Animal Growth (Alteration) Reversible

Level: 5
Components: V, S, M
Range: 8"
Casting Time: 7 segments
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Up to 8 animals in a 2" square area

Explanation/Description: When this spell is cast, the druid causes all animals, up so a maximum of 8, within a 2" square area so grow to twice their normal size. The effects of this growth are doubled hit dice (with resultant improvement in attack potential) and doubled damage iv combos. The spell lasts for 2 melee rounds for each level of experience of the druid casting she spell. Note that she spell is particularly useful in conjunction with a charm person or animal or a speak with animals spell. The reverse reduces animal size by one half, and likewise reduces hit dice, attack damage, etc.

Animal Summoning II (Conjuration/Summoning)

Level: 5
Components: V, S, M
Range: 6"/level
Casting Time: 7 segments
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: This spell is the same in duration and effect as the 4th level animal summoning I spell, except that up to six animals of no more than eight his dice each can be called, or 12 animals of no more than four hit dice each can be called.

Anti-Plant Shell (Abjuration)

Level: 5
Components: V, S, M
Range: 0
Casting Time: 7 segments
Duration: 1 turn/level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 16'diometer hemisphere

Explanation/Description: The anti-plant shell spell creates an invisible barrier which keeps out all creatures or missiles of living vegetable material. Thus, the druid (and any creatures within the shell) is protected from attacking plants or vegetable creatures such as shambling mounds or treants. The spell lasts for one turn per level of experience of the druid.

Commune With Nature (Divination)

Level: 5
Components: V, S, M
Range: 0
Casting Time: 1 turn
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: This spell enables the druid to become one with nature in the area, thus being empowered with knowledge of the surrounding territory. Far each level of experience of the druid, he or she may "know" one fact, i.e. the ground ahead, left or right, the plants ahead, left or right, the minerals ahead, left or right, the water courses/bodies of water ahead, left or right, the people dwelling ahead, left or right, etc. The spell is effective only in outdoors settings, and operates in a radius of one half mile for each level of experience of the druid casting the commune with nature spell.

Control Winds (Alteration)

Level: 5
Components: V, S, M
Range: 0
Casting Time: 7 segments
Duration: 1 turn/level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 4"/level radius hemisphere

Explanation/Description: By means of a control wind spell the druid is able to alter wind force in the area of effect. For every level of his or her experience, the druid is able to increase or decrease wind force by 3 miles per hour. Winds in excess of 30 miles per hour drive small flying creatures (those eagle-sized and under) from the skies and severely inhibit missile discharge. Winds in excess of 45 miles per hour drive even man-sized flying creatures from the skies. Winds in excess of 60 miles per hour drive all flying creatures from she skies and uproot trees of small size, knock down wooden structures, tear off roofs, etc. Winds in excess of 75 miles per hour are of hurricane force and cause devastation to all save the strongest stone constructions. A wind above 30 miles per hour makes sailing difficult, above 45 miles per hour causes minor ship damage, above 6~ miles per hour endangers ships, and above 75 miles per hour sinks ships. There loan "eye" of 4" radius around she druid where the wind is calm. A higher level druid can use a control winds spell to counter the effects of a like spell cast by a lower level druid (cf. control weather). The spell remains in force for 1 turn for each level of experience of the druid casting it. Once the spell is cast, the wind farce increases by 3 miles per hour per round until maximum speed is attained. When the spell is exhausted, the force of the wind diminishes at the same rate. Note that while the spell can be used in underground places, the "eye" will shrink in direct proportion to any confinement of the wind effect, i.e. if the area of effect is a 48" radius, and the confined space allows only a 46" radius, the "eye" will be a 2" radius; and any space under 44" radius will completely eliminate the "eye" and subject the spell caster to the effects of the wind.

Insect Plague (Conjuration/Summoning)

Level: 5
Components: V, S, M
Range: 32"
Casting Time: 1 turn
Duration: 1 turn/level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 32" diameter, 4" high cloud

Explanation/Description: Except as noted above, and other than the fact that the material component needed for the spell is mistletoe or the holly or oak leaves substitute, the spell is the same as the 5th level cleric insect plague spell (q.v.).

Pass Plant (Alteration)

Level: 5
Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 7 segments
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: By using this spell, a druid is able to enter a tree and move from inside it to another of the same type which lies in approximately the direction desired by the spell user and is within the range shown below:

Type of TreeRange of Area of Effect

The tree entered and that receiving the druid must be of the same type, living, and of girth at least equal to the druid. Note that if the druid enters a tree, suppose an ash, and wishes to pass north as far as possible (54"), but the only appropriate ash in range is south, the druid will pass to the ash in the south. The pass plant spell functions so that the movement takes only one segment (6 seconds) of a round. The druid may, at his or her option, remain within the receiving tree for a maximum of 1 round per level of experience. Otherwise, he or she may step forth immediately. Should no like tree be in range, the druid simply remains within the tree, does not pass elsewhere, and must step forth in the applicable number of rounds. (See plant door for effects of chopping or burning such a tree.)

Sticks to Snakes (Alteration) Reversible

Level: 5
Components: V, S, M
Range: 4"
Casting Time: 7 segments
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 1" cube

Explanation/Description: Except as noted above, and for the fact that the material component of the spell is typical far druids, this is the same as the 4th level cleric sticks to snakes spell (q.v.).

Transmute Rock to Mud (Alteration) Reversible

Level: 5
Components: V, S, M
Range: 16"
Casting Time: 7 segments
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 2" cube/level

Explanation/Description: This spell turns natural rock of any sort into an equal volume of mud. The depth of the mud can never exceed one-half its length and/or breadth. If it is cast upon a rock, for example, the rock affected will collapse into mud. Creatures unable to levitate, fly, or otherwise free themselves from the mud will sink and suffocate, save for lightweight creatures which could normally pass across such ground. The mud will remain until a dispel magic spell or a reverse of this spell, mud to rock, restores its substance - but not necessarily its form. Evaporation will turn the mud to normal dirt, from 1 to 6 days per cubic 1" being required. The exact time depends on exposure to sun, wind and normal drainage. The mud to rock reverse will harden normal mud into soft stone (sandstone or similar mineral) permanently unless magically changed.

Wall of Fire (Evocation)

Level: 5
Components: V, S, M
Range: 8"
Casting Time: 7 segments
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: The wall of fire spell brings forth a blazing curtain of magical fire of shimmering color - yellow-green or amber in case of druidical magic. The wall of fire inflicts 4 to 16 hit points of damage, plus 1 hit point of damage per level of the spell caster, upon any creature passing through it. Creatures within 1" of the wall take 2-8 hit points of damage, those within 2" take 1-4 hit points of damage. Creatures especially subject to fire may take additional damage, and undead always take twice normal damage. Only the side of the wall away from the spell caster will inflict damage. The opaque wall of fire lasts far as long as the druid concentrates on maintaining it, or 1 round per level of experience of the druid in the event he or she does not wish to concentrate upon it. The spell creates a sheet of flame up to 2" square per level of the spell caster, or as a ring with a radius of up to 1/2" per level of experience from the druid to its flames, and a height of 2". The former is stationary, while the latter moves as the druid moves.

Moonbeam (Evocation - Alteration)

Level: 5
Components: V, S, M
Range: 1"/level
Casting Time: 7 segments
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 1" diameter sphere (plus special)

Explanation/Description: By means of this spell the druid is able to cause a beam of soft, pale light to strike downward from overhead and illuminate whatever area he or she is pointing at. The light is exactly the same as moonlight, so that colors other than shades of black, gray, or white will not be determinable. The spell caster can easily cause the moonbeam to move to any area that he or she can see and point to. This makes the spell an effective way to spotlight something, for example an opponent. While the moonbeam allows shadows, a creature centered in a moonbeam spell is most certainly under observation. The reflected light from this spell allows dim visual perception 1 "beyond the area of effect. The light does not adversely affect infravision, and enhances ultravision to its greatest potential. The material components are several seeds of any moonseed plant and a piece of opalescent feldspar (moonstone).

Spike Stones (Alteration/Enhancement)

Level: 5
Components: V, S, M
Range: 3"
Casting Time: 6 segments
Duration: 3-12 turns + 1/level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 1 "square per level, 1 spike per 1' sq.

Explanation/Description: This spell is the same as the 5th-level clerical spell of the same name.

Animal Quest

Level: 5
Components: V,S,M
Range: 6"
Casting Time: 8 segments
Duration: special
Saving Throw: none
Area of Effect: one animal

Explanation/Description: This spell is similiar to the 5th level cleric spell quest. By means of this spell, the druid is able to cause an animal to perform for him/her. The task cannot be such that it will cause physical harm to the animal unless the animal is a ferocious one and its task is to attack someone. The quest which is assigned to an animal must parallel its true nature. A rabbit, therefore, could not be required to climb a tree and retrieve some items stuck in a high branch. The animal must perform the task if at all possible. Animals do not have the mental power to be able to resist the quest, but if it tries to complete the quest and fails then it is free from the quest. The material component required is mistletoe.

Ceremony: Autumn (Evocation)

Level: 5
Components: V,S,M
Range: Special
Casting Time: Dusk to dawn
Duration: 1 year
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Druid's charge

Explanation/Description: Samain is the autumn harvest festival and the main feasting time of the year, when all the folk assemble to offer their first fruits to the gods. Great bonfires are built on prominent hills, and dancing and drinking go on all night. The harvest's bounty is meant to stave off hunger in the winter. Penalties such as dearth and poverty are administered to the druid's charge for the coming year if this festival is neglected (extra expenses will be accrued, various treasure collected will be deficient in value, etc.). The DM must handle this condition of misfortune throughout the year until the next Samain. Figure at least 100 gp/level of additional unexpected expenses, loss, or misfortune per month in this event.

Cure Rot (Alteration)

Level: 5
Components: V,S,M
Range: 3"
Casting Time: 7seg.
Duration: Perm.
Saving Throw : None
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: This spell is like a more powerful version of the prevent rot spell. If cast upon a wooden object affected by a wood rot spell, this spell completely cures the wood rot at a rate of 1 cubic foot per round until the object is restored to its original condition. At least part of the original wood must be intact for this spell to cure the rot; an object that has totally rotted into dust cannot be cured.

This spell also cures any rotting, decay, or damage to living trees or plants caused by natural disease or living organisms.

Damage is cured at a rate of 1 cubic foot of wood per round, or 1 square yard of plant growth per round. At least part of the original plant life must remain intact for the spell to take effect. This spell may cure up to one acre of plant life, so the spell may treat a small grove of diseased trees or a garden plot partly destroyed by insects. The material components for this spell are mistletoe and a dead woodborer beetle.

Geyser (Alteration)

Level: 5
Components: V,S,M
Range: 12"
Casting Time: 1 turn
Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw: 1/2
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: This spell causes a geyser to erupt from the ground, shooting scalding steam and water high into the air. The geyser will shoot up to a height of 20-80' instantaneously, and continues to spout for 1 round. The area of effect is a function of the geyser's height. The water will fall in a circular pattern around the point of eruption, with a diameter equal to one-half the geyser's height. Creatures hit by the geyser itself take 3-36 hp damage from the scalding water, while creatures within the area of spray take 1-12 hp damage. Successful saving throws vs. breath weapons cut damage from the geyser in half. The geyser itself is 1-4' in diameter where it erupts.

Lightning Strike (Evocation)

Level: 5
Components: V,S,M
Range: 4" + 1 "/lvl.
Casting Time: 3 segments
Duration: Instant.
Saving Throw: 1/2
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: This spell is the same as the third-level magic-user spell, lightning bolt, except for the material components: a piece of tree bark recently struck by lightning, a handful of sand, and three leaves of mistletoe.

Moonweb (Abjuration, Alteration)

Level: 5
Components: V,S,M
Range: 0
Casting Time: 5 segments
Duration: 2 turns/lvl.
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

This spell is used by priests of Selune, the Faerun goddess of the moon and stars. It creates a web of glowing, shimmering strands of silvery light. This moon web cannot be seen through (except by priests of Selune, the goddess herself, and the beings in a protected area), but it doesn't foil magical means of detecting or locating beings and objects.

Any being, weapon, or spell striking a moon web is forced, violently and immediately, back to its source. This includes beings trying to circumvent such a barrier by means of dimension door or teleportation magicks (which are drained and ruined by the moonweb). Weapon attacks directed at or through a moon web rebound for full damage on their wielders. Before rebounding, magical weapons do a moon web 1 hp damage for each "plus" possessed. A moon web can be destroyed by inflicting 1 hp magical damage per level of its caster, or by the application of a dispel magic spell.

Moon webs repel globes of invulnerability and other magical barriers, but any contact between a moon web and an anti-magic shell or any prismatic magic will instantly destroy both spell effects in a spectacular burst of harmless blue sparks and crawling purple lightnings.

If the caster of a moon web is on the same plane of existence as the moon web whenever any being or thing destroys or tries to pass it, the caster gains a clear, vivid mental image of the offending object or being.

This spell affects one touched creature or opening (e.g., a doorway or window) with a surface area of up to one square foot per level. The material components of this spell are a piece of gray or silver hair from any source and a drop of holy water.

Raise Dead Animals (Necromantic) Reversible

Level: 5
Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 1 round
Duration: Perm.
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 1 animal

Explanation/Description: When a druid casts a raise dead animal spell, he may restore life to mammals without souls (meaning all mammals except those that assumed their mammal form by being reincarnated). The druid may restore life to mammals not more than one day dead per level of the druid casting the spell (eg. a 9th level druid could raise an animal that had been dead for upto nine days) The raised creature will have its full hit points returned, has no need for rest, and is not required to make a saving throw. The reverse of this spell, slay living animals, allows the victim a saving throw; if successful, damage sustained by the victim is 3-17 hp. Druids never use this spell to slay neutral animals and usually do not use this spell's reverse except in life-threatening circumstances. The material component of this spell is an herbal paste made of mistletoe, holly, tree sap, and a drop of the druid's blood, which is rubbed on the body of the spell's recipient. In the case of the reversed spell, the druid rubs the paste on his own hands.

Shatter Stone and Metal (Alteration)

Level: 5
Components: V,S,M
Range: 6"
Casting Time : 3 segments
Duration: Perm.
Saving Throw : Neg.
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: This spell causes metal or stone objects, totaling no more than 5 lbs. weight per level of the druid, to explode into shards of sharp projectiles. Items to be affected get a saving throw vs. crushing blow at -1 on the die roll for every two levels of the druid (see the Dungeon Masters Guide, page 80; magical items gain bonuses as noted therein). Creatures standing within 5' plus 1' per 5 lbs. weight of the shattered object are hit by the shards of the item. Shards do 1 hp damage per 5 lbs. weight of the object. Damage taken is reduced by an amount equal to the target's armor class subtracted from 10; thus, AC 5 reduces the damage taken by 5 hp. The material component is a miniature stone hammer.

Sink into Earth (Alteration)

Level: 5
Components: V,S,M
Range: 0
Casting Time: 1 segment
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: The druid casting this spell may choose to sink himself or one nonliving object into the earth for a distance of up to 5' per level, measured from the point at which the object rests on the earth. The object or druid so sunk may come back to the surface at will or automatically so when one day per level of the druid has past. While sunk, the druid or object is completely safe from burrowing creatures or movements in the earth. In addition, the druid enters a state of hibernation, requiring no food or water for the duration of the spell. If a cave or other opening lies beneath the object when this spell is cast, the object drops through the roof of the cave and lands on the floor, taking no damage, whereupon the spell continues where it left off. The material components are a miniature shovel and a bit of earth.

Stonewood (Alteration)

Level: 5
Components: V,S,M
Range: Touch
Casting Time : 8 segments
Duration: Perm.
Saving Throw : None
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: This spell bestows the strength of stone on a given volume of wood without otherwise altering its appearance or weight. A wooden door or wall, for example, would have the sturdiness (and saving throws) of stone. Stonewood affects a maximum of 100 square feet of wood per level of the caster, to a thickness of 1" (or any equivalent numerical combination). Only one object may be so treated per spell. The material components ot this incantation are a gemstone of at least 500 gp value and a small piece of hardwood.

Viper's Bite (Alteration)

Level: 5
Components: V,S,M
Range: 0
Casting Time : 1 segment
Duration: 1 round/3 levels
Saving Throw : None
Area of Effect: Self

Explanation/Description: This spell allows the druid to attack a nearby victim with a vicious bite of magic fangs. The bite does 1-4 hp damage on a normal "to hit" roll. Because the bite is magical, it can hit targets immune to normal weapons. While biting, the druid can make other attacks normally. The bite itself is poisonous, causing a victim to save vs. poison or die. A pair of viper's fangs are required as spell components.

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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey /