Colored Lights (Alteration)

Level: Cantrip
Range: N/A
Components: N/A
Duration: N/A
Casting Time 1/2 segment
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: N/A

When this cantrip is used, the caster creates one or more globes of pastel light (cf. magic-users' bluelight cantrip). A single globe of illumination 1 foot in diameter can be brought forth, or a pair of 6-inch-diameter globes, three 4-inch globes, or four 3-inch globes. The caster can cause these globes of light to be of any pastel color Each will illuminate a radius around it equal to five diameters; i.e., a 1-foot globe sheds a 5-foot radius of brilliance, while a 3-inch sphere of light illuminates only a radius of 15 inches. As long as the caster concentrates on the colored lights, the cantrip will remain active, and the globe or globes will float near or rest upon the caster, as he or she desires, within the 1" range. Globes can be moved back and forth, up and down, to and fro as desired. The illumination from any one of them will not cast reflections beyond 1 and the light shed cannot be detected beyond 3". Infravision and ultravision are not affected if light is colored pale blue or pink, but other hues will disturb these visual capabilities. Verbal and somatic components are these: The caster must speak the color and number of globes desired, then speak a magic word (noma, mazda, etc.), while directing the globes with one or more fingers.

Dim (Alteration)

Level: Cantrip
Range: N/A
Components: N/A
Duration: N/A
Casting Time 1/2 segment
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: N/A

By means of a dim cantrip, the illusionist causes a light source to become weaker or the very air to become less permeated by light rays. If light sources are to be affected, then about 6 torches, a medium-sized fire (such as in a fireplace or campfire), 72 candies, or even a light or continual light spell can be affected. The dim cantrip will cause any of the above light sources to at best shed only half their normal radiance for one full round. Torches will burn only as brightly as candles; candles will but glow dimly; a tire will become torchilke in illumination, and all light spells dim to half their normal brightness. Affected light must be within 1" of the caster. He or she must speak a magical phrase (such as bee-row-nout or rhee-oh-stat) and make a downward motion with one hand to effectuate the cantrip.

Haze (Alteration)

Level: Cantrip
Range: N/A
Components: N/A
Duration: N/A
Casting Time 1/2 segment
Area of Effect: 1' cube
Saving Throw: N/A

When a haze cantrip is cast, the atmosphere in the desired area of effect becomes cloudy, as if layered by smoke or filled with floating dust. Any creature attempting to discharge missiles or cast spells at a target screened by such a haze will be affected. The target is 5% harder to hit, so missile discharge is at -1 "to hit" and saving throws are at +1 (or one is given when otherwise none is allowed, although it is only a 5% chance to save in the latter case). Hiding in shadows is 5% more effective when screened by a haze cantrip. The hazy effect lasts but a single round. It must be cast over an area within 1" of the caster. Atmospheric conditions will destroy the haze if applicable - a good breeze, rain, etc. A gust of wind spell will immediately disperse the haze. The caster hums a melody while the hands make passes before the body to effectuate this cantrip.

Mask (Illusion)

Level: Cantrip
Range: N/A
Components: N/A
Duration: N/A
Casting Time 1/6 segment
Area of Effect: One person
Saving Throw: N/A
Area of Effect: One person
Casting Time: 1/6 segment

A mask cantrip enables the caster to alter his or her visage, or the visage of whatever subject individual (human, demi-human, or humanoid) he or she chooses, by means of an illusion. Ears, hair, head shape, facial features, and all such aspects of appearance are affected. The mask will only be detectable if a viewer peers closely or can detect illusion and does so. The effect lasts for 3-6 rounds. The caster touches his or her face, thinks of the desired features, and then speaks a word descriptive of the visage desired.

Mirage (Illusion)

Level: Cantrip
Range: N/A
Components: N/A
Duration: N/A
Casting Time 1/2 segment
Area of Effect: 2 sq."
Saving Throw: N/A

This cantrip lets the caster cause an area to appear to be something other than it is. The mirage cantrip brings an illusionary scene to cover the area. The area must be relatively flat and featureless, and the mirage must be an actual place, in existence at the time, which the caster has actually beheld. A saving throw versus spell is applicable. The cantrip lasts for as long as the caster concentrates, although each round there is a 5~* cumulative chance that it will waver and reveal its true nature. Touching a mirage will instantly dispel the cantrip, as will dispel illusion or dispel magic. The caster must speak a word or two descriptive of the mirage and then make a single pass to cause the magic to begin. It is maintained by concentration alone thereafter.

Noise (Illusion)

Level: Cantrip
Range: N/A
Components: N/A
Duration: N/A
Casting Time 1/6 segment
Area of Effect: 1" radius
Saving Throw: N/A

The caster of a noise cantrip causes illusory sound of whatever nature he or she desires, although it is indistinct and confusing. Thus, he or she can cause a murmuring sound as if many voices were speaking behind a thick door or at a great distance, a rushing sound similar to wings and wind combined, shuffling and scraping as if many people were moving things or walking slowly but at some distant place, etc. All creatures within the area of effect will be subject to the cantrip, but each gets a saving throw. Success negates the noise with respect to the individual. Range is 1" for the cantrip's radius of sound. The caster points a digit at the desired area and then softly makes sounds imitative of the noises desired.

Rainbow (Alteration)

Level: Cantrip
Range: N/A
Components: N/A
Duration: N/A
Casting Time 1/2 segement
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: N/A

By means of this cantrip, the caster brings into being a plane of pastel colors which exactly duplicates a rainbow. He or she can cause this 30-foot-long, 1-foot-wide band of color to arch into a bowed shape, remain a ribbon, twist and turn, etc. In any event, one end of the rainbow must be within 1" of the caster when the cantrip is cast. The colors will glow softly and be visible even in total (normal) darkness. If no motion is desired, the caster may leave the vicinity of the rainbow. If motion is desired, the caster must control it by hand gesture and remain within 1 "of it. The rainbow will last for 1 round and then fade away. All creatures failing to save versus spell will gaze at the rainbow for 1-4 segments, 2-5 if the caster keeps it in motion. Verbal component is a name of power (gar-land, pa gee-lee, etc.), which is spoken while the fingers of both hands form a pyramid.

Two-D'Iusion (Illusion)

Level: Cantrip
Range: N/A
Components: N/A
Duration: N/A
Casting Time 1/6 segment
Area of Effect: 4 sq. "
Saving Throw: N/A

This cantrip is virtually the same as a phantasmal force spell in most respects. The caster creates a two-dimensional illusion of whatever he or she desires. If any viewer sees it from an angle of more than 45o from its horizontal or vertical viewing axis, the nature of the illusion will be immediately apparent. It is dispelled by touch or magic (dispel illusion or dispel magic). It is invisible from the side or the rear, and lasts as long as the caster concentrates upon it. To effectuate the can-trip, the caster must speak a phrase descriptive of the illusion while making a circular motion with his closed hand.

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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey /