Audible Glamer (Illusion/Phantasm)

Level: 1
Components: V, S
Range: 6" + 1"/level
Casting Time: 5 segments
Duration: 3 rounds/level
Saving Throw: Special
Area of Effect: Hearing range

Explanation/Description: Except as noted above, this spell is the same as she second level magic-user spell, audible glamer (q.v.).


Level: 1
Components: V, S, M
Range: 0
Casting Time: 1 round
Duration: 1 turn/level
Saving Throw: Special
Area of Effect: Self

Explanation/Description: Through the duration of the spell the caster can change he coloration to instantly match the background of any new environment, with no effort on the part of the caster aside from the thought. The effect grants a +5 bonus to HIDE talent checks or a +10 bonus to HIDE IN SHADOWS.

Change Self (Illusion/Phantasm)

Level: 1
Components: V, S
Range: 0
Casting Time: 1 segment
Duration: 2-12 rounds + 2 rounds/level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: The illusionist

Explanation/Description: This spell enables the illusionist to alter the appearance of his or her form - including clothing and equipment - so appear 1' shorter or taller; thin, fat, or in between; human, humanoid, or any other generally man-shaped bipedal creature. The duration of the spell is 2 to 12 (2d6) rounds base plus 2 additional rounds per level of experience of she spell caster.

Color Spray (Alteration)

Level: 1
Components: V, S, M
Range: 1"/level
Casting Time: 1 segment
Duration: 1 segment
Saving Throw: Special
Area of Effect: 1/2" X 2" X 2" wedge

Explanation/Description: Upon casting this spell, the illusionist causes a vivid fan-shaped spray of clashing colors so spring forth from his or her hand. From 1 so 6 creatures within the area of effect can be affected. The spell caster is able so affect 1 level or his die of creatures for each of his or her levels of experience. Affected creatures are struck unconscious for 2 to 8 rounds if their level is less than or equal so that of the spell caster; they are blinded for 1 to 4 rounds if their level or number of his dice is 1 or 2 greater than the illusionist; and they are stunned (cf. power word, stun, seventh level magic-user spell) for 2 to 8 segments if their level or number of his dice is 3 or more greater than the spell caster. All creatures above she level of she spell caster and all creatures of 6th level or 6 hit dice are entitled to a saving throw versus the color spray spell. The material components of this spell are a pinch each of powder or sand colored red, yellow and blue.

Dancing Lights (Alteration)

Level: 1
Components: V, S, M
Range: 4" + 1"/level
Casting Time: 1 segment
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: This spell is the same as she first level magic-user spell, dancing lights (q.v.).

Darkness (Alteration)

Level: 1
Components: V, S
Range: 1"/level
Casting Time: 1 segment
Duration: 2-8 rounds + 1 round/level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 15' radius globe

Explanation/Description: Except as noted above, this spell is the same as she second level magic-user spell of darkness (q.v.).

Detect Illusion (Divination)

Level: 1
Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 1 segment
Duration: 3 rounds + 2 rounds/ level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Line of sight 1" wide, 1 "/level long

Explanation/Description: By means of this spell the illusionist is able to see an illusion and know it for exactly that. Note that is can be used so enable others to see illusions as unreal if the spell caster touches the creature with both hands and she creature looks as she illusion while so touched. The material component is a piece of yellow tinted crystal, glass, or mica.

Detect Invisibility (Divination)

Level: 1
Components: V, S, M
Range: 1 "/level
Casting Time: 1 segment
Duration: 5 rounds/level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 1" path

Explanation/Description: Except as noted above, this spell is the same as she second level magic-user spell, detect invisibility (q.v.).

Gaze Reflection (Alteration)

Level: 1
Components: V, S
Range: 0
Casting Time: 1 segment
Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: The gaze reflection spell creates a mirror-like area of air before the illusionist. Any gaze attack, such as that of a basilisk or a medusa, will be reflected back upon the gazer if it looks upon the spell caster.

Hypnotism (Enchantment/Charm)

Level: 1
Components: V, S
Range: 3"
Casting Time: 1 segment
Duration: 1 round + 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Neg.
Area of Effect: One to six creatures

Explanation/Description: The gestures of the illusionist, along with his or her droning incantation, cause from 1 to 6 creatures to become susceptible to suggestion (see the third level magic-user suggestion spell). The suggestion must be given after the hypnotism spell is cast, and until that time the success of the spell is unknown. Note that the subsequent suggestion is not a spell, but simply a vocalized urging. Creatures which make their saving throw are not under hypnotic influence.

Light (Alteration)

Level: 1
Components: V, S
Range: 6"
Casting Time: 1 segment
Duration: 1 turn/level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 2" radius globe

Explanation/Description: This spell is the same as the first level magic-user light spell (q.v.) (cf. first level cleric light spell.)

Phantasmal Force (Illusion/Phantasm)

Level: 1
Components: V, S, M
Range: 6" + 1"/level
Casting Time: 1 segment
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: Special
Area of Effect: 4 square" + 1" square/level

Explanation/Description: Except as noted above, this spell is the same as the third level magic-user spell, phantasmal force (q.v.).

Wall Of Fog (Alteration)

Level: 1
Components: V, S, M
Range: 3"
Casting Time: 1 segment
Duration: 2-8 rounds + 1 round/level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: By casting this spell, the illusionist creates a wall of misty vapors in whatever area within the spell range he or she desires. The wall of fog obscures all sight, normal and/or infravisual, beyond 2'. The area of effect is a cube of 2" per side per level of experience of the spell caster. The misty vapors persist for 3 or more rounds unless blown away by a strong breeze (cf. gust of wind). The material component is a pinch of split dried peas.

Chromatic Orb (Alteration - Evocation)

Level: 1
Components: V, S, M
Range: 0
Casting Time: 1 segment
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: Special
Area of Effect: One creature

Explanation/Description: The chromatic orb spell enables the illusionist to create a small globe of varying hue in his or her hand and hurl it at any opponent he or she desires, providing there are no barriers between the illusionist and the target creature, and that the target creature is within 3" (the longest distance the chromatic orb can be hurled). It is magical, and even creatures normally struck only by +5, +4, etc. magic weapons will be affected by the chromatic orb if it strikes. Magic resistance withstands this spell, of course. At 1 or closer, there is a +3 chance "to hit," at over 1" to 2" there is a chance to strike the target, and from over 2 to the maximum 3" range the chance "to hit" is only +1. If a chromatic orb misses a tar get, it dissipates without further effect. The color of the globe determines its effect when a subject is struck. Low-level illusionists ar4 restricted as to what color orb they can bring into existence by meal

of this spell, although the hues below their level are always available should the choice be made to select a color not commensurate with level of experience. Colors and effects are shown on the table below.

Minimum Level of CasterColor of Orb GeneratedHit Points of DamageSpecial Powers
5thEmerald1-12stinking clouds5

Notes on special powers:

  1. Light equal to a light spell will be generated and persist for 1 round/ level of the caster, and any subject failing to save versus spell will be blinded for the duration.
  2. Heat from the ruby orb will melt up to 1 cubic yard of ice, and creatures not saving versus spell will suffer a loss of 1 point of strength and 1 point of dexterity (or-i "to hit" and AC) for 1 round following being struck by the orb.
  3. Fire from the orb will set aflame all combustibles within a 1' radius of the target, and unless the target saves versus spell an additional 2 points of fire damage will be suffered (except when protected from fire by magical or natural means).
  4. The target subject will suffer blindness for 5-8 rounds unless a successful saving throw versus spell is made (cure blindness or dispel magic negates this effect).
  5. A magical stinking cloud of 5' radius (around the target) is created when a successful hit is made, and the subject must save versus poison or else be helpless, and in any event will be helpless until leaving the area of the vapors (of. stinking cloud spell).
  6. The turquoise orb inflicts electrical damage, and if the target is wearing ferrous metal it will be magnetized for 3-12 rounds unless a saving throw versus spell is successful. Magnetized metal will stick fast to other magnetized metal items, and non-magnetized ferrous metal items will cling until pulled free.
  7. Unless a saving throw versus paralyzation is made, the subject creature will be paralyzed for 5-20 rounds.
  8. The subject creature will be turned to stone unless a saving throw versus petrification is made, and even if the save is made, the subject will be slowed for 2-8 rounds (cf. slow spell).
  9. The subject creature will die unless a successful saving throw versus death magic is made, and even if a save is made, the subject will be paralyzed for 2-5 rounds.

The material component of the spell is a gem of the appropriate hue, or else a clear crystal one (such as a diamond). The gem can be as small (in value) as 50 gold pieces as long as its color is appropriate.

Phantom Armor (Alteration/Illusion)

Level: 1
Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 1 round
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: One person

Explanation/Description: When this spell is cast, the illusionist creates a quasi-real suit of plate mail. This semi-illusory material covers the subject and actually gives some real protection unless the opponent actively disbelieves in the armor (saves versus spell), or else a dispel illusion or dispel magic spell is cast upon it, or a wand of negation affects it. Until gone, or disbelieved, the armor protects the wearer as if he or she were in plate mail (AC 3, and armor type 3 as well). For each level of the spell caster, the phantom armor will absorb 1 point of damage delivered by a blow which would otherwise hit armor class 3. When the phantom armor has absorbed as many points of damage as the spell caster has levels of experience, it is dispelled and vanishes. Any remaining and all additional damage accrues to the person. Additionally, phantom armor allows a bonus of +1 on saving throws versus all attack forms which would be similarly modified by magic armor. The dweomer in no way affects the movement or spell-casting abilities of the wearer It is not subject to rust monster attack (and such may enhance disbelief). The spell will not function with any other form of magical protection. The material component is a small plate of mithral (10 gp value) which disappears when the spell is cast.

Read Illusionist Magic (Divination) Reversible

Level: 1
Components: V, S, M
Range: 0
Casting Time: 1 segment
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: This spell is the same as the 1st level magic-user spell read magic, except that it applies only to spells usable by and used by illusionists, as well as to various other inscriptions written in illusionist-type magic script by illusionists.

Spook (Illusion/Phantasm)

Level: 1
Components: V, S
Range: 0
Casting Time: 1 segment
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: Neg
Area of Effect: One creature within 1 "of the illusionist

Explanation/Description: A spook spell enables the illusionist to play upon natural fears to cause the subject creature to perceive the spell caster as someone or something inimical. Without actually knowing what this is, the illusionist merely advances threateningly upon the subject, and if a successful saving throw versus spell is not made, the creature will react by rapidly turning and fleeing in as opposite a direction from the illusionist as possible (effects as a wand of fear, though items carried are not dropped). Although the spell caster does not actually pursue the fleeing creature, a phantasm from its own mind will do so. However, each round after the initial casting of the spook spell the creature is entitled to another saving throw, and each such saving throw is at a cumulative +1 per round, until the subject successfully saves versus spell and the spell is broken. In any event, the spell will function only against creatures with intelligence of not less than 1.

Color Blindness (Illusion/Phantasm)

Level: 1
Components: V
Range: 3"
Casting Time : 1 segment
Duration: 3 turns
Saving Throw : Neg.
Area of Effect: 1 creature

Explanation/Description: The color blindness spell causes the recipient creature to be unable to distinguish colors. All vision is in black and white. Various cure spells cannot remove this effect, and only a successful dispel magic or dispel illusion can remove the defect before the spell's expiration if the creature fails its initial saving throw against this spell. The negative effects of this spell can be difficult to moderate but can be important. Normally, many gems, beasts, potions, banners, plants, and so on are distinguished from similar things by color; a being who is color-blind is unable to use color to distinguish between them. The positive effects of color blindness include a + 2 (or + 10%) bonus in locating concealed or camouflaged objects, and a -2 (or - 10%) penalty assessed against persons hiding in shadows from the color-blind person. Thus, brownies (invisible in natural surroundings) can be seen on a 10% chance, while shadows are only 80% undetectable. Likewise, color-blind characters other than elves and half-elves have a 1 in 6 chance of finding secret or concealed doors, while color-blind elves and half-elves get a +1 to do this. The surprise potential of opponents is affected if they use camouflage to enhance their chance of surprise.


Level: 1
Components: V,S,M
Range: 6"
Casting Time: 1/2 segment
Duration: instantaneous
Saving Throw: none
Area of Effect: individual

Explanation/Description: Through the use of this spell, the illusionist is able to momentarily deceive a person into seeing something which is not real. The illusion so generated may not be overly large or complex, but it is foolproof. For example, if used upon someone who is under attack, the illusionist might cause the victim to see, out of the corner of his eye, a sword blade descending towards his right side while the true attacker is actually attacking the left side. in game terms, the attacker would receive + 4 "to hit". A person might also be made to believe that he sees a hole in the ground just in front of him as he runs along (dexterity save or trip in an attempt to try to avoid it).

Minor Telekinesis

Level: 1
Components: S
Range: 1"
Casting Time: 1/2 segment
Duration: 1 segment/level
Saving Throw: neg.
Area of Effect: up to 10 gp. weight

Explanation/Description: By use of minor telekinesis, the caster can move an object by force of will. The object cannot weigh more then 10 gp. The caster can move the object anywhere so long as it is in range of the spell. The material component is a few grains of sand. This spell can be particularly handy when used in conjunction with the shell and pea game...


Level: 1
Components: V,S
Range: 1"
Casting Time: 1 segment
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: none
Area of Effect: individual

Explanation/Description: Except as noted above, this spell is identical to the 2nd level magic-user spell nimbleness.

Phantasmal Pose (Illusion)

Level: 1
Components: V,S
Range: 60 yds. + 10 yds. per level
Casting Time: 1 segment
Duration: 10 seconds per level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: The caster

The phantasmal pose spell creates a simple illusion of the spellcaster standing still, in either a battle ready or disinterested-looking pose, at the point where the spell was cast. If the caster stays within a 5' radius of his illusory duplicate, he is invisible and inaudible during the duration of the spell. This provides an opportunity to cast a spell or take another action without being seen or heard. Once this action has been completed, or the duration is reached, the duplicate vanishes, it also vanishes if the spellcaster moves farther than 5' away from the illusion.

The illusion of the spellcaster Is only visual and limited to one of the two poses. As stated above, it makes the actions of the spellcaster silent within a 5' radius of the spot where the duplicate stands. No others are affected by this silence. There is no saving throw.

Russo's shriek (Illusion/Phantasm)

Level: 1
Components: V
Range: 10'/lvl.
Casting Time: 1 segment
Duration: 1 rd./lvl.
Saving Throw: Special
Area of Effect: Hearing range

This specialized form of an audible glamer spell is released by the caster with only minimal utterance. Thus, casting it is all but silent, untraceable, and requires a minimum of concentration (enabling it to be cast during melee or when the caster is in pain, constrained, or the like). The magic causes a shrieking, crying, shouting, or other verbal utterance. The spell-caster must emit all of these sounds while memorizing (not casting) the spell, and he cannot subsequently alter them. Once cast, the sounds cannot be ended before the spell expiration. The sounds carried by this magic are limited to those produced by the caster's voice (although mimicry is possible), and are typically used to produce shouted warnings or cries to suggest a fight or attack "offstage;' or the presence of unseen intruders, so as to distract opponents of the caster.

Shadow Mastery

Level: 1-7
Components: V,S
Range: up to 1"/level
Casting Time: 1 seg./spel/ lvl
Duration: see below
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: one shadow

Explanation/Description Shadow Mastery is not an individual spell but is rather a sequence of spells. There is one individual spell for each spell level of one through seven. The spells are among the more complicated of those that illusionists use and may only be learned through gradual association with the Plane of Shadow. For this reason, each spell is a pre-requiste to the to the following spell, ie. the second level banish shadow may not be properly used until the first level reshape is learned and neither of these may be learned until the cantrip distort is fully understood. Also, the illusionist who wishes to master these spells of shadow must have a minimum intelligence of 17. two points higher than the normal minimum for iliusionists. The casting time involved with each spell is a number of segments equal to the level of the individual spell, ie. the fifth level shadow weapon takes five segments to cast. The cantrip takes only 1/2 of a segment to cast. No material components are required for any of these spells. The illusionist who eventually learns all of the shadow spells detailed below comes to be known as a Shadow Master. Currently, there are only two known iillusionists who have gone so far as to learn the awesome eclipse spell. The individual spell description follow:

cantrip: distort (duration = concentration, maximum of 6 rounds plus one per level). Distort does just that to a shadow. By using this cantrip, the illusionist may make it seem as if a being's shadow were being created from some light source other than the one which is truly creating the real shadow. For example, the focal point might be placed behind the subject of the spell so as to elongate the shadow and make it seem to those who can only see the shadow, and not the subject, that the subject is actually very large. By learning this cantrip, the potential Shadow Master has just begun to be able to manipulate "shadow-stuff" as he wishes.

first level: reshape (duration = one round per level). Now, instead of just having a basic understanding of how shadows function and how they may be altered with other effects, the illusionist is now able to manipulate the shadow stuff itself. Reshape allows the caster to change the outline of the shadow that a being or object casts. A man's shadow may therefore be altered so that it looks like the shadow of a lion, centaur, or even a dragon! The size of the new shadow is limited, however, by the level of the caster. At first level, the illusionist may only create a shadow of equal volume to the size of the current shadow (current shadow size = CSS). For each level above the first, the illusionist may enlarge the shadow by one CSS. Therefore, at the second level of ability the size of the shadow is doubled, at third it is tripled, etc.

second level: obscure/banish shadow (duration x obscure - one round per level, banish - permanent). This spell actually has to be given two separate, yet related names, for it serves in two separate but related capacities. Obscure Shadow allows the caster to make the shadow of the subject of the spell disappear so that no shadow is cast by that person/object. Banish Shadow allows the caster to actually dispel, permanently, one shadow (as detailed in the Monster Manual). The shadow receives no saving throw vs. this effect as the illusionist has come to truly have insight on the workings of shadow and is beginning to be able to control it in truly sorcerous ways.

third level: animate shadow (duration = one round per level). With Animate Shadow, the illusionist has come to a firm understanding of the intricacies involved in mastering shadow. He is now able to actually manipulate the shadow as if it were a physical object. The usual way in which the shadow is manipulated is as a rope-like object which is caused to wrap around the body of the person casting the shadow. The strength of the shadow which is being manipulated depends upon the caster's mastery, ie. it has one point of strength per level of the caster. The shadow remains as untouchable as any normal shadow so it may not be physically broken. The tangibility which this spell grants the shadow is entirely sorcerous. The only way to escape the shadow (other than having another shadow wielding illusionist cast animate shadow to reverse the effects of the first) is to slip out of it. The strength of the shadow is subtracted from the captured being's dexterity. A d20 save must be less than or equal to this number in order for escape to be successful. The shadow originally hits its target as if the illusionist who animated it were attacking armor class 10. There are other possibilities for this spell which are left to the imaginations of new inductees to shadow wielding.

fourth level: form shadow monster (duration = until dispelled - either by caster or by target). This spell allows the illusionist to actually alter the normal shadow of a person or being into a shadow that has all of the properties and abilities of the shadow monster (as in the Monster Manual). This new shadow will be under the control of the illusionist and will be unable to attack anyone but the being from whose true shadow it was created. The monster attacks at + 2 "to hit" and may add the level of the illusionist who created it to its normally allotted hit points. This monster will remain in existence until one of the following occurs - 1) the caster dispels it, 2) it is killed, or 3) it kills the one it is attacking. In the latter case, the being who was killed will become a shadow permanently and be under the control of the illusionist.

fifth level: shadow weapon (duration = as long as it is being used to attack with, must be at least once every two rounds). The shadow weapon spell allows the caster to form a weapon out of any nearby shadow. The weapon may be wielded by anyone, but is most effective when wielded by the caster or some other creature related to shadow in some way. The weapon, no matter what actual variety, will drain one point of strength from the target upon each hit. This point of strength is transferred to the wielder in such fashion that it allows future hits to cause one extra hit point of damage. Therefore, after three successful hits with the weapon, the wielder will cause + 3 hit points of damage. The weapon is always + 2 "to hit" no matter how much may ever receive is equal to the level of the spell caster.

sixth level: form shade (duration = same as form shadow monster).

This spell is actually just the same as form shadow monster in most respects. The difference, however, is a major one. instead of the true shadow turning into a shadow monster, the true shadow becomes a shade (as in Monster Manual II). The shade will have abilities and statistics based upon the level, etc. of target of the spell. The shade still receives the + 2 "to hit" the target because of his familiarity with the being. A being killed by the shade does not become a shade under the control of the illusionist. The being, rather, is simply dead.

seventh level: eclipse (duration = one round per level): This spell has little to do with the actual manipulation of shadow but is concerned more with the creation of shadows. This spell actually allows the caster to eclipse the sun (or suns as the campaign world might require) for a time equal to one minute per level. The light conditions which are created equal "shadowy light" as explained in the Monster Manual II under "shade". This spell requires tremendous concentration and is obviously very potent.

After learning all of the above spells, the illusionist may thereafter call himself a Shadow Master. Upon becoming a Shadow Master, the illusionist will be given a "pet" Shadow Mastiff by the Powers of Shadow. The mastiff will be loyal to the illusionist and may not be controlled by any other(s). Also upon becoming a Shadow Master, the illusionist is able to research and create more spells dealing with the control of shadow because of his detailed knowledge of its workings. Some spells which have been rumored to exist include shadow form (which allows the caster to take on the two dimensional and intangible properties of a shadow), surrogate shadow (which causes a being's shadow to be susceptible to harm, ie. attacks directed at the shadow must hit vs. an armor class that only takes the being's dexterity into account and damage done to the shadow is transferred to the being who casts the shadow), and the deadly shadow storm (which is rumored to be able to suck the strength out of several strong men in mere moments).

Tunnel Vision (Illusion/Phantasm)

Level: 1
Components: V,S
Range: 1"
Casting Time: 2 segments
Duration: 3 turns
Saving Throw : Neg.
Area of Effect: 1 creature

Explanation/Description: This spell reduces the recipient creature's field of vision to the area that is directly in front of it, a space 600 wide. All peripheral vision is replaced with a gray shading. Consequently, the creature's armor class is reduced by -4 against all opponents but those the creature directly faces, and at very close quarters (e.g., in hand-to-hand combat), its armor class is reduced by -1 (even against beings the recipient meets face-on). Various cure spells cannot remove this effect, and only a dispel magic or dispel illusion can remove the defect before the spell's expiration if the creature fails its initial saving throw vs. spells. This defect allows for surprise and back-stabbing attacks to be made from the side (thieves and assassins, take note). Saving throws against back or side attacks are made at -2 (except for those vs. poison).

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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey /