Animal (Conjuration/Summoning)

Level: Cantrip
Range: 1/2 mile
Components: V,S,M
Duration: 2 turns
CT 1 round
AE: Special
Saving Throw: Neg.

This orison allows the druid to summon up to 2 HD of mammals, birds, or reptiles to his area. The animals are not under the druid's control. They may, however, be subjected to further spells cast by the druid after they arrive. The components of this spell are an oak leaf and a small bit of food.

Animal command (Enchantment/Charm)

Level: Cantrip
Range: 1"
Components: V
Duration: 1 round
CT 1/3 segment
AE: 1 Animal
Saving Throw: None

This orison (except as noted) is the same as the clerical spell command. It effects only animals of low intelligence or less.

Bird call (Evocation)

Level: Cantrip
Area of Effect: Special
Casting Time: 1/2 segment

By means of this cantrip, the druid is able to imitate the call of any of a number of common, feathered creatures. The druid must have already heard the sound of the bird to be imitated sometime in his career, and may only imitate one type of bird with each casting. The spell lasts only 2-5 segments, and the area of effect depends upon the caster's ability to project sound. The somatic gesture consists of clasping both hands around the mouth while the lips are puckered to create a whistling noise when breath is exhaled.

Bless meal (Alteration)

Level: Cantrip
Range: 1"
Components: V,S,M
Duration: Perm.
CT 1 round
AE: 1" sq. area
Saving Throw: None

This allows the caster to bless a meal, including drink, so as to give those that eat it a +1 saving throw vs. any poison or diseases it may contain, even if one is not normally allowed.

Cause rash (Alteration)

Level: Cantrip
Area of Effect: One person
Casting Time: 1/2 segment

The reverse of a heal rash cantrip, this spell causes a red, itchy rash to appear on one of the extremities of the victim. The rash is, for all practical purposes, the same as that caused by exposure to a rash-causing plant and must be treated in the same manner. A leaf of poison ivy, oak, or sumac is hidden on the subject's person; the druid then makes a scratching motion across his own arm while naming the arm or leg to be infected.

Consecrate (Invocation)

Level: Cantrip
Range: 1"
Components: V,S
Duration: Perm.
CT 1 round
AE: 1" sq. area
Saving Throw: None

This orison is used to consecrate any material component that may be needed for use in spell-casting (such as mistletoe, holly, and oak leaves). It is also cast before offering any special sacrifices or before beginning any special quests. It offers no benefits per se, but all affected items radiate a faint dweomer, as will any who have embarked on a special mission. Druids will recognize the dweomer if a detect balance spell is cast, and will offer any aid to those so marked.

Disguise scent (Alteration)

Level: Cantrip
Area of Effect: Caster
Casting Time: 1/10 segment

By employing this cantrip, the druid is able to neutralize his particular body odor for a period of one round. Animals that normally rely on the sense of smell to detect the presence of strangers will not be aware of the druid, and any creature or object the druid encounters while the spell is in effect will not absorb his aroma. The caster goes through the motions of pouring an imaginary liquid into his cupped hand and splashing it on his body, while humming a short ditty.

Disinfect (Alteration)

Level: Cantrip
Area of Effect: One person
Casting Time: 1/10 segment

When cast on a minor wound, this cantrip does nothing to heal the injury; it does, however, prevent the wound from becoming infected. At this point, the wound will heal at the normal rate even though it is not bandaged or kept clean. Somatic gestures consist of the caster sucking on the index finger of one hand while pointing to the wound with the other.

Drywood (Abjuration)

Level: Cantrip
Area of Effect: 1 cubic foot of wood
Casting Time: 1/5 segment

This cantrip enables the caster to dry pieces of wood that may be either too green or too damp to be ignited. Once treated, the wood may be burned as if it had been dried for several months. The somatic gesture consists of performing a sawing motion with the material component; a small torch or flame must also be placed over the wood to be affected.

Edible plant (Divination)

Level: Cantrip
Area of Effect: One plant
Casting Time: 1/2 segment

When cast on a plant, this cantrip allows the druid to determine whether or not consuming that type of vegetation would endanger his health. Note that even if only certain parts of the plant (such as the berries or leaves) were to be dangerous, the entire plant would register as inedible. Also, such things as grass or maple leaves, while normally not eaten, would still be revealed as edible, since their consumption would cause no actual harm. The somatic gestures consist of pointing to the plant to be identified while making a chewing motion with the mouth.

Elemental shield (Abjuration)

Level: Cantrip
Range: 0
Components: V,S,M
Duration: 1 round
CT 1 segment
AE: The caster
Saving Throw: None

This orison gives the caster 8 hp of protection from all types of attacks based upon any of the elements (air, earth, fire, and water). The attack may be from a magical or nonmagical source.

Find water (Divination)

Level: Cantrip
Range: 100 yards
Components: V,S,M
Duration: 1 turn
CT 4 segments
AE: 100 sq. yards
Saving Throw: None

By means of this orison, the druid can locate large amounts of water, fresh or otherwise, within 100 yards. The druid requires a consecrated branch of wood cut in the form of a "Y". The water must be of at least 10 gallons in volume and is not guaranteed to be fresh or drinkable.

Flame finger (Alteration)

Level: Cantrip
Range: 0
Components: S
Duration: 1 round
CT 1/3 segment
AE: The caster
Saving Throw: 1/2

This orison has two applications. The first creates a small flame on the end of the caster's forefinger. This flame cannot be extinguished while the druid holds it. The druid has one round to transfer the flame to any combustible material or the flame dies. Once transferred, the flame becomes nonmagical and is subject to wind, water, and other means of being extinguished. The second application is very rarely used because of the great danger involved. The druid may imbue the flame with some of his own lifeforce. This causes the flame to become magical, making it capable of striking any creature as though the target was AC 10. The druid can then hurl the flame up to 3', and must successfully hit the creature. Magic resistance applies, and a successful saving throw vs. magic negates half the damage. The amount of damage done varies with the amount of lifeforce transferred. The druid takes 1 hp of damage for every hp of effect he wishes the flame to have. Furthermore, the druid must make an unmodified saving throw vs. death or permanently lose 1/4 of all hit points given to the flame. These lost hit points can only be regained by level advancement; no magic of any type will restore the lost hit points. This application of the orison may only be cast once per day. Both applications of this orison require only somatic components, as the flame is drawn from the lifeforce of the caster.

Haze (Alteration)

Level: Cantrip
Range: 0
Components: V,S
AE: 3" radius
Saving Throw: None

A druid may cause a haze to envelop his person for two rounds by means of this orison. This haze gives the druid the benefit of + 1 to AC and + 1 to saving throws.

Heal rash (Alteration)

Level: Cantrip
Area of Effect: One person
Casting Time: 1/2 segment

By casting this cantrip, the druid may heal any rash caused by exposure to an irritating plant (such as poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac). In order for the spell to work, the rash may not be spread over more than 20% of the total body area of the recipient. The material component, a drop of milkweed fluid, is applied to the affected area while the caster gives a deep sigh.

Holy dart (Alteration)

Level: Cantrip
Range: Touch
Components: V,S,M
Duration: 1 round
CT 1/2 segment
AE: One dart
Saving Throw: None

By means of this orison, the druid may enchant a special consecrated holy dart to become a magical dart +1 for one round. If not used before the expiration of the orison, the dart reverts to its normal state.

Horn (Evocation)

A of E: Special
CT: Special

A haunting-sound horn cantrip causes the sound of a non-existent horn or trumpet being winded to be heard within 2" (6" if loud). The pitch, volume, apparent distance (echo and muffling), and length of note (only a single call is permitted) are all controllable by the caster. The caster faintly or inaudibly hums a tone to set the pitch, and then opens his or her mouth into an 0-shape while cupping the fingers of one hand over it. The trumpet call will last as long as the mouth is open in an 0. The volume and steadiness of the note are controlled by the fingers (which flare open to increase volume, and pinch shut to mute it) and can be shaken to give a tremulous note. A caster practiced in the use of this cantrip can imitate horn blasts perfectly.

Humidity (Alteration)

Level: Cantrip
Range: 1"
Components: V,S
Duration: Perm.
CT 1 segment
AE: 1" rad. sphere
Saving Throw: None

The druid may cause all objects in the area of effect to become damp and slippery. This remains in effect until the area naturally dries out. The reverse is also possible, with the druid drying an area that remains dry until naturally becoming wet.

Judgment (Divination)

Level: Cantrip
Range: Touch
Component: V,S,M
Duration: 1 turn
CT 1 segment
AE: 10' radius
Saving Throw: Neg.

This orison allows the druid to hear a dispute and render what he would consider a fair judgment. The disputers are allowed a saving throw vs. magic; otherwise, they agree to the druid's settlement. If the disputers make their saving throws, they may ask for another judgment or may seek another judge. Both participants must willingly submit themselves to the judgment, or the orison has no effect.

Listen (Alteration)

AofE: 1 creature
CT 1/10 segment

A person-affecting listen cantrip enables the caster to attract the attention of a target creature within 6". The cantrip is activated by the caster's pointing at the target and then at himself, while simultaneously saying, "Ahem." The target will then be alerted to the message subsequently (beginning within 1 segment of the casting) spoken by the caster - i.e., across a wide street or crowded room, etc. The cantrip does not act as a message spell; there must be no barriers to sound between caster and target, and the cantrip does not improve the target's hearing or the volume of the caster's voice - nor does it capture the target's full concentration, so it will not ruin or delay spellcasting. If the message is spoken in a language not understood by the target, the cantrip does not translate it. The cantrip is ideal for alerting a friend to the presence of the caster. A listen cantrip will never be cast upon the wrong target due to movement during the caster's pointing; the caster's view of the target determines the target.

Liven (Alteration)

Level: Cantrip
Range: Touch
Component: V,S,M
Duration: 1 turn
CT 1 round
AE: 1 plant
Saving Throw: None

By means of this orison, the druid may restore life to any one plant; if applicable, he may also cause that plant to bring forth fruit. After one turn, the plant returns to its original state, and any fruit not consumed turns to dust.

Mark path (Enchantment)

Level: Cantrip
Area of Effect: One object
Casting Time: 1/3 segment

This cantrip allows the caster to place a small mark on an object, such as a rock or tree, for the purpose of marking a path. The mark is completely harmless and remains invisible until the caster or another druid passes within 10' of the spot. At this time, the mark appears briefly as a glowing arrow, pointing in the direction the caster has chosen. Once the mark has revealed itself, the spell is concluded. The somatic gesture consists of the caster lightly drawing a small arrow with his fingertip on the object to be marked, while whistling a jaunty traveling song.

Parch (Enchantment)

Level: Cantrip
Area of Effect: One person
Casting Time: 1/3 segment

The opposite of the quench spell, this cantrip causes the unlucky subject to experience an intense thirst - no matter how recently he has drunk something. Lips crack, and the mouth and throat become dry until such time as a quantity of liquid is again consumed. The somatic gesture consists of the caster gripping his throat while verbalizing a raspy, choking sound.

Pet (Enchantment/Charm)

Level: Cantrip
Range: 1'
Component: V
Duration: 1 turn
CT 1 segment
AE: Special
Saving Throw: Neg.

This orison allows the druid to calm one animal of up to 2 HD, domesticating the animal for one turn. The animal must have a low intelligence or less. Any attacks on the animal break the orison.

Preserve (Alteration)

Level: Cantrip
Range: Touch
Components: VS
Duration: Perm.
CT 1 round
AR: 1' square
Saving Throw: None

This orison is used to preserve those material components of an animal or vegetable nature for future use. Under this orison, these items are not subject to decay. Other forces, such as elemental attacks, may destroy the item, however.

Prod (Evocation)

Level: Cantrip
Range: 1'
Components: V,S,M
Duration Instant
CT 1 segment
AR: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Neg.

This orison produces an electrical spark springing forth from the caster's hand to strike any one creature. This spark does 4 hp of subdual damage and 1 hp of actual damage. (For information on subdual damage, refer to p. 109 of Unearthed Arcana.)

Quench (Enchantment)

Level: Cantrip
Area of Effect: One person
Casting Time: 1/3 segment

This cantrip is used to soothe someone who suffers from the effects of water deprivation. While no water is actually created, cracked lips are softened, and one's dry mouth and throat are moistened, giving the illusion of having partaken of liquid refreshment. The caster verbalizes a "glug, glug" sound in the back of his throat, while pretending to pour something into his or someone else's mouth.

Remove pain (Necromantic)

Level: Cantrip
Range: Touch
Components: V,S,M
Duration: 1 hour
CT 2 segments
AE: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None

This orison negates the effects of pain, allowing the recipient to gain 1 hp, but only for the duration of the spell (if the one who receives the orison is currently wounded). This orison cannot help a healthy character.

Repel insect (Alteration)

Level: Cantrip
Area of Effect: Caster
Casting Time: 1/4 segment

This cantrip causes the caster's bodily secretions (sweat, saliva, etc.) to act as a natural repellent to certain types of insects. The effect lasts for one hour, affecting only common insects (flies, mosquitoes, bees, wasps, ants, etc.), and only one type of insect at a time. While the spell is in effect, the insects may still swarm around the caster, but they will not bite or even light on his person. The insect to be repelled must be named in a verbal command, while the caster twirls his index finger around his head in a circle. The material component is the wing or body part of any common insect.

Restful sleep (Necromantic)

Level: Cantrip
Range: Touch
Components: V,S
Duration: 4 hours
CT 3 segments
AE: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None

This orison allows the willing recipient to gain twice the benefits from half the rest; thus, the creature touched gains the benefits of eight hours of rest from only four hours of actual sleep. The individual may be awakened at any time, and may wake up of his own volition in an emergency. Upon the recipient's awakening, the orison terminates.

Scorch (Alteration)

A of E: 1 object
CT 1/3 segment

This reversed can trip, despite its name, creates neither flame nor heat. Instead, by magically exciting the molecules of any nonliving object (of up to 100 gp weight), it causes the object to char without noise, smell, or smoke. The caster must touch the object ("to hit" roll required if another creature is attempting to protect the object or keep the caster from it), and the object is allowed a saving throw vs. magical fire. If the save fails, the object is consumed. This can trip will readily destroy magical writings such as spell books and scrolls. The verbal component is a hissing noise; the somatic component is merely touching the object to be affected.

Smokeball (Alteration)

Level: Cantrip
Range: 2'
Components: MS
Duration: 1 round
CT 3 segments
AE: 1' radius sphere
Saving Throw: None

This orison brings into being a sphere of dense smoke anywhere within the range that the caster desires. Those within the smoke cannot see or breathe, and must leave the smoke immediately.

Temperature (Alteration)

Level: Cantrip
Range: 0
Components: V,S,M
Duration: 1 turn
CT 3 segments
AE: 1 person
Saving Throw: None

An individual protected by a temperature orison is protected from adverse temperature as though he was wearing a ring of warmth.

Test soil (Divination)

Level: Cantrip
Area of Effect: 1 square yard of soil
Casting Time: 1/3 segment

This type of cantrip allows the druid to determine if a particular section of ground contains the right minerals and components to support healthy plant growth. The balance of acidity to alkalinity may be divined, as well as the amount of fertilizer the soil contains. A small pinch of the dirt to be tested is placed between the caster's lip and gums, and the jaw is worked up and down in a somatic gesture.

Watch (Conjuration/Summoning)

Level: Cantrip
Range: 0
Components: VS,M
Duration: 4 hours
CT 2 segments
AE: 1 animal
Saving Throw: Neg.

The druid is able, by means of this orison, to charge an animal to watch over him while he sleeps (the animal may, however, make its saving throw and ignore the spell). If the animal accepts the charge, it remains alert and awake to the best of its ability. If anyone approaches within 20' of the caster, the creature will attempt to awaken the druid. The animal will not fight for the druid unless it is also attacked. The material component is a small amount of animal food.

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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey /