, a company of creatures can be made to appear as a copse, grove, or orchard. Furthermore, these massmorphed creatures can be passed through - and even touched - by other creatures without revealing the illusion. Note, however, that blows to the creature-trees will reveal their nature, as damage will be sustained by the creatures struck and blood will be seen. Creatures massmorphed must be within the spell's area of effect. Unwilling creatures are not affected. The spell persists until the caster commands it to cease or until a dispel magic is cast upon the creatures. The material component of this spell is a handful of bark chips.

Merald's Murderous Mist (Evocation)

Level: 4
Components: V, S, M
Range: 0
Casting Time: 4 segments
Duration: 2 rounds
Saving Throw: Neg.
Area of Effect: 2" radius sphere

Explanation/Description: A billowing cloud of misty vapors is created by the use of this spell; it radiates outwards from the caster to fill a 2" radius spherical area above and below the caster's ground level, penetrating all obstructions in only 2 segments; at the end of the round of casting the magic takes effect, and the mist changes in hue from blue-gray to green, becoming poisonous. All breathing creatures within the area of effect not possessing a (magical) separate air supply - except the caster, who is immune to the effects of his or her own murderous mist - must immediately save vs. spell. Those who save are unharmed. Those who do not take 2-8 points of damage from the vapor, which is corrosive to flesh but does not affect clothing or items. Creatures which can't move out of the area of effect within the round take a further 1-4 points of damage on the following round, as the vapors begin to combine with the air and disappear. The globe of murderous mist is a magically bound, precise area unaffected by natural or magical winds. Dispel magic or part water will cause it to disappear before expiration of the spell, and various magics or items (such as rope trick or a portable hole) will protect an individual by providing escape from the mist, but it is otherwise unaffected by natural or magical forces.

Minor Globe Of invulnerability (Abjuration)

Level: 4
Components: V, S, M
Range: 0
Casting Time: 4 segments
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 1 " diameter sphere

Explanation/Description: This spell creates a magical sphere around the caster which prevents any first, second or third level spells from penetrating, i.e. the area of effect of any such spells does not include the area of the minor globe of invulnerability. However, any sort of spells can be cast out of the magical sphere, and they pass from the caster of the globe, through its area of effect, and to their target without effect upon the minor globe of invulnerability. Fourth and higher level spells are not affected by the globe. It can be brought down by a dispel magic spell. The material component of the spell is a glass or crystal bead.

Monster Summoning II (Conjuration/Summoning)

Level: 4
Components: V, S, M
Range: 4"
Casting Time: 4 segments
Duration: 3 rounds + round/level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: This spell is similar to the third level monster summoning I spell (q.v.). Its major difference is that 1-6 second level monsters are conjured up. The material components are the same as those of the lesser spell. There is also a 1-4 round delay.

Northwind (Alteration)

Level: 4
Components: V, S
Range: 0
Casting time: 3 segments
Duration: 1 round per 2 levels
Saving Throw: Special
Area of Effect: 10 yds. + 10 yds. per level

Northwind creates a frigid gust of arctic air that blows forth from the caster in the direction he is pointing. The wind continues to blow for a full round for every two experience levels of the caster. All creatures caught in the wind suffer 1 hp damage for each round they are exposed to it. A successful saving throw vs. spell each round negates the damage but not the physical effects of the northwind. Apart from the cold damage, the area of effect, and the duration, the physical effects of northwind are otherwise equal to the 3rd-level spell gust of wind.

Odeen's Impenetrable Lock (Alteration)

Level: 4
Components: V,S,M
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 3 segments
Duration: Perm.
Saving Throw : None
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: When Odeen's impenetrable lock is cast upon any locking device or mechanism, that device may not be opened by any nonmagical means, nor may it be broken by any mundane force, for the lock is magically strengthened, and the locking mechanism is also caused to continually change shape. This foils any attempt to unlock or pick it. Further, the lock will be unaffected by a knock spell, since the impenetrable lock was specifically designed to counter knock. The spell may be removed by a dispel magic spell cast either by the caster of the impenetrable lock or by a magic-user of at least one level higher than the magic-user who cast the impenetrable lock had attained at the time he cast it. The spell is not affected by extra-dimensional beings.

Note that while thieves cannot pick a lock with this dweomer on it, they are still able to detect that the spell exists as if it were a trap. Upon careful examination, they can note the lock's magical shifting. If the spell is cast on a lock set in a door of some kind, fighters with a strength of 18/ 91 or better will have 50% of their normal chance for opening magically held doors to open it. This chance reflects the possibility that the door might give way at the hinges or that the casing might crumble. Note too that if a magic key is used in an attempt to open the impenetrable lock, the key will be caught fast. Any attempt to remove the key without first dispelling the impenetrable lock will be unsuccessful, save for a limited wish or wish spell, a

time stop spell, or the act of a god, demigod, or some other ultra-powerful being. (Needless to say, no ultra-powerful being would normally even consider such a demeaning task.)

Only one locking mechanism may be affected by this spell. Simple devices such as bars and wedges are merely strengthened by the spell, as they have no locking mechanism. Material components for this spell are three drams of mimic ichor and two drams of doppleganger blood, rubbed on a small gold key. The key is not destroyed in the casting of the spell and may be used by the caster alone to open the lock without first dispelling the magic. Note that if the gold key is used in the casting of any subsequent impenetrable lock spells, it can no longer be used to open previous impenetrable locks.

Othnals spectral dagger (Evocation)

Level: 4
Components: V,S,M
Range: 70'
Casting Time : 4 segments
Duration: 1 rd./level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

This spell consumes a edged metal weapon of any size, sort, or condition-but regardless of what is used as the material component, it creates a translucent dagger-shaped blade of force that either can glow (equal in intensity to a faerie fire spell) or not (initially being nearly invisible; chance to notice is 3 in 10) as the caster wills.

The spectral dagger appears wherever the caster desires within spell range, and moves as the caster wills, at MV Fl 12 (A), striking twice per round with the caster's THACO, but with a +3 bonus. It is considered a +3 weapon for purposes of what it can hit, and deals 1d4 + 3 hp damage per strike.

Otiluke's Resilient Sphere (Alteration - Evocation)

Level: 4
Components: V, S, M
Range: 2"
Casting Time: 4 segments
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Neg.
Area of Effect: 1 ft. diameter sphere per level of caster

Explanation/Description: When this spell is cast, the result is a globe of shimmering force which encapsulates the subject creature - if it is small enough to fit within the diameter of the sphere and it fails to successfully save versus spell. The resilient sphere will contain its subject for as long as its dweomer persists, and it is not subject to damage of any sort except from a rod of cancellation, a wand of negation, or a disintegrate or dispel magic spell. These will cause it to be destroyed without harm to the subject. Nothing can pass through the sphere, inside or out, and the target can breathe normally. The subject may struggle, but all that will occur is a movement of the sphere. The globe can be physically moved either by people outside the globe, or by the struggles of those within. The material components of the spell are a hemispherical piece of diamond (or similar hard, clear gem material) and a matching hemispherical piece of gum arabic.

Phase Trap (Alteration)

Level: 4
Components: V,S,M
Range: 2"
Casting Time: 3 segments
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Neg.
Area of Effect: One creature

Explanation/Description: With a word, a gesture, and the casting of a small transparent colorless gem of not less than 50 gp value into the air (where it is consumed), the spellcaster affects any one target creature possessing the ability to phase-shift ( become astral or ethereal) that is within a 2" radius. (If no such creature is present, nothing will happen, and the spell and gem are lost.) If the creature fails to save vs. spells, it is forced into its opposite phase and magically held there for the duration of the spell. An encountered phase spider, for example, that was "in phase," physically attacking, at the instant of the caster's completing the casting of a phase trap, would be forced "out of phase," and thereby unable to attack, until the expiration of the spell. If it was out of phase (ethereal) when affected, it would be forced back into phase and be vulnerable to physical attack at normal "to hit" odds, until the spell was exhausted.

This spell will affect creatures employing spells or natural powers, and is effective against blink and dimension door, halting creatures employing either completely and forcing them "into phase" on the Prime Material Plane. Creatures who can adjust the molecules of their bodies lose all such powers while phase trapped. These powers include the xorn's and xaren's pass through stone ability, plus the psionic powers of body weaponry, etherealness, and dimension door - but NOT dimension walk or abilities that affect the molecules of other things, such as molecular agitation and molecular rearrangement. After the expiration of a phase trap spell, such powers will return, unless their own duration had elapsed while the phase trap was in effect.

A target creature that is plane shifting, teleporting, or using transport via plants, phase door, or pass plant spells is unaffected, but a creature in an extradimensional space of lesser, limited extent (such as someone embodied in a rope trick spell or a portable hole) will be forced to appear and remain on the caster's plane for the duration of the spell.

Xorn and xaren, and any such creatures that can "phase" their way through solid matter, save versus this spell at -2. Note that the spellcaster need not know or have seen the precise location of a creature, or even be certain of its presence, to affect it. If more than one eligible target is within 2", the phase trap will affect one of them at random - unless the caster perceives only one such creature before or while casting, in which case that creature will be affected.

A creature possessing the potential to become astral or ethereal can be affected by a phase trap if in range when it is cast. The affected creature will be unable to effectively exercise such powers until the spell wears off - regardless of how far the creature might move away from the caster. If the affected creature is a spellcaster with an astral spell, for instance, the spell cannot be used while the victim is phase trapped - and any attempt to do so will ruin and waste the spell. If the affected creature tries to use oil of etherealness or any other phase-shifting magic item, the magic will have no effect until the duration of the phase trap expires.

A creature on the Astral Plane when the phase trap is cast saves versus this spell at a creature on the Ethereal Plane or the Prime Material Plane saves at normal odds.

Plant Growth (Alteration)

Level: 4
Components: V, S
Range: 1"/level
Casting Time: 4segments
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 1" X 1', square area/level

Explanation/Description: Except as noted above, this spell is the same as a third level druid spell, plant growth (q.v.).

Polymorph Other (Alteration)

Level: 4
Components: V, S, M
Range: 1/2"/level
Casting Time: 4 segments
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: Neg.
Area of Effect: One creature

Explanation/Description: The polymorph other spell is a powerful magic which completely alters the form and ability, and possibly the personality and mentality, of the recipient. Of course, creatures with a lower intelligence cannot be polymorphed into something with a higher intelligence, but the reverse is possible. The creature polymorphed must make a "system shock" (cf. CONSTITUTION) roll to see if it survives the change. If it is successful, it then acquires all of the form and abilities of the creature it has been polymorphed into. There is a base 100% chance that this change will also change its personality and mentality into that af the creature whose form it now possesses. For each 1point of intelligence of the creature polymorphed, subtract 5% from the base chance. Additionally, for every hit die of difference between the original form and the form it is changed into by the spell, the polymorphed creature must adjust the base chance percentage by +/-5% per hit die below or above its own number (or level in the case of characters). The chance for assumption of the personality and mentality of the new form must be checked daily until the change takes place. (Note that all creatures generally prefer their own form and will not willingly stand the risk of being subjected to this spell!) If a one hit die arc of 8 intelligence is polymorphed into a white dragon with 6 hit dice, for example, it is 85% (100% - [5% X 8 intelligence] + [(6- 1) X 5%] 85%) likely ta actually become one in all respects, but in any case it will have the dragon's physical and mental capabilities; and if it does not assume the personality and mentality of a white dragon, it will know what it formerly knew as well. Another example: an 8th level fighter successfully polymorphed into a blue dragon would know combat with weapons and be able to employ them with prehensile dragon forepaws if the fighter did not take on dragon personality and mentality. However, the new form of the polymorphed creature may be stronger than it looks, i.e. a mummy changed to a puppy dog would be very tough, or a brontosaurus changed to an ant would be impossible to squash merely from being stepped on by a small creature or even a man-sized one. The magic-user must use a dispel magic spell to change the polymorphed creature back to its original form, and this too requires a "system shock" saving throw. The material component of this spell is a caterpillar cocoon.

Polymorph Self (Alteration)

Level: 4
Components: V
Range: 0
Casting Time: 3 segments
Duration: 2 turns/level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: The magic-user

Explanation/Description: When this spell is cast, the magic-user is able to assume the farm of any creature-from as small as a wren to as large as a hippopotamus - and its farm of locomotion as well. The spell does not give the other abilities (attack, magic, etc.), nor does it run the risk of changing personality and mentality. Na "system shock" check is required. Thus, a magic-user changed to an owl could fly, but his or her vision would be human; a change to a block pudding would enable movement under doors or along halls and ceilings, but not the pudding's offensive or defensive capabilities. Naturally, the strength of the new farm must be sufficient to allow normal movement. The spell caster can change his or her form as often as desired, the change requiring only 5 segments. Damage to the polymorphed form is computed as if it were inflicted upon the magic-user, but when the magic-user returns to his or her own form, from 1 to 12 (d12) points of damage are restored.

Presper's Moonbow (Evocation)

Level: 4
Components: V,S,M
Range: Special
Casting Time: 9 segments
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: This magic is usable only under a night sky in which a moon is present and cloud conditions allow moonlight to reach the ground. Presper's moon bow causes from 1 to 4 (caster's choice) glowing motes, a form of ball lightning, to gather above the caster's outstretched hand. These grow in size and intensity, spinning slowly, during the round that casting takes place, and at this time they resemble dancing lights. On the following round, the caster can elect to direct one or more of the moon-motes at a target, which must be within his view. Such direction is by concentration of will, requiring no speech or gesture. Moon-motes directed at a target will shoot off after it, flying up to 26" per round, and will pursue the target around corners, through obstacles (but not closed portals or the like), and despite confusion spells such as invisibility, mirror image, illusions, etc., striking at +3 "to hit" upon reaching the target.

Each striking moon-mote does 2-8 points of electrical damage (if cast as one of four), 2-12 damage (if cast as one of three), 3-18 damage (if cast as one of two), or 4-24 damage (if cast as a solitary missile), and is considered to be magical for "to hit" purposes. Moon-motes which miss an intended target or are blocked by barriers dwindle harmlessly away to nothingness.

The spellcaster can direct the motes produced by a moon bow at different targets in a round, and must "shoot" at least one per round (but may shoot as many as desired, time permitting) until all the motes are gone. Unused motes hang spinning in the air in front of the caster, within 1 ", and if struck by a lightning bolt or similar electrical discharge while thus waiting, will explode - doing full damage to all within 1 ", including the caster.

On the round after the first mote has been fired, the caster can cast another spell and direct any motes still left, and continue doing both so long as motes are left and spell casting times permit (directing a mote requires 1 segment each round, so spells that take 1 round or longer to cast cannot be used). Using this tactic, a caster with multiple moon bow spells could gather a waiting arsenal of many motes. If a round passes without the caster firing a mote at a target, all motes will dissipate. Note that a caster under the influence of a hold spell could shoot a mote at a target in his present field of vision; that act is a function of vision and intellect, not of movement. A mote that is deliberately struck by a creature or object will discharge, doing full damage to all within 1". The mote has AC -6 for "to hit" purposes. Metal, it must be noted, will conduct the full effects of a mote to anyone in contact with it, regardless of distance.

Although no saving throw is allowed, note that creatures immune to electrical damage or without tangible existence on the plane of casting (e.g., ethereal) will suffer no damage from a mote.

The material components for this spell are a wisp of cobweb, an amber, glass, or crystal rod, and a scrap of fur.

Rael's Polymorphed Arrow (Alteration)

Level: 4
Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 1 turn
Duration: Permanent until used
Saving Throw: Negates
Area of Effect: 1 arrow

Description: This spell polymorphs one small animal (size medium or INT 2 or more will cause the spell to fizzle) per 3 levels of caster (2 at 4th level, 3 at 7th level, 4 at 10th level etc.) into arrows. The animals will remain arrows until shot. When they hit a solid target after being shot from a bow they are reverted into animals again. This causes double normal damage because of the transformation is taking place inside the unfortunate victim. If the animal is poisoned the creature must make immediate saving throw or suffer the poison effects. The animal is then free to do as it pleases, but normally protective animals are usually aggravated enough to attack.

The animals used are usually small poisoned animals, like snakes, small spiders and scorpions.

The material component are the animals to be transformed and as many arrows as the animals. The arrows vanish upon the completion of the spell.

Rael's Rusting Arrow (Alteration, Enchantment/Charm)

Level: 4
Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 1 turn
Duration: Permanent until used
Saving Throw: Special
Area of Effect: 1 arrow

Description: This spell transforms a normal arrow into a magical one.

If the arrow hits a living target it does no damage, but if the arrow hits metal of some sort, the metal in question must save vs. disintegration or be affected as if a rust monster (MM or MC1) had touched it (rust away basically). The area affected by the rust is 1' radius plus 1' per 5 levels of caster (2' at 6th level, 3' at 11th level etc.).

Note that this spell does not affect permanently enchanted metal, unless the caster is 13th level or higher

The material component is the arrow to be affected (it must not have a metal head, bone or stone must be used) and a dried antenna of a rust monster.

Rael's Stoneskin Piercing Arrow (Alteration, Enchantment/Charm)

Level: 4
Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 1 turn
Duration: Permanent until used
Saving Throw: Negates
Area of Effect: 1 arrow

Description: This spell enchants one arrow. That arrow functions as a normal arrow would, except for one thing. It is completely unaffected by the Stoneskin (W4) or the Ironskin (P5) spells. When an arrow enchanted by this spell hits a person protected by one of these spells, normal damage is inflicted, and he or she must save vs. spells or loose 1d4+1 "hits" from the stone/iron-skin. If the save is successful the stone/iron-skin looses only one "hit".

The material component is at least 500 gp worth of diamond dust. and a the arrow to be affected, that must be of the armor piercing sort.

Rael's Stirge Arrow (Alteration)

Level: 4
Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 1 turn
Duration: Permanent until used
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 1 arrow

Description: This spell enchants one arrow only, which must be of the armor piercing type. This spell creates a small compartment in the arrowhead. When the arrow hits a living target, it does only 1d2 hp dmg and sucks out one ounce (ca. 30 ml.) of blood from the target. After filling the compartment the arrow detaches it self and may be recovered later by the archer.

This spell was meant to give the mage an easy and relatively painless method of getting a creatures blood, blood from various creatures being a favorite component for inks to write magical scrolls with.

The material component is the arrow to be affected and a stirges beak.

Rary's Mnemonic Enhancer (Alteration)

Level: 4
Components: V, S, M
Range: 0
Casting Time: 1 turn
Duration: 1 day
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: The magic-user

Explanation/Description: By means of this spell the magic-user is able to memorize, or retain the memory of, three additional spell levels, i.e. three spells of the first level, or one first and one second, or one third level spell. The magic-user can elect to immediately memorize additional spells or ire or she may opt to retain memory of a spell cast by means of the Enhancer. The material components of the spell area piece of string, an ivory plaque of at least 100 g.p. value, and an ink composed of squid secretion and either block dragon's blood or giant slug digestive juice. All components disappear when the spell is cast.

Remote Access (Alteration)

Level: 4
Components: S, M
Range: 10 yards/level
Casting Time: 3 segments
Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw: Special
Area of Effect: Special

This spell allows its caster to reach a distant opponent or object. When it is cast, a small magical window appears at a selected location within the spell's range. In the following round, the spell-caster can either strike through this window with a melee weapon or pull an object back through it. The window may be placed anywhere the caster chooses, so rear attack bonuses may be applicable, including a thief's backstab bonuses. If the caster is a mage/thief, he can attempt a Pick Pockets through 1 opening, although the roll is made at -15% penalty. Objects of up to 1 lb. level of the caster can be drawn through the window. An attempt to retrieve an object currently being held an opponent requires a successful attack roll to succeed. In the event of a succesful grab, the target is still allowed Strength check at a -2 penalty to retain possession of the object.

The window is normally visible or to the spell's caster, though a character using true sight or a similar spell can identify its location. In any event, no one else may attack through the opening, and caster may only launch one round attacks through it. Any attacks made through the opening must be physical no spells of any kind can pass through the window. The window cannot be reoriented after its initial placement, so if a target moves between the time of the spell's casting and the caster's attack, attack might fail.

This window can be opened to locations that the caster cannot currently see but it provides no illumination of its own for viewing such areas. This spell could be used to grab something out of an unopened container, if the container is large enough to hold the caster's hand plus whatever is currently in it. Players should note that blind grabs into chests can be dangerous. This spell can be used to strike someone on the other side of wall of force or similar barrier.

The material component of this spell is a miniature hand carved of ivory, worth 25 gp. It is destroyed in the casting of the spell.

Remove Curse (Abjuration) Reversible

Level: 4
Components: V, S
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 4 segments
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: Special
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: Except as noted above, this spell is the same as the third level cleric spell, remove curse (q.v.).

Repel Undead

Level: 4
Components: V,S,M
Range: 10" + 1 "/level
Casting Time: 4 segments
Duration: instantaneous
Saving Throw: 1/2
Area of Effect: 3" sphere

Explanation/Description: Repel undead is a spell that opens a tiny, instanteous window to the Positive Material Plane, Due to the unique nature of undead and their close tie to the Negative Material Plane, this brief exposure causes damage to all within the area of effect. The size of the gate, and thus the amount of positive energy which passes through, is proportional to the level of the caster. Damage equal 1d4 per level. The material component is a chip of coal.

Repulse Metal (Abjuration)

Level: 4
Components: V, S, M
Range: 0
Casting Time: 4 segments
Duration: 7 rounds
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: See below

By manipulating magnetic forces, the wizard creates a brief burst of magical force that impels all metal within 100 yards to fly away from the caster (except any metal he is carrying) at a rate of 10 yards per round, for seven rounds. Unlike mundane magnetic fields, this force affects even nonferrous metals like gold and lead. The force ceases 100 yards from the caster, so someone 99 yards away would be pushed just 3'.

The force that propels the metal increases as the quantity of metal present increases. For example, a wizard carrying a pouch of 20 sp could prevent himself and his money from being dragged away but a warrior in full plate would be helpless to save himself, and would be flung back. Anyone carrying more than one pound of metal must make a Strength check (with a -1 penalty per pound of metal carried) or be inexorably pushed away from the caster. One check may be made per round, and a roll of 5 or more above what is needed indicates that the person may move toward the spelicaster if he so wishes. Alternatively the metal item or items (a sword, for instance) could be dropped or detached and allowed to fly away.

The material components are three small iron bars and a gold piece that has been cut in half with a magical sword or dagger.

SD'S ACID BALL I (Evocation)

Level: 4
Components: V,S,M
Range: See Below
Casting Time: 3 segments
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: 1/2
Area of Effect: See Below

Upon uttering this spell and hurling a flask of acid, the magic-user causes the flask to break and all creatures within 1/2" take full damage (d6+1/level). All creatures and items must make a Save vs. Magic for half damage (like Fireball). All creatures within 1" take 3/4 damage, within 1 1/2" take 1/2 damage and within 2" take 1/4 damage (saving throw for 1/2 damage applicable in all cases). Range of the spell is equal to the strength of the wizard (a strength 12 wizard can hurl the flask 12"). Note that the wizard himself must throw the flask, he can not have a stronger friend do this for him. Note that about 1/2 oz. of acid is needed and can be natural or synthetic of any corrosive type. Note that damage may be altered slightly due to the type of acid (at DM's discretion). Note that metals save at a minus due to the chemical nature of metals and acids.

Secure (Alteration)

Level: 4
Components: VS,M
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 6 segments
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 30 sq. ft. per level

Explanation/Description: By means of this spell, and employing a small piece of iron (or filings) and a tiny gem (or a like amount of gem fragments or powdered remnants), the spellcaster can make a door chest, or portal secure. An object or area that is secured cannot be opened or passed through by any means except physical destruction of the object or area, or by dispel magic (or a limited wish, alter reality, etc., so worded as to achieve the same effect). Unlike one affected by a wizard lock, a portal that is secured cannot be passed through by magic-users of any level (including the spellcaster), and can be passed otherwise only by avoiding it through astral, ethereal, or dimension-altering means such as blink and dimension door. The dweomer will resist fire, cold, and electrical attacks of natural or magical origin without allowing any damage to the secured item or area. Thus, a closed and secured door will deflect a magical lightning bolt back upon its caster; and will escape unscathed from a fireball blast. Physical attacks upon a secured area will be ineffective - totally negated - for 1 round per level of the caster (beginning with the round after casting). At the end of this time, the secure spell remains, but no longer affords any protection from physical attack.

When a secured area is touched, tested, or attacked in any way, it will flash with a white radiance on all sides and surfaces of the area. A knock spell is ineffective against a secured portal. Any spell, spell-like natural power, or magic item effect that attempts to alter the shape and nature of a secured area will be reflected back upon the caster/user with full effects. If the power affects an area rather than an individual, the user of the power will immediately become the central point of the area of effect. Magical powers that are "reversed" in this fashion include, but are not limited to: enlarge, reduce, levitate, shatter, dig, passwall, stone shape, transmute rock to mud, move earth, stone to flesh, vanish, turn wood, and animate rock. If the magic does not affect living creatures (such as animate rock or move earth), the usage of that magic is simply wasted. Powers that are directly under the control of the user (such as psionics or spell-like natural powers, but not spell casting) will have no effect on a secured area or object, but the power is counted as having been used. In all cases where magic can be "reversed" back upon the user, all those who could he affected are entitled to saving throws if a save is normally allowed against the type of magic in question.

Light magics, magic mouth, Nystul's magic aura, and Leomund's trap cannot successfully be cast within, or upon any surface of, a secured area. Any glyph (of warding), explosive runes, or symbol written upon any surface within a secured area will discharge immediately upon compledon, possibly harming the writer, his companions, or other nearby creatures. A disintegrate spell that destroys a secured area will have the effect of negating the secure spell. A glassee spell will have its normal effect on a secured area. Find traps will not reveal the presense of a secure spell, but detect magic will reveal the extent of its dweomer. Illusions and other spells of concealment can be successfully cast upon a secured area.

Shout (Evocation)

Level: 4
Components: V, M
Range: 0
Casting Time: 1 segment
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Nag.
Area of Effect: 1" x 3"cone

Explanation/Description: When a shout spell is cast, the magic-user empowers himself or herself with tremendous vocal powers. Via the dweomer of the spell, the caster releases an ear-splitting noise which has a principal effect in a cone shape radiating from the mouth of the caster to aS" terminus. Any creature within this area will be deafened for 2-12 rounds and take a like amount (2-12 points) of damage (unless a saving throw is made). Any exposed brittle or similar substance subject to sonic vibrations will be shattered by a shout, eg. a wall of ice. A spell of this nature can be employed but once per day, for otherwise the caster might permanently deafen himself or herself. The material components for casting the shout spell are a drop of honey, a drop of citric acid, and a small cone made from a bull's or ram's horn.

Sleepwalking (Enchantment/Charm)

Level: 4
Components: V, S, M
Range: 10 yds/lvl
Casting Time: 1 turn
Duration: 1 turn/level
Saving Throw: Negates
Area of Effect: One sleeping creature

This spell works only on a sleeping creature. If the sleeper is already dreaming (i.e., affected by a slumber spell or similar enchantment, or at the DM's option), then the victim's saving throw suffers a -4 penalty. When sleepwalking is cast, the caster plants a powerful suggestion in the victim's unconscious, which compels the dreamer to rise without waking and perform simple commands from the caster. These commands can be no more elaborate than those allowed by a suggestion spell. Likewise, commands that the victim physically harm himself immediately negate the spell. Commanding the victim to violate his alignment immediately allows the sleeper a new saving throw at a + 1 to +3 bonus, depending on the severity of the alignment violation. For instance, commanding a sleepwalking paladin to commit murder would allow a new saving throw at +3. But commanding that same paladin to borrow his friend's book without asking permission would grant a new saving throw at only a + 1 bonus.

The material components for this spell are a crushed petal of a blue lotus flower and a drop of honey or a bit of honeycomb.

Smooth Sailing (Alteration)

Level: 4
Components: V,S,M
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 4 segments
Duration: 10 hours
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Target vessel

Smooth sailing provides the target vessel with a calm passage and a normal movement rate through severe storms, without possibility of damage to the ship. It will not work entirely against storms of gale strength or higher. Within the area of effect, gales become severe storms, hurricanes become gales, etc. The ship may still be damaged by such storms, but at least they will be greatly reduced in effect. Note that smooth sailing does nothing to affect the actual weather, it simply provides a smooth path for the ship and for the ship only.

The material component (not consumed) of the spell is a small model of the ship mounted in the middle of a gyroscope. The total assembly must have a value of at least 400 gp. In campaigns where a gyroscope would be an anachronism, the material component (consumed) is a small keg of fine oil worth a minimum of 25 gp. The caster pours the oil into the sea to complete the spell.

Special Effects (Alteration)

Level: 4
Components: V, S
Range: 0
Casting time: 1 round
Duration: 1 turn/level
Saving throw: None
Area of effect: Special

With this spell, the caster can shape the physical characteristics of his fire-work spells. This spell also effects any spell that can be bound by a displayspell. Thus a wall of fog can be formed into a mountain shape, or a starburst can burst into a phalanx of spears. The caster "shapes" his fireworks spells as he casts them, adding half a round to the casting time of each individual spell.

Sphere of eyes (Abjuration, Alteration,Evocation)

Level: 4
Components: V,S,M
Range: 70'
Casting Time : 4 segments
Duration: 1 rd/level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 60'-radius sphere

This spell enables a caster to create a sphere of radiance in which thousands of glistening, glowing eyeballs float, darting and swarming in random directions. Once cast, the sphere of eyes is immobile, and its radiance is at all times equivalent to a silvery-blue faerie fire spell. The eyes are intangible illusions, and do not react to their surroundings.

Any illusion or magical invisibility that comes into contact with a sphere of eyes is instantly and permanently negated. Beings who actually have changed their shapes by use of magic or a natural ability will be seen with a clear, bright silvery-blue "ghost" image of their other form superimposed upon their current one. This spell also negates operating forget, misdirection, obscurement, non-detection and undetectable alignment magics, and allows feebleminded creatures an instant (extra) saving throw to escape the condition. The material component of this spell is an eyeball (from any source).

Starburst (Evocation)

Level: 4
Components: V, S, M
Range: 180 yards + 20 yards/level
Casting time: 5 segments
Duration: 1 round
Saving throw: Half
Area of effect: Sphere up to 800 yards in diameter

Perhaps the most spectacular of the fireworks spells, starburst creates a huge aerial burst of colored sparks. Like bakarapper, it must be fired upward at least 450 angle from the horizontal. The initial effect is a 1' diameter ball of light that explodes at a designated point and sends multicolored sparks outward in a brilliant display. Any creature caught in the area of effect suffers 2d4 hp damage, plus 1 hp damage per level of the caster. The initial ball of light must travel for at least 90' or it fails. The spellcaster can add a thunderclap sound at the casting of the spell, increasing the casting time to 6. The thunderclap causes deafness to all in the area of effect, inflicting on them a 2 point penalty on die rolls.

The material component is a platinum tube of fine workmanship worth no less than 500 gp.

Stoneskin (Alteration)

Level: 4
Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 1 segment
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: One creature

Explanation/Description: When this spell is cast, the affected creature gains a virtual immunity to any attack by cut, blow, projectile or the like. Thus, even a sword of sharpness would not affect a creature protected by stoneskin, nor would a rock hurled by a giant, a snake's strike, etc. However, magic attacks from such spells as fireball, magic missile, lightning bolt, and so forth would have normal effect. Any attack or attack sequence from a single opponent dispels the dweomer, although it makes the creature immune to that single attack or attack sequence. Attacks with relatively soft weapons, such as a monk's hands, an ogrillon's fist, etc, will inflict 1-2 points of damage on the attacker for each such attack while the attacked creature is protected by the stoneskin spell, but will not dispel the dweomer The material components of the spell are granite and diamond dust sprinkled on the recipient's skin.


Level: 4
Components: V,S,M
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 1 hour
Duration: 1 turn/level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 1"

Upon casting this spell upon a gem, the gem will give another person (wizards and non-wizards) the ability to talk to the wizard who cast the spell. The gem must be at least 1000 gp in value. The person can communicate with the caster anywhere on the same plane as the caster. The gem disappears at the end of the conversation. The gem can "hear" within 1" of the location of itself, allowing multiple speakers to communicate with the caster. The spell is initiated by speaking the casting wizards name directly into the gem.

If the wizard should die before the gem is used, the gem will explode causing 1d6/level of the wizard at the time of casting to all within 1".

Tap Menhir (Evocation)

Level: 4
Components: V, S, M
Range: See below
Casting Time: 1-3 rounds
Duration: 1 day per level
Saving Throw: See below
Area of Effect: Caster

This is the first of the spells known to rhabdomancers which allows them to use their dowsing rod to tap into an existing supply of magical energy. Rural traveling mages enjoy the benefitsof this particular spell in regions that harbor rings of stone or monoliths. Such formations are often known to contain latent arcane power. Upon casting this spell, the rhabdomancer has a time period of one day per level to find a suitable menhir, with his dowsing rod leading him in the proper direction. Once at such a site (the spell must be cast again should the duration have run out), the mage can use his rod as a channel between his person and the menhir. Due to the unnatural energies that coarse through his person drawn from the menhir, a system shock roll is required. A failed roll means that the caster could not contain the arcane energy in his person and suffers a loss of half his current hit point total. But should the rhabdomancer be successful, the tapped energy grants him several benefits.

Firstly, the instant recollection of any 1st-level spells used in the past 24 hours

Next, the caster grows in Strength 1-3 points, while he recovers a number of hit points equal to double that amount Finally, the mage makes all saving throws at a +1 bonus. The additional might and saving throw bonus last only a number of days equal to half the caster's level. No benefits are gained if this spell is intoned again before the benefits of first casting have yet to expire. Not all menhirs contain a reservoir of magic necessary for this spell. Some may even have a limited pool to draw from and may be drained after only a few castings.

Thermal Shelter: (Evocation-Alteration)

Level: 4
Components: V, S, M
Range: 0
Casting Time: 1 turn
Duration: 2 rounds + 1 round/level of caster
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 1 hex

Explanation/Description: By casting this spell on a Ruby/Sapphire (see below) a 1 hex protective orb is formed that provides protection from hot/cold. Depending on the material component, the spell has different effects :

A) For protection against heat based attacks a 500 g.p. Ruby is the material component of the spell. Heat-based attacks will be saved against at +2 on the dice, and either half normal damage or no damage will be sustained.
B) For protection against cold based attacks a 500 g.p. Sapphire is the material component of the spell. Cold-based attacks will be saved against at +2 on the dice, and either half normal damage or no damage will be sustained.

Please note that the spell emanates from the gem, not the creature holding it. So (for example) creature A could invoke the spell and hand it to creature B who would now benefit for the duration of the spell.

Also note that during the duration of the spell the gem shrinks in size until it is consumed at the end. If spell is terminated prematurely, the gem is consumed instantly.

To activate the spell the holder of the gem must perform either of these 2 actions :

(1) For protection against heat based attacks ..... a hand waving motion similar to a southern belle fanning herself on a hot summer day with gem in hand (paw/tentacle whatever)
(2) For protection against cold based attacks ..... cupping your hands (paws/tentacles) and blowing into your hands (while holding the gem) similar to warming up hands on a cold winter day.

Thunderlance (Evocation)

Level: 4
Components: V,S
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 4 segments
Duration: See below
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: One creature

Explanation/Description: Casting this spell brings into being a thin shaft of faint grey, shimmering force extending 2" from the caster's pointing finger. This "lance" is weightless and intangible, but if any creature touches or passes through any part of it, the lance vanishes with a loud clap of thundes; and the creature struck is dealt 4-24 hit points of damage. The lance may be willed Out of existence by its caster at any time without any discharge or harm to the caster (although the spell is lost), and disappears in any event if the caster dies, loses consciousness, or begins to cast another spell.

The caster can employ the thunderlance in many ways - held steady as a barrier against some creature's passage or as a tripwire, at ankle height, to stop a pursuer. It is also highly effective when wielded as a weapon; the caster can move his arm and finger about to strike with the lance. In any combat situation against a thunderlance potential victims are regarded as having a base armor class of 10 (before any dexterity adjustments); the blow of the lance is transmitted through armor and shields, and the presence of such protection does not benefit the target of a thunderlance attack. However; the bonuses of magic armor and shields are not negated, and will improve a target's effective AC by the amount of the bonus.

The damage of the lance is a physical blow, as opposed to (for instance) a discharge of electricity. It is fully effective against creatures that are resistant or immune to either blunt weapons or edged weapons (since the lance is actually neither of those).

The touch of a thunderlance destroys a shield spell, wall of force, or minor globe of invulnerability, but the lance itself discharges (vanishes, without damaging anyone) upon such contact. Stronger protective spells (such as anti-magic shell) will also cause the lance to discharge, but will themselves withstand the shock of its strike and remain in existence. A lance penetrates fire, water (including ice and snow), and electrical discharges of natural or magical (e.g., wall of fire, wall of ice) origin without discharging, and thus the caster may strike through such phenomena at an enemy.

Anyone wielding a thunderlance (i.e., spellcasting is complete, but the lance has not yet discharged) cannot be harmed by magic missile spells, regardless of what direction these strike from - their force passes harmlessly through the lance wielder to be absorbed by the lance, increasing the damage it does (by 2-5 hp per missile) when it discharges. This will not occur if the lance wielder has some other magical protection against magic missiles. A lance does not confer any protection against other forms of magical attack, nor can it be passed to any other creature without discharging it - an ally of the caster cannot wield the lance on the caster's behalf.

Transfer Spell

Level: 4
Components: V,S
Range: touch
Casting Time: varies
Duration: 1 day/level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: individual

Explanation/Description: By means of this spell, a magic-user may transfer a spell from his memory to another magic-user's memory. The spell is completely forgotten by the caster and must be re-studied before it may be cast again. The casting time of the spell is one round per level of the spell being transferred. The recipient of the transfer will have use of the spell for one day per level of the transferrer before the spell fades from his memory. in any case, once the transferred spell is cast it is lost.

A magic-user who is gaining a spell of higher level than he has the ability to normally cast must check to see if the spell was properly received. For every level between the recipient's current level and the level at which he would gain the ability to cast the level of spell that is being transferred, there is a 5% chance that he will suffer from some sort of insanity when (and if) the spell is cast. if the spell is received, but for some reason never cast, then there is no chance for insanity. As an example: a 2nd level magic- user is receiving a fireball spell from another magic-user. Since fireball, a third level spell, is not normally accessible until 5th level, there is a 15% chance that the 2nd level character will go insane when he tries to cast the spell.

Transfuse (Apportation)

Level: 4
Components: V, S, M
Range: 3.yards
Casting Time : 1 turn
Duration: 4 hours + 1/lvl
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Two creatures

A more potent version of transpose, this spell allows the transfer of specific parts of a person with those of another human, demihuman, or humanoid. For anyone willing to take the risk, heightened strength, increased willpower, or even a new set of abilities can be magically gained. Unlike transpose, however, there is no reciprocity. Instead of an exchange between two, this spell simply moves something from one person to the other. The recipient's gain is the donor's loss.

Some transfusions are easier than others. At 7th level, the caster can move one of the physical attributes (Strength, Constitution, or Dexterity). At 9th level, he can move one mental attribute (Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma). In either case, for each point gained by the recipient, the donor loses a point, up to a limit of six points by one casting. All benefits or penalties of the altered ability scores apply. (Of course, gaining a mage's high Intelligence does not also confer the mage's spells-but see below.)

Finally, at 12th level, the caster may move one complete ability from one person to another. One ability is defined as one proficiency (weapon or nonweapon); one language; the ability to cast one priest or mage spell once; or one thief or bard ability (Pick Pockets, Open Locks, Find! Remove Traps, Move Silently, Hide in Shadows, Detect Noise, Climb Walls, or Read Languages).

In each case, the success chance for the recipient with a new ability is the same as for the donor who gave that ability, modified by situation. For example, a thief with an 80% chance to Move Silently gives this skill to a fighter in studded leather armor which drops the 80% to 50% (PHB, Table 29).

This spell is not without risks. When the spell expires, the transfused material attempts to return to its natural place-but it might not make it. If the donor is more than three yards away from the recipient, the donor must make a successful saving throw vs. death magic to regain what he donated, with a -1 penalty to the roll for each 100 yards. If the saving throw fails, not only does the donor never regain the lost material, but he must also make an immediate saving throw vs. spells or lose a point of Constitution. The recipient suffers no ill effects from this loss beyond the material originally gained, but he may have alignment problems if he knowingly avoided the donor.

The material component of this spell is diamond dust worth at least 250 gp, consumed in the casting. Casting this spell on an unwilling donor is an evil act.

True Dream (Enchantment/Charm, Divination)

Level: 4
Components: V, S, M
Range: 10 yds/lvl
Casting Time: 4 segments
Duration: 1 hour/lvl
Saving Throw: Negates
Area of Effect: One sleeping creature

When this spell is cast, the recipient experiences a vivid dream relevant to whatever thoughts he held just before sleeping. The dream reveals, however obliquely, the answer to one question or problem, as long as the DM agrees that the answer can come from the dreamer's own subconscious, even through a wildly illogical leap. For instance, if the dreamer wishes to divine the identity of the person who sent him a blackmail note, and the DM decides that the dreamer could intuitively guess that the villain is a merchant who eyed his heavy pouch of gold coins early last month.

The speilcaster is not privy to the results of the dream unless he also casts a successful enter dream spell to observe its effects.

Willing recipients of this spell may attempt to compose their thoughts on a particular subject by making a successful Wisdom check. Success indicates that the dream imagery will address the intended question; failure means that the recipient still experiences a dream, but that it is not relevant to the question.

This spell can reveal a previously forgotten or blocked memory, revealing through dream imagery an important event, conversation, or even a single word important to the dreamer. The exact nature of this recovered knowledge is at the discretion of the DM, who may determine that no such useful knowledge exists for a particular subject. In this case, the DM may devise some colorful but irrelevant vision for the affected character. As an example, a dreamer may experience this spell while thinking of his brother, who died as a child. The true dream could reveal the previously repressed memory of his father killing his brother in a sudden fit of anger.

The material components of this spell are an item valued by the dreamer (the monetary value is irrelevant), a pinch of ground dreamwillow bark and a small amount of silver filings (1 gp value).

True Nightmare (Enchantment/Charm)

Level: 4
Components: V,S, M
Range: 10 yds/lvl
Casting Time: 1 turn
Duration: 1 hour/lvl
Saving Throw: Negates
Area of Effect: One sleeping creature

When this spell is cast, the victim suffers nightmares-not illusions, but genuine terrors from his subconscious. The victim remains asleep, but upon waking he remains exhausted, enjoying no natural healing from rest. Until the victim sleeps undisturbed by nightmares, he suffers a -1 penalty to surprise and initiative and a temporary -1 reduction in all ability scores. These penalties are cumulative for each night spent in the throes of a tme nightmare, but even one night of undisturbed sleep (at least six hours) cancels the ill effects.

Wizards or bards who suffer from a true nightmare cannot refresh their spells until they have had a night's undisturbed sleep.

The material components of this spell are a pinch of ground dreamwillow bark and a small amount of iron filings (1 gp value).

Turnblade (Alteration)

Level: 4
Components: V, S, M
Range: Special
Casting Time: 7 segments
Duration: 8 rounds
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: One weapon

This spell allows its caster to transform any weapon (any object that one being can lift and wield, that has in the past been used to cause damage to a living or undead creature, whether it is a rock or a garden stake or a broadsword) into any weapon of his choice.

The 'new' weapon must be a copy of an item the caster has personally seen before. Its size, appearance, composition and construction (e.g., silver-coated, non-ferrous, or specific to a left- or right-handed user) conform to the turnblade caster's desires, but the new weapon has no magical properties beyond having +3 bonuses on all attack and damage rolls. Its base damage is that of the weapon-form chosen, regardless of size. For damage purposes, treat all weapons not easily classified as a standard weapon type as either a quarterstaff or a club, depending on rough overall size.

This spell is most commonly used to transform a dagger into a long sword +3 or a two-handed sword, or to turn a dagger into an axe when the latter weapon is needed as a tool (i.e., to chop through a door to freedom). The weapon can be wielded by anyone (even against the caster, or in defiance of the caster's wishes) and - even if the caster deliberately chooses to forego the magical bonuses the spell affords - is considered a +3 magical weapon for purposes of determining what creatures it can hit.

A turnblade spell can't be ended before the weapon it affects has existed in its transformed state for eight full rounds. The weapon affected is the material component of the spell - and it is consumed by the magic, vanishing forever when the spell expires.

Ultravision (Alteration)

Level: 4
Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 4 segments
Duration: 6 turns + 6 turns/level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: One creature

Explanation/Description: By means of this spell the magic-user empowers the recipient to see radiation in the ultraviolet spectrum. In night conditions this means that vision will be clear, as if it were daylight, to a range of 100 yards, and shadowy and indistinct from beyond 100 yards to about 300 yards distance. If the night is very dark, with thick clouds overhead, reduction of ultravisual sight is 50%. Where more than about 8 feet of earth or 3 feet of stone interpose between the sky and the individual, such as in virtually any underground area, ultravision allows only vision of the dimmest sort in about a 3-foot radius, since the ultraviolet rays are screened out. (Of course, if an emission source is nearby, the visual capabilities improve accordingly.) Nearby light, including the radiance shed by magic items, tends to spoil ultravision, the brightness of the rays "blinding" the eyes to dimmer areas more distant. The material component for this spell is a crushed amethyst of at least 500 gp value.

Wall Of Fire (Evocation)

Level: 4
Components: V, S, M
Range: 6"
Casting Time: 4 segments
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: This spell differs from the fifth level druid spell, wall of fire (q.v.) only as indicated above and as stated below: the flame color is either violet or reddish blue, base damage is 2-12 hit points (plus 1 hit point per level), the radius of the ring-shaped wall of fire is 1', + 1/4" per level of experience of the magic user casting it, and the material component of the spell is phosphorus.

Wall Of Ice (Evocation)

Level: 4
Components: V, S, M
Range: 1/level
Casting Time: 4 segments
Duration: 1 turn/level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: When this spell is cast, a sheet of strong, flexible ice is created. The wall is primarily defensive, stopping pursuers and the like. The wall is one inch thick per level of experience of the magic-user. It covers a 1" square area per level, i.e. a 10th level magic-user would cause a wall of ice up to 10,' long and 1" high, or 5" long and 2" high, and so forth. Any creature breaking through the ice will suffer 2 hit points of damage per inch of thickness of the wall, fire-using creatures will suffer 3 hit points, cold-using creatures only 1 hit point when breaking through. If this spell is cast so form a horizontal sheet to fall upon opponents, it has the same effect as an ice storm's (q.v.) hail stones in the area over which it falls. Magical fires such as fireballs and fiery dragon breath will melt a wall of ice in 1 round, though they will cause a great cloud of steamy fog which will last 1 turn, but normal fires or lesser magical ones will not hasten its melting. The material component of this spell is a small piece of quartz or similar rock crystal.

Wizard Eye (Alteration)

Level: 4
Components: V, S, M
Range: 0
Casting Time: 1 turn
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: When this spell is employed, the magic-user creates an invisible sensory organ which sends visual information to him or her. The wizard eye travels at 3" per round, viewing an area ahead 050 human would or 1" per round examining the ceiling and walls as well as the floor ahead and casually viewing the walls ahead. The wizard eye can "see" with infravision at 10', or it "sees" up to 60' distant in brightly lit areas. The wizard eye can travel in any direction as long as the spell lasts. the material component of the spell is a bit of bat fur.

Zala's Amberheim (Abjuration)

Level: 4
Components: V, S, M
Range: 0
Casting Time: 2 turns
Duration: 1 hour/level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Caster

Zala invented this spell after a vicious battle with a psionicist, to protect herself. When this spell is cast, a 2'-diameter amber-colored translucent sphere appears around the caster's head, serving as a barrier against all mind-affecting spells and psionic powers, but not illusions or phenomena. While the amberhelm is in effect, no such spell works, nor does any psionic power requiring Contact. Conversely, the wizard cannot affect anyone with his mental powers (if any) while the spell is in effect.

The amberhelm can be dispelled normally, but the only way a psionicist can destroy it is to expend a number of PSPs equal to half the wizard's hit points plus 1d20 points, then make a power check vs. Intelligence. If the check succeeds, the amberhelm is destroyed but feeds back its motive energies, zapping the psionicist for 3d6 hp damage, with no saving throw. The material components are an amber bead worth at least 200 gp, a silver piece, and a parrot feather; the components are consumed in the casting.

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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey /