Barkskin (Alteration)

Level: 2
Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 3 segments
Duration: 4 rounds + 1 round/level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Creature touched

Explanation/Description: When the druid casts the barkskin spell upon a creature, its armor class improves 1 place because the creature's skin becomes as tough as bark. In addition, saving throws versus all attack forms except magic increase by +1. This spell can be placed on the druid casting it or on any other creature he or she touches. In addition to mistletoe, the caster must have a handful of bark from an oak as the material component of the spell.

Charm Person Or Mammal (Enchantment/Charm)

Level: 2
Components: V, S
Range: 8"
Casting Time: 4 segments
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: Neg.
Area of Effect: One person or mammal

Explanation/Description: This spell will affect any single person or mammal it is cast upon. The creature then will regard the druid who cast the spell as a trusted friend and ally to be heeded and protected. The spell does not enable the druid to control the charmed creature as if it were an automaton, but any word or action of the druid will be viewed in its most favorable way. Thus, a charmed creature would not obey a suicide command, but might believe the druid if assured that the only chance to save the druid's life is if the creature holds back an onrushing red dragon for "just a round or two". Note also that the spell does not empower the druid with linguistic capabilities beyond those he or she normally possesses. The duration of the spell is a function of the charmed creature's intelligence, and it is tied to the saving throw. The spell may be broken if a saving throw is made, and this saving throw is checked on a periodic basis according to the creature's intelligence:

Intelligence ScorePeriod Between Checks
3 or less3 months
4 to 62 months
7 to 91 month
10 to 123 weeks
13 to 142 weeks
15 to 161 week
173 days
182 days
19 or more1 day

If the druid harms, or attempts to harm, the charmed creature by some overt action, or if a dispel magic (q.v.) is successfully cast upon the charmed creature, the charm will be broken automatically. The spell affects all mammalian animals and persons. The term person includes all bipedal human and humanoid creatures of approximately man-size, or less than man-size, including those affected by the hold person spell (q.v.). If the recipient of the charm person/charm mammal spell makes its saving throw versus the spell, its effect is negated.

Create Water (Alteration)

Level: 2
Components: V, S
Range: 1"
Casting Time: 1 turn
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 1 cubic foot/level

Explanation/Description: The druid can create pure, drinkable water by means of a create water spell. He or she creates 1 cubic foot of water for each level of experience attained. The water can be created at a maximum distance of 1" from the druid.

Cure Light Wounds (Necromantic) Reversible

Level: 2
Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 4 segments
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Character touched

Explanation/Description: With the exception of the fact that the druid must have mistletoe (of any sort) to effect this spell, it is the same as the first level cleric cure light wounds spell.

Feign Death (Necromantic)

Level: 2
Components: V, S, M
Range: 1"
Casting Time: 3 segments
Duration: 4 rounds +2 rounds/level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: One creature

Explanation/Description: Except as noted above, this spell is the same as the third level magic-user feign death spell (q.v.). The material component is a piece of dead oak leaf (in addition to mistletoe, of course).

Fire Trap (Evocation)

Level: 2
Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 1 turn
Duration: Permanent until discharged
Saving Throw: 1/2
Area of Effect: Object touched

Explanation/Description: This spell is the same as the fourth level magic-user fire trap spell (q.v.) except as shown above and for the foci that the material components are holly berries and a stick of charcoal to trace the outline of the closure.

Heat Metal (Alteration) Reversible

Level: 2
Components: V, S, M
Range: 4"
Casting Time: 4 segments
Duration: 7 rounds
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: By means of the heat metal spell, the druid is able to excite the molecules of ferrous metal (iron, iron alloys, steel) and thus cause the affected metal to became hot. On the first round of the spell, the effect is merely to cause the metal to be very warm and uncomfortable to touch, and this is also the effect on the last melee round of the spell's duration. The second and sixth (next to the last) round effect is to cause blisters and damage; the third, fourth, and fifth rounds the metal becomes searing hot, causing disability and damage to exposed flesh, as shown below:

Per Round of Exposure
Metal TemperatureDamageDisability
very warmnonenone
hot1-4 hit pointsnone
searing2-8 hit pointshands or feet 2-8 days
Head 1-4 turns unconsciousness
Body 1-4 days

Note also that materials such as wood, leather, or flammable cloth will smoulder and burn if exposed to searing hot metal, and such materials will then cause searing damage to exposed flesh on the next round. Fire resistance (potion or ring) or a protection from fire spell totally negates the effects of a heat metal spell, as will immersion in water or snow, or exposure to a cold or ice storm spell (qq.v.). For each level of experience of the druid casting the spell, he or she is able to affect the metal of one man-sized creature, i.e. arms and armor, or a single mass of metal equal to 500 gold pieces in weight, cumulative. The reverse, chill metal, counters a heat metal spell or else causes metal to act as follows:

Per Round of Exposure
Metal TemperatureDamageDisability
icy1-2 hit pointsnone
freezing1-4 hits pointsamputation of fingers, toes, nose, or ears

The chill metal spell is countered by a resist cold spell, or by any great heat, i.e. proximity to a blazing fire (not a mere torch), a magical flaming sword, a wall of fire, etc.

Locate Plants (Divination)

Level: 2
Components: V, S, M
Range: 0
Casting Time: 1 round
Duration: 1 turn/level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 1" diameter/level circle

Explanation/Description: When this spell is used by a druid, he or she is able to locate any desired type of plant within the area of effect. Note: the plant type must be singular and concentrated upon. The spell's area of effect centers on, and moves with, the druid.

Obscurement (Alteration)

Level: 2
Components: V, S
Range: 0
Casting Time: 4 segments
Duration: 4 rounds/level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: This spell causes a misty vapor to arise around the druid. It persists in this locale for 4 rounds per level of experience of the druid casting the spell, and it reduces visibility of any sort (including infravision) to 2' to 8' (2d4). The area of effect is a cubic progression based on the druid's level of experience, a 1" cube at 1st level, a 2" cube at 2nd level, a 3" cube at 3rd level, and so on. Underground, the height of the vapor is restricted to 1", although the length and breadth of the cloud is not so limited. A strong wind will cut the duration of an obscurement spell by 75%.

Produce Flame (Alteration)

Level: 2
Components: V, S, M
Range: 0
Casting Time: 4 segments
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: A bright flame, equal in brightness to a torch, springs forth from the druid's palm when he or she casts a produce flame spell. This magical flame lasts for 2 melee rounds for each level of the druid casting the spell. The flame does not harm the druid's person, but it is hot, and it will cause combustion of inflammable materials (paper, cloth, dry wood, oil, etc.). The druid is capable of hurling the magical flame as a missile, with a range of 4". The flame will flash on impact, igniting combustibles within a 3' diameter of its center of impact, and then extinguish itself. The druid can cause it to go out any time he or she desires, but fire caused by the flame cannot be so extinguished.

Trip (Enchantment/Charm)

Level: 2
Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 4 segments
Duration: 1 turn/level
Saving Throw: Neg.
Area of Effect: One 10' long object

Explanation/Description: The spell caster must use a length of vine, a stick, pole, rope, or similar object to cast this magic upon. The trip spell causes the object to rise slightly off the ground or floor it is resting on and trip creatures crossing it if they fail to make their saving throw versus magic. Note that only as many creatures can be tripped as are actually stepping across the magicked object, i.e. a 3' long piece of rope could trip only 1 man-sized creature. Creatures moving at a very rapid pace (running) when tripped will take 1-6 (d6) hit points of damage and be stunned for 2-5 (d4+ 1) rounds if the surface they fall upon is very hard, but if it is turf or non-hard they will merely be stunned for 2-5 segments. Very large creatures such as elephants will not be at all affected by a trip. The object magicked will continue to trip all creatures passing over it, including the spell caster, for as long as the spell duration lasts. Creatures aware of the object and its potential add +4 to their saving throw when crossing it. The object is 80% undetectable without magical means of detection.

Warp Wood (Alteration)

Level: 2
Components: V, S, M
Range: 1 "/level
Casting Time: 4 segments
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: When this spell is cast the druid causes a volume of wood to bend and warp, permanently destroying its straightness, form, and strength. The range of a warp wood spell is 1" for each level of experience of the druid casting it. It affects approximately a fifteen inch shaft of wood of up to one inch diameter per level of the druid. Thus, at 1st level, a druid might be able to warp a hand axe handle, or four crossbow bolts, at 5th level he or she could warp the shaft of a typical magic spear. Note that boards or planks can also be affected, causing a door to be sprung or a boat or ship to leak.

Flame Blade (Evocation)

Level: 2
Components: V, S, M
Range: 0
Casting Time: 3 segments
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: along, sword-like blade

Explanation/Description: When a druid casts this spell, he or she causes a blazing ray of red-hot fire to spring forth from his or her hand. This blade-like ray is actually wielded as if it were a scimitar, and if the druid scores a successful hit while employing the flame blade, the creature struck will take 5-8 points of damage - with a damage bonus of * 2 if the creature is of the undead class or is especially vulnerable to fire, or a -2 penalty to damage if the creature is protected from fire. No damage can be inflicted upon a creature which is a fire-dweller or which uses fire as an attack form. The flame blade will ignite combustible materials such as parchment, straw, dry sticks, cloth, etc. However, it is not a magical weapon in the normal sense of the term except with respect to undead monsters, so creatures that can be struck only by magical weapons are not harmed by this spell unless they are of the undead class. In addition to mistletoe, the druid must have a leaf of sumac in order to cast this spell.

Goodberry (Alteration - Evocation) Reversible

Level: 2
Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 1 round
Duration: 1 day + 1/level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 2-8 fresh berries

Explanation/Description: When a druid casts a goodberry spell upon a handful of freshly picked berries, from 2 to 8 of them will become magical. The druid casting the spell (as well as any other druid of 3rd or higher level) will be able to immediately discern which berries were affected. A detect magic spell will discover this also. Berries with the dweomer will either enable a hungry creature of approximately man-size to eat one and be as well-nourished as if a full normal meal were eaten, or else the berry will cure 1 point of physical damage due to wounds or other similar causes, subject to a maximum of 8 points of such curing in any 24-hour period. The reverse of the spell, badberry causes rotten berries to appear wholesome but each actually delivers 1 point of poison damage (no saving throw) if ingested. The material component of the spell is mistletoe passed over the freshly picked, edible berries to be enspelled (blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, currants, gooseberries, etc.).

Reflecting Pool (Evocation - Divination)

Level: 2
Components: V, S, M
Range: 1"
Casting Time: 2 hours
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: This spell enables the druid to cause a pool of normal water found in a natural setting to act as a scrying device. The pool can be of no greater diameter than 2 feet per level of the spell caster. The effect is to create a scrying device similar to a crystal ball, in much the same fashion as the magic-user spell magic mirror and the clerical spell magic font, both described elsewhere in this text. The scrying can extend only to those planes of existence which are coexistent with or border upon the Prime Material Plane, i.e. the Inner Planes (including the Para-elemental Planes, Plane of Shadow, etc.). Penalties for attempting to scry beyond the druid's own plane, as given in the description for crystal bail (see Dungeon Masters Guide) are applicable.

The following spells can be cast through a reflecting pool, with a 5% per level chance of operating correctly: detect magic, detect snares and pits, detect poison. Infravision and ultravision will operate normally through the reflecting pool, as will the spells starshine and moonbeam (see hereafter). The druid must use both mistletoe and the oil extracted from such nuts as the hickory and the walnut, refined, and dropped in three measures upon the surface of the pool. (A measure need be no more than a single ounce of oil.)

Slow Poison (Necromantic)

Level: 2
Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 1 segment
Duration: 1 hour/level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Creature touched

Explanation/Description: This spell is identical to the 2nd-level clerical spell slow poison, except that if the druid is able to determine that the poison was one made from some living plant, he or she has a 5% chance per level of knowing an herbal antidote which will neutralize the poison. (If the actual type of poison is not given by the Dungeon Master, a successful casting of detect poison [type] indicates an organic poison which can be countered.) A dice roll equal to or less than the druid's chance to find an antidote indicates neutralization.

The druid uses mistletoe as a material component for this spell, and crushed garlic must be rubbed on the recipient's feet. Antidotes must be obtained from green vegetables outdoors, or from an herbalist or similar source of supply.

Bat Sense (Alteration)

Level: 2
Components: V,S,M
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 4 segments
Duration: 3 turns + 1 turn/level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 60'radius

Explanation/Description: When this spell is cast, it gives the person touched the echolocation powers of a bat. The person is able to "see" in all directions up to 60', sensing the physical shape and position of all solid and liquid objects. To use bat sense after casting the spell, the person must close his eyes; no concentration is required. No penalties of any kind occur in combat or movement while this sense is in effect.

While using bat sense, the person cannot be surprised and can "see" any invisible, displaced, or camouflaged item within 60'. Beings using psionic invisibility cannot be detected, however, as this is a true mind-control power and overrides any effects this spell has. Mirror images are not detected at all; nor can the recipient detect illusions, projected images, clouds, gases, or insubstantial spirits such as ghosts. Thus, if such objects are capable of harming the recipient, he won't know what is attacking him until he opens his eyes, temporarily nullifying the spell's effects. Creatures which are insubstantial or gaseous in nature could thus attack the recipient at +4 to hit.

This spell works by picking up sound waves; a silence 15' radius spell will nullify the effect. Loud noises do not harm or hamper the recipient. Any creature using bat sense can determine the exact distance any object lies from him. The material component of the spell is a bit of fur from a bat's ear, which must be eaten by the being who wants to use the sense.

Cermony: Witness (Evocation)

Level: 2
Components: V,S
Range: Hearing
Casting Time: 1 round
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 1-4 individuals

Explanation/Description: Within their society, druids are legal officials as as well as religious leaders. Having a druid witness an oath or vow makes it, binding upon the party or parties making the promise. The person making the oath or vow presents himself to the druid and pronounces it, calling upon the powers that be to keep the pledge made until its fulfillment. The druiid then casts the spell, and the pledge is completed, Various consequences may befall the person failing to keep his word. These consequences must be agreed to by all concerned and are made part of the oath or vow. For example a person might promise to return with a herd of cattle stolen from a neighboring lord. A time limit might be offered by the oathtaker The oathtaker seals his oath by saylng something like, 'and may my right arm be palsied if I fail to fulfill this oath!' After the druid witnesses the oath, the oathtaker must fulfill his literal word, or his right arm will indeed be palsied permanently. The druid may advise the oathtaker against making rash promisies, and may suggest suitable modifications of oaths, but the final say is the oathtaker's. After Witnessing the oath (Which the druid does at his discretion), nothing more can be done about it: The conditions are set, and the powers invoked see to it that the consequences are administered in the event that failure occurs Warriors often take oaths to perform certain deeds. Druids take holy vows at 1st level 7th level, an 12th level. Unless a permanent condition is evoked (such as an initiation to druidhood), once the oath is performed the witness spell expires. However certain oaths might be binding for years. The death of their oathaker breaks all but the most terrible oaths. Note that there is no material component for this spell.

Ceremony: Spring (Evocation)

Level: 2
Components: V,S,M
Range: SpeciaI
Casting Time: Dusk to dawn
Duration: 1 year
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Druid's charge

Explanation/Description: The seasonal spells of of spring. summer, autumn and winter have the following in common. Range and area of effect are the druids charge, in other words, the land and people under the druid's care large or small. If the druid is off on his own, then he is in his own charge. A party of adventurers, if of the druidic religion might be considered his charge. A druid of insufficient level to cast one of these spells is part of someone else's charge, as are those people and lands under the lower-level druid. However the junior druid must participate in the ceremony conducted by a higher level druid in order for his charge to benefit, It will be noted that it takes an 11th-level druid to cast ceremony: winter, while a druid of 3rd level could cast ceremony:spring. The lower-level druid will he expected to conduct the ceremonies he is capable of leading (casting). Furthermore, he is to be in attendance on the nights when the higher-level druids over him conduct the ceremonies he is yet incapable of leading (casting). Failure in either case could mean disaster for the druid and/or his charge. These ceremonies are all-night affairs, during which the druids keep vigil chant, make offerings, and perform certain actions important to the community's or kingdom's welfare for the coming year. Ordinary worshipers are also participants, although the druids do much of their work withdrawn from the masses (and in secret).

At the spring festival (Beltane), the sun's power to give life is celebrated. Great fires are lit, and cattle are passed between them. Druids and people also process between the fires, waving shoots of grain. The fiery sun is associated with health and the destruction of disease, so it is easy to see that the main point of this festival is to ensure protection from disease for animals, crops, and humans. If the rite is performed, the druid's charge will be subjected to the usual disease checks throughout the whole year to come at -10% probability. Beltane is also a major civic festival and is associated with the spring planting.

Druidsight (Evocation)

Level: 2
Components: V,S,M
Range: 15'
Casting Time : 3 rounds
Duration: 12 turns +1 turn/lvl.
Saving Throw : Special
Area of Effect: One animal

Explanation/Description: By means of this spell, the druid is able to see through the eyes of another animal and perceive things as that animal would. Animals who are on friendly terms with the druid, such as pets or summoned animals, require no saving throw. Normal animals receive a normal saving throw. Familiars and polymorphed or shape changed creatures are not subject to this spell. The subject animal can be commanded telepathically to scout, spy, or stand guard at distances up to 100 yards plus 10 yards per level of the caster. The material components for this spell are a bit of food desirable to the animal.

Fertilize (Necromantic) Reversible

Level: 2
Components: V,S,M
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 9 segments
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: Neg.
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: With this spell, a druid can increase the likelihood that animals and plants will reproduce better. Up to 12 HD of animals or a field of up to 10,000 square feet can be affected. Animals (including humans and humanoids) make their appropriate saving throws; fields have a saving throw of 15 minus the level of the druid. In the case of animals, the likelihood of conception is increased 5% per level of the caster. If both animal mates are included in the spell, the probabilities are added together. In the case of plants, the yield of the field is increased 5% per level of the caster over normal. The reverse of this spell, sterilize, applies the same percentages in reverse: thus, the likelihood of conception in animals is reduced 5% per level of the caster, and the yield of plants is reduced 5% per level of the caster, unless the saving throw is made. In either case, large plants, such as trees, must be treated individually: orchards are not the same as crop fields. Duration lasts until conception is successful or until the growing season is over.

Firebreak (Alteration)

Level: 2
Components: V, S, M
Range: 10 yards/level
Casting Time: 5 segments
Duration: 1 turn/level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 2,000 square feet/level

Firebreak renders all living vegetation in the area, including plantlike monsters and animated plant life, immune to normal fire, and cuts all damage to such plants from magical fire in half. Dead plant matter in the area of effect can still burn, as can living plants moved outside the area. The spell does not function indoors or underground. The material component is a bit of charred wood.

Fuse Metal

Level: 2
Components: V,S,M
Range: 1 "/level
Casting Time: 4 segments
Duration: special
Saving Throw: special
Area of Effect: 1/2" x 1/2" area/level

Explanation/Description: Except as noted above this spell is similiar to the 3rd level magic-user and spell fuse metal. The material components is a small metal rod that has been severed and then fused back together.

Hailstone (Evocation)

Level: 2
Components: V,S
Range: 5" +1 "/lvl. over 2nd level
Casting Time: 4 segments
Duration: Instant.
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: See below

Explanation/Description: When a druid casts this spell, one or more magical hail-stones are formed to attack a particular target or targets. A caster may opt to produce five hailstones which each do 1 hp damage if they hit, or a single hailstone which hits automatically and causes 1d4 + 1 hp damage. The druid gains one additional automatic-hit hailstone for every two levels beyond 2nd level, each such stone doing 1 hp damage per level of the caster. These small ice chunks travel in a direct line from the caster's finger, firing at any number of objects in a round provided the caster has enough hailstones. The missiles fracture on impact with hard objects (shields, helmets, metallic armor, walls), causing half the initial damage of the hailstone (1 hp minimum damage) to all creatures within 3' of the point of impact. As the automatic-hit hailstones of high-level druids travel much faster than those of lesser druids, the range of the ice splinters produced by such hafistones is increased by 1' for every 1 hp additional damage caused. It should be remembered that hailstones will not fracture on soft surfaces (though they do damage to the target if the target is living) or tolerate extreme heat.

Imbue Intelligence

Level: 2
Components: V,S,M
Range: 1"
Casting Time: 1 turn
Duration: 6 turns/level
Saving Throw: neg.
Area of Effect: one animal

Explanation/Description: This spell is the result of several druids' discontentment with the speak with animals spell. With this latter spell, druids discovered that although they could speak to the animals, the animals weren't usually very intelligent so they could pass on very little useful information. Through the use of imbue intelligence, however, the druid is able to actually raise the intelligence of an animal from "animal" to "average".

The spell is useful not just when speaking to the animal, but could also be used on an animal that is required to do some rather complicated task. With an average intelligence, the animal would be able to complete the task on its own without supervision. However, now that the animal is intelligent, it may refuse to do work until guranteed some especially fine food or other concession.

The only material component is the druid's mistletoe.

Sharpleaf (Alteration)

Level: 2
Components: V,S,M
Range: 5'
Casting Time: 5 segments
Duration: 1 turn/IvI.
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: When cast, this spell causes leaves of any type to become rigid and razor sharp, effectively becoming knives. These sharp leaves can be wielded or thrown, causing 1-3 hp damage if a successful "to hit" roll is made. The leaves can also be crushed and crumpled prior to the casting, then serving as caltrops doing 1-2 hp damage. Three leaves per level of the caster can be affected. If mistletoe is used as the object of the spell, 1 hp additional damage is added. The material components for this spell are the leaves used in the casting and sap from a hardwood tree sprinkled on them.


Level: 2
Components: V,S,M
Range: touch
Casting Time: 1 round
Duration: 1 d6 hours + 1/level
Saving Throw: none
Area of Effect: druid + 1 creature/level

Explanation/Description: Skate is a relatively simple spell. Those under its influence are able to move without hindrance over or through any terrestrial environment at full movement rate. Skate only allow such movement, it does not, for example, offset fatigue.

An important material component is necessary for the functioning of the spell, an acorn must be carried by each individual who is to be affected by skate. Loss or damage to the acorn will result in the termination of the benefits of the spell for the individual, even if the duration has not yet expired.

Spring (Alteration)

Level: 2
Components: V, S, M
Range: 3 yards/level
Casting Time: 1 round
Duration: Variable
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

The druid can use this spell to create a spring of water with a flow rate of 2 to 12 gallons a minute, depending on the relative dryness of the region. If the DM determines that underground water exists within range, it is detected and drawn to the surface at the spot chosen unless its path is blocked by solid rock. There is a delay of one round for every 10 feet the water must travel. In dry country, the spring flows for just 24 hours, and at lower rates. The material component is a small forked stick, which is thrust into the ground.

Thorn Throw

Level: 2
Components: V,S,M
Range: 0
Casting Time: 2 segments
Duration: instantaneous
Saving Throw: 1/2
Area of Effect: varies

Explanation/Description: By use of the thorn throw spell, the druid is able to hurl a volley of sharp thorns in the direction of his choice. The thorns spread out in cone-like fashion with the point of origin being the druid out-stretched arms. The cone will be 1" per level of the druid and the base of the cone will be 3 feet wide per level. The thorns cause damage equal to the level of the druid plus the victim's armor class. Thus, a fifth level druid will cause 8 points of damage to a man in plate mail armor (5+ 3 + 8).

Touch sickle(Alteration)

Level: 2
Components: V,S
Range: 0
Casting Time: 2 segments
Duration: 2 rds./lvl.
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Self

By means of this spell, one of the caster's hands temporarily becomes a magical weapon. The extremity is able to strike all creatures who can be hit by only magical weapons (even if such creatures are normally hit by only magical weapons of + 2 or greater) - The extremity gains no attack bonus, but its slightest touch does the same damage as a sickle (1d4 +1 vs. S!M beings; 1d4 vs. L beings). Its touch can slash or stab like a normal sickle, as the caster wills.

A druid may use the enchanted extremity to harvest greater mistletoe as though it were a gold or silver sickle.

Tracking (Divination)

Level: 2
Components: V,S,M
Range: 0
Casting Time: 1 round
Duration: 1 turn +1 turn/lvl.
Saving Throw : None
Area of Effect: The caster

Explanation/Description: All living creatures or spirits leave psychic impressions wherever they go. This spell detects these impressions for the caster. The druid first takes an object closely related to the creature being tracked, like a favorite article of clothing, a lock of hair, some blood, etc., and receives the quarry's psychic pattern by casting the spell on the object. After this, any psychic trace of the same pattern glows in the vision of the caster. The fresher the "tracks;' the brighter they glow. These impressions are visible up to two days old per level of the druid. This spell can detect the passage of creatures under the influence of a pass without trace spell; it can also detect the passage of another druid.

Wild Deer Speed (Alteration)

Level: 2
Components: V,S,M
Range: 0
Casting Time: 1 segment
Duration: 1 turn + 1 round/level
Saving Throw : None
Area of Effect: Self

Explanation/Description: A druid casting this spell gains the ability to run at great speed for the duration of the spell. The druid can move at a rate of 15" + 1" per level, without tiring from the effort. Any jumps made during such high speeds extend for 10' + 1' per level. Scrapings from the hooves of a fast herbivore (deer, antelope, etc.) are required.

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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey /