Astral Spell (Alteration)

Level: 7
Components: V, S
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 3 turns
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: By means of the astral spell a cleric is able to project his or her astral body into the Astral Plane, leaving his or her physical body and material possessions behind on the Prime Material Plane, (the plane on which the entire universe and all of its parallels have existence). Only certain magic items which have multi-planed existence can be brought into the Astral Plane. As the Astral Plane touches upon all of the first levels of the Outer Planes, the cleric can travel astrally to any of these Outer Planes as he or she wills. The cleric then leaves the Astral Plane, forming a body on the plane of existence he or she has chosen to enter, It is also possible to travel astrally anywhere in the Prime Material Plane by means of the astral spell, but a second body cannot be formed on the Prime Material Plane. As a general rule, a person astrally projected can be seen only by creatures on the Astral Plane. At all times the astral body is connected to the material by a silvery cord. If the cord is broken, the affected person is killed, astrally and materially, but generally only the psychic wind can normally cause the cord to break. When a second body is formed on a different plane, the silvery cord remains invisibly attached to the new body, and the cord simply returns to the latter where it rests on the Prime Material Plane, reviving it from its state of suspended animation. Although astrally projected persons are able to function on the Astral Plane, their actions do not affect creatures not existing on the Astral Plane. The spell lasts until the cleric desires to end it, or until it is terminated by some outside means (dispel magic or destruction of the cleric's body on the Prime Material Plane). The cleric can take up to five other creatures with him or her by means of the astral spell, providing the creatures are linked in a circle with the cleric. These fellow travelers ore dependent upon the cleric and can be stranded. Travel in the Astral Plane can be slow or fast according to the cleric's desire. The ultimate destination arrived at is subject to the conceptualization of the cleric. (See APPENDIX IV, THE KNOWN PLANES OF EXISTENCE, for further information on the Astral Plane and astral projection.)

Control Weather (Alteration)

Level: 7
Components: V, S, M
Range: 0
Casting Time: 1 turn
Duration: 4-48 hours
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 4-16 square miles

Explanation/Description: The control weather spell allows a cleric to change the weather in the area he or she is in at the time the spell is cast The spell will affect the weather for from 4 to 48 hours (4d12) in an area o from 4 to 16 square miles (4d4). It requires 1 turn to cast the spell, and or additional 1 to 4 (d4) turns for the effects of the weather to be felt. The control weather spell will not radically change the temperature, i.e. from below zero to a 100 degree temperature heat wave. The weather contra possible depends upon the prevailing conditions:

Very clear
Light clouds or hazy
Warm weather
Sweltering heat
Dead calm
Light breeze
Clear weather
Mist/Light rain/small hail
Sleet/Light snow
Hot weather
Cool weather
Strong wind
Warm weather
Cold weather
Light wind
Partly cloudy
Deep clouds
Heavy rain/Large hail
Driving sleet/Heavy snow
Cool weather
Arctic cold
Strong wind

All three aspects of the weather (clouds/precipitation, temperature, and wind) can be controlled, but only as shown. For example, a day which it clear, warm, and with light wind can be controlled to become hazy, hat, and calm. Contradictions are not possible - fog and strong wind, for example. Multiple control weather spells can be used only in succession, The material components for this spell are the cleric's religious symbol, incense, and prayer beads or similar prayer object. Obviously, this spell functions only in areas where there are appropriate climatic conditions.

Earthquake (Alteration)

Level: 7
Components: V, S, M
Range: 12"
Casting Time: 1 turn
Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 1/2" diameter/level

Explanation/Description: When this spell is cast by a cleric, a local tremor of fairly high strength rips the ground. The shock is over in one melee round. The earthquake affects all terrain, vegetation, structures, and creatures in its locale. The area of effect of the earthquake spell is circular, the diameter being '/2" for every level of experience of the cleric casting it, i.e. a 20th level cleric casts an earthquake spell with a 10" diameter area of effect:

Effects are as follows:

Cave or cavernCollapses roof
CliffsCrumble causing landslide
GroundCracks open, causing creatures to fall in and be killed as follows:
Size S 1 in 4(d4)
Size M 1 in 6(d6)
Size L 1 in 8(d8)
MarshDrains water off to farm muddy, rough ground
TunnelCaves in
Small growthNo effect
Trees1 in 3 are uprooted and fall
All structuresSustain from 5 to 60 points (5d12) of structural damage; those taking full damage are thrown dawn in rubble
See above

The material components for this spell are a pinch of dirt, a piece of rock, and a lump of clay.

Gate (Conjuration/Summoning)

Level: 7
Components: V, S
Range: 3'
Casting Time: 5 segments
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: The casting of a gate spell has two effects: first, it causes an ultra-dimensional connection between the plane of existence the cleric is on and that plane on which dwells a specific being of great power, the result enabling the being to merely step through the gate, or portal, from its plane to that of the cleric; second, the utterance of the spell attracts the attention of the dweller on the other plane. When casting the spell, the cleric must name the demon, devil, demi-god, god, or similar being he or she desires to make use of the gate and came to the cleric's aid. There is a 100% certainty that something will step through the gate. The actions of the being which comes through will depend on many factors, including the alignment of the cleric, the nature of those in company with him or her, and who or what opposes or threatens the cleric. Your Dungeon Master will have a sure method of dealing with the variables of the situation. The being gated in will either return immediately (very unlikely) or remain to take action.

Holy (Unholy) Word (Conjuration/Summoning)

Level: 7
Components: V
Range: 0
Casting Time: 1 segment
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 3" radius

Explanation/Description: The utterance of a holy (unholy) word has tremendous power. It drives off evil (good) creatures from other planes, forcing them to return to their own plane(s) of existence. It further affects other creatures of differing alignment as follows:

Creatures Hit Dice Or LevelEffects
Less than 4kills
4 to 7+paralyzes 1-4 turns
8 to 11+stuns2-8 rounds-50%-4
12 or moredeafens 1-4 rounds-25%-250% chance of failure

Affected creatures must be within the 6" diameter area of effect centering on the cleric casting the spell.

Regenerate (Necromantic) Reversible

Level: 7
Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 3 rounds
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Creature touched

Explanation/Description: When a regenerate spell is cast, body members (fingers, toes, hands, feet, arms, legs, tails, or even the heads of multi-headed creatures), bones, or organs will grow back. The process of regeneration requires but 1 round if the member(s) severed is (are) present and touching the creature, 2-8 turns otherwise. The reverse, wither, causes the member or organ touched to shrivel and cease functioning in 1 round, dropping off into dust in 2-8 turns. As is usual, creatures must be touched in order to have harmful effect occur. The material components of this spell are a prayer device and holy/unholy water.

Restoration (Necromantic) Reversible

Level: 7
Components: V, S
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 3 rounds
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Creature touched

Explanation/Description: When this spell is cast, the life energy level of the recipient creature is raised upwards by one. This subsumes previous life energy level drain of the creature by some force or monster. Thus, if a 10th level character had been struck by a wight and drained to 9th level, the restoration spell would bring the character up to exactly the number of experience points necessary to restore him or her to 10th level once again, and restoring additional hit dice (or hit points) and level functions accordingly. Restoration is only effective if the spell is cast within 1 day/level of experience of the cleric casting it of the recipient's loss of life energy. The reverse, energy drain, draws away a life energy level (cf. such "undead" as spectre, wight, vampire). The energy drain requires the victim to be touched. A restoration spell will restore the intelligence of a creature affected by a feeblemind spell (q.v.).

Resurrection (Necromantic) Reversible

Level: 7
Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 1 turn
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Person touched

Explanation/Description: The cleric employing this spell is able to restore life and complete strength to the person he/she bestows the resurrection upon. The person can have been dead up to 10 years cumulative per level of the cleric casting the spell, i.e. a 19th level cleric can resurrect the bones of a person dead up to 190 years. See raise dead for limitations on what persons can be raised. The reverse, destruction, causes the victim of the spell to be instantly dead and turned to dust. Destruction requires a touch, either in combat or otherwise. The material components of the spell ore the cleric's religious symbol and holy/unholy water. Employment of this spell makes it impossible for the cleric to cast further spells or engage in combat until he or she has had one day of bed rest for each level of experience of the person brought back to life or destroyed.

Symbol (Conjuration/Summoning)

Level: 7
Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 3 segments
Duration: I turn/level
Saving Throw: Neg.
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: The cleric casting this spell inscribes a symbol in the air or upon any surface, according to his or her wish. The symbol glows for 1 turn for each level of experience of the cleric casting it. The particular symbol used can be selected by the cleric at the time of casting, selection being limited to:

Creatures seeing it must turn back in dejection and/or surrender to capture or attack unless they save versus magic. Its effects last for 3 to 12 turns.

Creatures affected suffer -4 on "to hit" dice and -2 on dexterity ability scare due to wracking pains. The effects last for 2-20 turns.

Creatures seeing the symbol become of the same alignment as and friendly to the cleric who scribed the symbol for from 1 to 20 turns unless a saving throw versus magic is made.

The material components of this spell are mercury and phosphorus. (cf. eighth level magic-user symbol spell.)

Wind Walk (Alteration)

Level: 7
Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 1 round
Duration: 6 turns/level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: This spell enables the cleric, and possibly one or two other persons, to alter the substance of his or her body to cloud-like vapors. A magical wind then wafts the cleric along at a speed of up to 60" per turn, or as slow as 6" per turn, as the spell caster wills. The wind walk spell lasts as long as the cleric desires, up to a maximum duration of 6 turns (one hour) per level of experience of the caster. For every 8 levels of experience the cleric has attained, up to 24, he or she is able to touch another and carry that person, or those two persons, along with the wind walk. Persons wind walking are not invisible but appear misty and are transparent. If fully clothed in white they are 80% likely to be mistaken for clouds, fog, vapors, etc. The material components of this spell ore fire and holy/unholy water.

Exaction (Evocation - Alteration)

Level: 7
Components: V, S, M
Range: 1"
Casting Time: 1 round
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: Special
Area of Effect: One creature

Explanation/Description: When this spell is employed, the cleric confronts some powerful creature from another plane (including devas and powerful "name" demons, for instance, but not demigods or deities of any sort) and requires of it some duty or quest. The creature may not be one ethically or morally opposed to the cleric (i.e. not evil if the cleric is good, not chaotic if the cleric is lawful). Note that an absolute (true) neutral creature is in effect greatly opposed to both good and evil, and both law and chaos. The spell caster must know something about the creature to exact service from it, or else he or she must offer some fair trade in return for the service. That is, if the cleric is aware that the creature has received some favor from someone of the cleric's alignment, then the exaction can name this as cause; if no balancing reason for service is known, then some valuable gift or service must be pledged in return for the exaction. The service exacted must be reasonable with respect to the past or promised favor or reward. The spell then acts as a quest upon the creature which is to perform the required service. Immediately upon completion of the service, the subject creature is transported to the vicinity of the cleric, and the cleric must then and there return the promised reward, whether it is irrevocable cancellation of a past debt or the giving of some service or other material reward. Upon so doing, the creature is instantly freed to return to its own plane. Failure to fulfill the promise to the letter results in the cleric being subject to exaction by the subject creature or by its master, liege, etc., at the very least. At worst, the creature may attack the reneging cleric without fear of any of his or her spells affecting it, for the failure to live up to the bargain gives the creature total immunity from the spell powers of the cleric so doing. The material components of this spell are the cleric's holy/unholy symbol, some matter or substance from the plane of the creature from whom an exaction is to be expected, and knowledge of the creature's nature and/or actions which is written out on a parchment leaf that is burned to seal the bargain.

Succor (Alteration - Enchantment) Reversible

Level: 7
Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 1 day
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: One individual

Explanation/Description: By casting this spell, the cleric creates a powerful dweomer in some specially prepared object - a string of prayer beads, a small clay tablet, an ivory baton, etc. This object will radiate magic, for it contains the power to instantaneously transport its possessor to the sanctuary of the cleric who created its dweomer Once the item is magicked, the cleric must give it willingly to an individual, at the same time informing him or her of a command word to be spoken when the item is to be used. To make use of the item, the recipient must speak the command word at the same time that he or she rends or breaks the item. When this is done, the individual and all that he or she is wearing and carrying will be instantly transported to the sanctuary of the cleric just as if the individual were capable of speaking a word of recall spell. No other creatures can be affected.

The reversed application of the spell enables the cleric to be transported to the immediate vicinity of the possessor of the dweomered item when it is broken and the command word said. The cleric can choose not to be affected by this "summons" by making that decision at the instant when the transportation is to take place, but if he or she so chooses, then the opportunity is gone forever and the spell is wasted. The cost of preparing the special item (for either version of the spell) varies from 2,000 to 5,000 gold pieces.

Ancient curse (Abjuration)

Level: 7
Components: V
Range: Special
Casting Time: 1 round
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

This spell allows the cleric to call down the wrath of the patron power in the form of a terrible and lasting curse on those who commit acts of great wickedness against that power. Typical acts include the desecration of a major temple or burial place, the massacre of a congregation, the theft of an important relic or artifact, and the like. In all cases, the principle of retribution is central to successful casting of the spell. The use of the spell is adjudicated by the DM, and misuse or overuse may result in its failure, or even visit the effect upon the caster. The ancient curse must be spoken in the presence of the malefactor and its conditions clearly announced. Thereafter, it is in effect.

The caster decides what form the curse will take (subject to the approval of the DM). The effects will be long-term, developing over months and years, extending for centuries, affecting not only the original recipient, but his descendants as well. Typical ancient curses include poverty, ill-luck, a haunting, the onset of a degenerative disease, the periodic devastation of ones household or property, and so on.

The spell is not necessarily permanent. An atonement spell or divine intervention in conjunction with a quest involving deeds of a magnitude equal to those for which the ancient curse was invoked can counter it.

Bladebless (Necromantic)

Level: 7
Components: V ,S, M
Range: Special
Casting Time: 1 round
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: Special
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: By use of this spell, a cleric heals a specific wound by bestowing a blessing on the weapon that caused it. This magic works only upon a non-magical bladed weapon, which the cleric must touch and hold as he or she intones the blessing. Immediately upon this being done, the last wound caused by that blade (if any wound has been so caused, to any living thing, within 1 turn per experience level of the cleric) will instantly be fully and completely healed, even if the blade was poisoned, a disease conferred, or a limb or head was severed. Such healing occurs even if the affected creature is several planes distant at the casting of the bladebless - and if death occurred due to a failed system shock roll or poison saving throw, then life is restored. (If death was due to cumulative hit point loss, life is not restored; nor will this magic heal other wounds upon the victim's body.) The healed creature need not ever be seen, touched, or even known to the cleric. If such a wound has already healed or been magically healed, it is unaffected, and the bladebless magic is lost. The material components for this spell are the weapon in question, the cleric's holy symbol, and a drop of the cleric's own blood.

Conjure air elemental (Invocation/Evocation)

Level: 7
Components: V,M
Range: 30 yds. + 10/Ivl.
Casting Time: 7 segments
Duration: Instant.
Saving Throw: Special
Area of Effect: 40' radius globe

A caster who performs this spell summons an air elemental to do his bidding. The elemental is 60% likely to have 12 Hit Dice, 35% likely to have 16 Hit Dice, and 5% likely to have 21 to 24 Hit Dice (20 + 1d4). Furthermore, the caster needs but to command it, and it does as he desires, for the elemental regards the caster as a friend to be obeyed. The elemental remains until destroyed, dispelled, sent away by a dismissal or holy word spell (see the conjure fire elemental spell), or the spell duration expires.

Divine Raiment

Level: 7
Components: V
Range: 0
Casting Time: 5 rounds
Duration: 1 turn/level
Saving Throw: none
Area of Effect: caster only

Explanation/Description: A cleric will be granted the use of divine raiment spell only under very special circumstances and only directly by the cleric's deity himself/herself. The deity will grant the spell only when the cleric is preparing to go to battle for some wholely religious purpose in the name of the deity. The divine raiment will appear as a softly glowing field of the color most holy to the deity. The divine raiment works mostly in terms of powers which can be called upon the cleric wearing it. Each power has a certain number of "charges". A few powers, though, operate automatically. The cleric's armor class will be bettered by four while the raiment is worn and his saving throws will all be at + 3. The divine raiment spell will also act as a sanctuary spell until the cleric takes some aggressive action. In addition, any spell which the cleric casts while wearing the raiment is not actually lost; the caster will still have use of it after the raiment is gone without having to pray for the spell again. The same spell, however, may not be cast more than once while under the influence of the raiment (unless the spell has been prayed for twice). This latter power is granted because the diety's special attention is given to any worshipper who wears the raiment. The deity allows "free" castings of the spells.

The divine raiment has a number of charges equal to the level of the caster multiplied by three. The special powers which are available are listed below.

  1. cause +1 point of damage (which must be announced BEFORE the roll to hit).
  2. raise dead = 25 charges
  3. heal = 10 charges
  4. regenerate = 12 charges
  5. cure critical wounds = 5 charges
  6. cure light wounds = 2 charges
  7. neutralize poisons = 8 charges
  8. cure blindness = 4 charges
  9. slow poison = 3 charges
  10. resist cold/fire 3 charges
  11. word of recall = all remaining charges, raiment disappears.

Each affect occurs instantly and requires no casting time. Mere mental command is necessary to activate any of the powers. The exceptions, obviously, are raise dead and regenerate (if the body part which requires regeneration is the head). However, the effect occurs instantly (ie. the cleric may be alive again from raise dead before he even hits the ground). Generally, a cleric may use this spell only once per year, but circumstance might (and probably will at higher levels) shorten this interim.

Inner sanctum (Enchantment)

Level: 7
Components: V,M
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 1 turn
Duration: 30 min/level
Saving Throw: Special
Area of Effect: 20' diameter sphere

This spell seals a 20' sphere or a single room of like size against scrying, psionics, and magical entry (teleport, dimension door, etc). It allows no access to or from other planes or dimensions. If not cast in an enclosed area, the sanctum area not only blends into the surroundings, but subtly affects the senses of creatures around it so that not only will its presence not be detected, but creatures will subconsciously avoid entering the warded area. The caster may, at will, allow others to see and enter his sanctum. The caster can see his own sanctum. The spell boundaries are not solid and do not prevent the entry of physical material, such as rain.

Regenerative Heal (Necromantic) Reversible

Level: 7
Components: V,S
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 12 segments
Duration: See below
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Creature touched

Explanation/Description: This spell is similar to the first-level clerical regenerate light wounds spell. When this spell begins to heal wounds, it does so at a rate of 4 hp per round and continues until the recipient is 4 hp or less from his maximum hit-point total, regardless of how much damage or healing the individual receives before that time. In other words, if the recipient is wounded again after receiving the wound that triggers this spell, the spell continues to heal the recipient until he is 4 hp or less from his hit-point total, at which point the spell ceases to function. This spell has no effect on disease, blindness, insanity, loss of limb, or disabling spells. The "waiting" duration of this spell is one week per level of the caster, with permanent effects.

The reverse of this spell, degenerative harm, causes 4 hp damage per round once triggered by subsequent healing or injury. This spell ceases when the victim has 4 hp or less left, so it can weaken but not slay a victim. It causes no other harm to the recipient in the form of disease, insanity, etc.

Renew Deposit (Alteration, Evocation)


Level: 7
Components: V,S,M
Range: 0
Casting Time: 12 turns
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: This spell permits a dwarven high priest to renew the normally nonrenewable mineral resources upon which dwarven society depends. With this spell, a depleted mineral or metal ore deposit can slowly grow and renew itself. First, a mineral "seed" must be prepared. The type of seed must be the same as that of the deposit to be renewed (e.g., a gold seed is used to renew a gold vein, a diamond seed is used to restore a diamond mine). The value of the seed ranges from 5,000 gp for a base metal (such as iron) up to 25,000 gp or more for a very rare substance (such as mithral or adamantite).

Next, a circle of dwarven clerics links together using a combine spell. The high priest casts prayer upon the seed, then casts the renew deposit spell with the circle linked again by combine. The seed is planted in the depleted vein at the midway point of the spell-casting. The clerics involved in the circle must then rest for 72 hours after the spell is completed, because the spell is so physically and spiritually draining.

Once the spell is cast, the depleted deposit slowly grows new ore until the vein is completely renewed. The vein renews itself at a rate that depends on the substance growing in the vein, as follows:

Base metal (iron or copper): 5-30 years.
Precious metal (silver or gold): 20-80 years.
Very rare metal (mithral): 70-100 years.
Semiprecious stones: 5-20 years.
Fancy stones: 10-60 years.
Gemstones: 20-80 years.

The substance grows until the deposit is fully renewed, up to the total volume of the original deposit. If the vein is again depleted, the spell may be cast again. If the vein is hastily mined before the deposit is fully renewed, the spell is broken and no additional growth occurs. Furthermore, no additional growth can ever occur, even if the spell is cast again, because the vein has been spiritually polluted by the greed and haste of the foolish miners. Only a special act of forgiveness by a dwarven deity can overcome the spiritual pollution of the area.

Rune of Impregnable Defense (Alteration, Evocation)


Level: 7
Components: V,S,M
Range: 6"
Casting Time: 12 turns
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: Special
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: This spell is used to strengthen the fortifications of a dwarven stronghold by increasing the resistance of a castle wall, gate, portcullis, drawbridge, or other defensive structure against physical or magical attack. The spell is cast by a circle of dwarven clerics linked by a combine spell. Next, a large rune is inscribed on the surface of the structure to be protected in the last turn of the spell-casting. The rune is created to protect a surface of up to 2,500 square feet in area (such as a 50' by 50' section of castle wall). The rune is invisible after the spell is cast, but may be revealed by a detect magic spell.

The protection provided by the rune is not permanent; it expires after one month, and the rune fades away if the spell is not renewed. To renew the rune's power, a dwarven cleric of at least 7th-level experience must cast a glyph of warding spell upon the rune before it fades; the rune is thus renewed and remains in effect for another month. The dwarves must constantly renew the runes protecting a stronghold every month on a regular schedule, or else the runes fade away and become useless.

This powerful rune protects a surface from the attacks of battering rams, siege machines, stones hurled by catapults or giants, ballista missiles, or other such physical attacks that inflict structural damage. All physical attacks inflict no damage to the surface. A section of castle wall or stone tower protected by this rune cannot be undermined and collapsed by sappers, because the rune maintains the strength and integrity of the structure and its underlying foundation.

This rune also provides protection from many magical attacks. Against an attack that inflicts structural damage, such as a lightning bolt, disintegrate spell, or a horn of blasting, a saving throw vs. spells may he made to reduce the damage by one-half. The saving throw made by the structure is that used by a 19th-level or greater cleric. Thus, if an earthquake spell strikes a structure protected by this rune, the earthquake's damage is reduced by 50% if a saving throw of 7 or better is rolled. If the save vs. spells is made against a passwall spell cast upon a protected surface, the passwall does not take effect.

This rune has one additional protective function. If a prayer spell is cast upon the rune by a dwarven cleric, any structural damage suffered by the protected structure repairs itself at the rate of two points of damage per round. The repair continues for as long as the prayer spell is in effect.

It is possible for the rune to be destroyed or dispelled, of course. If the surface upon which the rune is inscribed is utterly destroyed, the rune is also destroyed, and no repair may take place if a prayer spell is cast upon the rune. A section of castle wall reduced to rubble or a drawbridge smashed apart also loses its protective rune. A dispel magic spell cast by a high-level spell-caster might possibly dispel the rune. Again, the rune is treated as if cast by a 19th-level or greater cleric.

Prohibited Dwarven Clerical Spells

Spell levelProhibited spells
2nd levelDust devil, snake charm
3rd levelAnimate dead, feign death
4th levelGiant insect, speak with plants, sticks to snakes
5th levelAir walk, animate dead monsters, insect plague, rainbow
6th levelAerial servant
7th levelWind walk

Additional Dwarven Clerical Spells

Spell levelAdditional spells
3rd levelStone shape (MU5)
4th levelDig (MU4), magnetism (WJ3)
5th levelMelt metal (WJ4), stoneskin (MU4), strength (MU2), transmute rock to mud (MUS)
6th levelMetal skin (WJ5), move earth (MU6), rust to metal (WJ6), stone to flesh (MU6), wall of stone (MU5), warp stone (WJ6)
7th levelElemental servant (WJ7), wall of iron (MtJ5)

The material components for this spell are a golden writing stylus with a diamond point (worth at least 5,000 gp), which is used to inscribe the rune, and the holy symbols of all the clerics involved in the combine circle.

Sacred Link (Evocation/Alteration)

Level: 7
Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 2 rounds
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: To bring about a sacred link, a cleric must hold in his or her hands the two objects to be linked, and then cast the spell. The two items must be fashioned of the same material(s) and be roughly the same size; they cannot be living creatures; and ideally they will be nearly identical (i.e., matching swords, scrolls, statuettes, etc.) The sacred link spell causes an invisible magical bond to be created between the two items; both will radiate a very faint dweomer, and although the link is not a tangible pathway or thread that one can follow, what happens to one item will also happen to the other, even if they are separated by myriad planes or any distance.

The link lasts until one of the items is destroyed (or until a dispel magic is cast upon one of the items, which negates the link). For instance, if a map or scroll is sold to an enemy and the match for it is retained by the cleric, his or her temple, or even another being, several days after the sale this being could burn his or her copy - and the enemy's copy would also be consumed, regardless of its location or situation (i.e., if the map was buried or underwater, no flames would occur, but the map or scroll would still turn to ashes and be destroyed, in unison with its burning twin; on the other hand, if the enemy's copy is in a backpack or on a desk with other papers, its immolation could well ignite other, adjacent flammable materials).

By means of this spell a weapon can be damaged or destroyed by affecting its twin - or conversely, any item could be improved by plating with gold, adorning with gems, or careful carving. This spell can be used to link magic items, and thus, re-charging or activating one would identically affect the other - but there is a 3% cumulative chance per use of the link (which is involuntary and not under the control of the cleric or another being; one cannot choose to have one action duplicated in the twin item, and another not) that one of the items will shatter or explode (discharging all of its functions or charges), and end the link. The material components for this spell are the two items, the cleric's holy symbol, and a strand of find wire, human hair, or spiderweb.

Shield of the archons (Abjuration)

Level: 7
Components: V
Range: 0
Casting Time: 1 segments
Duration: 1 rd./2 IvIs.
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 120o arc

Explanation/Description: This spell creates a mystic shield of beneficent energies that interposes itself between the caster and incoming attacks by spell, innate spell-like ability, or magical device (wand, stave, etc.). Attacks the caster that are within the arc protected by the shield hit the shield instead, and may shatter it. Roll 1d20 for every spell it intercepts. The shield shatters if the roll is less than or equal to the spell level of the intercepted spell. A shield that shatters provides protection from the spell that shattered it.

If an area-effect spell would include the caster, but is not directly targeted on him, then the shield provides a +4 saving throw bonus and reduces damage by -2 points per die. This protection also is afforded against breath-weapon attacks that would cause physical damage.

If attacks are launched at the caster from different directions, the shield interposes itself between the caster and the most dangerous threat, as determined by the DM.

The shield provides no protection against attacks other than those specified. A caster can create a shield of the archons but once per day.

Its reverse, shield of the tanar'ri, is similar, but uses baneful energies. This form of the spell is used by evil priests.

Tsunami (Invocation/Evocation)

Level: 7
Components: V,M
Range: 240 yards
Casting Time: 1 turn
Duration: 1d4 rounds
Saving Throw: Special
Area of Effect: variable

Explanation/Description: This spell creates a huge, racing wall of water that will destroy structures of less than the sturdiest stone construction. The size and destructive power of the wave depends on the amount of water present, and can be up to 10' high per level of the caster. An average river can wash away a farmstead, an ocean can inundate an entire town. The tsunami washes away and scatters unprotected creatures with up to three hit dice (save vs. death or drown). Unprotected creatures with four or more hit dice will take 3d6 points of damage per round of exposure. The tsunami has the same effect as an earthquake on all structures except those made of solidly constructed stone.

Whirlwind (Invocation/Evocation)

Level: 7
Components: V,M
Range: 120 yards
Casting Time: 1 turn
Duration: 3 + 1d4 rds.
Saving Throw: Special
Area of Effect: cone 30' X 270' high

Explanation/Description: This spell creates damaging, gale-force winds, capable of destroying structures of less than the sturdiest stone construction. On land, the whirlwind will appear as a tornado, at sea, it will appear as a hurricane. The whirlwind can be created only where there is room for it to fully form, and its formation requires a full turn. It automatically scatters unprotected creatures with up to three hit dice (save vs. death or be killed), and grounds all flying creatures (save vs. death or crash). Unprotected creatures with four or more hit dice will take 3d6 points of damage per round of exposure (from buffeting, flying debris, etc.) and cannot move into the wind (i.e., toward the caster). The whirlwind has the same effect as an earthquake (Player's Handbook, page 233) on all structures except those made of solidly constructed stone.

The whirlwind moves at a rate of 30 to 60 yards per round, according to the desire of the caster, and the caster can vary its direction by up to 60 degrees per round. The caster must concentrate on the whirlwind for a full round to change its speed or direction.

Possession (Abjuration/Possession)

Level: VARIABLE (Minimum 4th)
Components: V,S,M
Range: 0
Casting Time: 1 hour
Duration: Permanent (Special)
Saving Throw: Negates
Area of Effect: Creature Touched

Explanation/Description: This spell opens a channel to the outer plane on which the caster’s deity resides. It places what amounts to as a “request for services” query to the deity for a minion to take possession of the intended target. The target MUST be present on the Prime Material Plane. The spell will automatically fail if attempted on another plane of existence and the caster must make a save vs. Death Magic or die.

The request is not automatic. There is a 5% chance per level of the caster that a minion will be sent to possess the physical form of the target. Only human, elf, dwarf, gnome, halfling and combinations of them are succeptible to this spell. If there is a creature sent, the target gets a save vs. Death Magic to negate the effect of the spell. The save is made at +/- 1 per level difference between the caster and target (A 10th level cleric casts the spell on a 5th level target, the save is made at -5, if the levels are reversed the save is made at +5). A willing target is still required to roll a save where a roll of 20 causes the body to reject the possession. If the save is successful, no further attempt to possess the target is possible by any means from the attempting pantheon for 1 year.

The type of spirit that will come to perform the possession is dependent on the level of the caster, the standing of the caster in the religion and the purpose for the summoning. The more pertinent to the cause of the deity, the more powerful spirit will be sent to perform services. What happens to the target body after the spell is dependent on what type of spirit is summoned. The younger the target, the more powerful the possession wil be and the longer it remains in the body, the more integrated the two beings will become. It can only be dismissed by means of an Exorcism. If the possessing spirit is of 12 or more hit dice, then a Gate spell is also required to force open the portal to send the spirit back to its place of origin.

The material components are a target humanoid, a vial of the targets’ blood, and a diamond of at least 5000 gp value. The blood and diamond are consumed in the spell.

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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey /