New Monsters

In my effort to stay one step ahead of the players in my group, I have had to create some of my own monsters. The stock of creatures listed in the usual publications becomes a bit predictable and makes it difficult to throw a real challenge at experienced playes. Something completely new changes the equation from "How do we handle it this time" to "What the hell is it?" A never before seen foe brings out the best in the players and makes everyone remember why we started playing these games in the first place.


Frequency:		Very Rare
# Appearing:		1-4
Armour Class:		0
Move:			6"
HD:			4+4
% Lair:			0%
Treasure Type:		Special (see Notes)
# Attacks:		1
Dam/Attack:		Special (see Notes)
Spec. Attacks:		Energy Drain, Frost, Slice, + to hit
Spec. Def:		Repel, Invisibility
Magic Res:		Special
Intelligence:		Average to Very
Alignment:		Chaotic Evil
Size:			M (5' tall)
Psionics:		Nil

The creature is an extension from the Negative Material Plane and all that is seen is its' shadow. The shadow is projected 2 hexes to the right or left of the actual being but always within striking range of its target when engaged. The first attack is at +4 and is reduced by 1 after each successful hit until no bonus remains. If something walks into the hex containing the creature, he will receive d10 electrical damage, be knocked back d6 hexes and take d4 per hex damage (Save vs. Breath Weapon for 1/2, if landing area is cushioned - 1/2 and 1/4).

The Energy Shadow has three attack forms which it will use randomly:

		1. SLICE - as Sword of Sharpness (d12 damage),
		2. FROST - frost bite over area hit (3d6 damage),
		3. ENERGY DRAIN - 1 level/hit (Save vs. Paralyzation at -4).

On a 20, the slicing attack will sever a limb (1-2 left leg, 3-4 right leg, 5-6-7 shield arm, 8-9 weapon arm, 10 head). Hits from the energy drain are cumulative regardless of saving throws (save for 1/2 level drain). The effects of a 1/2 level drain will wear off in 2 weeks. Any spell discharging energy will have no damaging effect on the creature and will actually HEAL 1/4 of the total damage rolled on the intended victim. Any absorbing spell will cause d6 damage per level of the caster plus any normal damage. All other spells are normal in effect.

All figures are at -4 to hit until its "whereabouts" are known. In dark or shaded areas, another -4 is assessed under all circumstances.

It is usually encountered in warmer regions to hide as his only visible body on the Prime Material Plane is a light distortion that is easily mistaken as a heat shimmer. Any treasure found will be from previous victims.


Frequency:		Very Rare
# Appearing:		1 (or 3)
Armour Class:		2
Move:			9"(6")
HD:			1 to 3
% Lair:			15%
Treasure Type:		U(x2), X, S (in lair)
# Attacks:		3 (or 4)
Dam/Attack:		1-3/1-3/2-5 (or 3-12) (+2-12)
Spec. Attacks:		Rock Spit
Spec. Def:		See Notes
Magic Res:		25% 
Intelligence:		Exceptional
Alignment:		Chaotic Good
Size:			M (or S)
Psionics:		Nil

Rock Eaters are a very intelligent race of beings able to communicate in both common and alignment. They are most commonly encountered as a familiar causing chaos and telling bad jokes to annoy enemies and party members alike. This chattering will also cause an increased probability of wandering monster encounters. It has a low armour class due to its' rock based life form. Fire and sharp objects do only 1/2 damage due to this. They can burrow into rock but NO other terrain (sand, dirt, etc).

A Rock Eater attacks with a claw/claw/bite (the bite does 3-12 if both claws have hit the same target in a round). He is able to attack multiple targets in a single round. As he enters melee, he is able to spit rocks up to 6 hexes doing 2d6 per rock (subtract 1 point of damage per each point of BASE AC below 8 to a minimum of 2). This attack can only be directed at one target per round. He may spit up to 3 rocks per round and a total of 9 rocks. After this, it must consume a volume of rock equal to half its body weight (75 to 125 pounds) to spit again. If the spit is successful from within 2 hexes, it will have initiative and will be able to attack first regardless of weapon speed priority. If 2 or more rocks hit its target, it will gain a +1 to hit and damage.

Rock Eaters are encountered alone (3HD) or in a set of 3 comprised of a male (3HD 75%/2HD 25%), a female (3HD 25%/2 HD 75%) and a child (2HD 15%/1 HD 75%/ 1/2 HD 10%). Due to their intelligence, they will avoid fights and offer to join a party in order to save its young. The young are size S.

STONE SHAPE can be used to heal a Rock Eater at 1/2 HP per level of the caster and ICE STORM will heal at a rate of 1 HP per level and will add 1/2 HP per level after all wounds are healed above the creatures normal maximum total up to 3 points over. These points are temporary and are the first lost when wounded. It is immune to all rock based spells (a Wall of Stone is almost non-existent to a Rock Eater).

Rock Eaters emit a wicked stench and can be detected within 10'. Any creature within that radius must Save vs. Petrification or fight at -2. When taken as a familiar, the stench is transmitted to the wizard, who must also make a saving roll when first accepted. The Rock Eater has Infravision (60') which is transmitted to his wizard.

A Rock Eater will use gems and jewels to feed its young. Rarely will there be weapons, but a large number of potions is normal. They are mixed together to create the appropriate atmosphere for the young. If a figure drinks a potion found in a Rock Eater lair, roll for a random reaction (as per DMG pg 116). Also, it will cause a Minor Malevolent Effect (60% - d6,d12), a Major Malevolent Effect (20% - d6,d12 - 35/36 are choice), or a Minor Benign Power (20% - d10,d10 as per DMG pp 162-3).


Frequency:		Very Rare
# Appearing:		1-4
Armour Class:		3 (or better)
Move:			18"
HD:			5 to 20
% Lair:			60%
Treasure Type:		Any (see Notes)
# Attacks:		1, 3 or 5
Dam/Attack:		Special (see Notes)
Spec. Attacks:		Swallow
Spec. Def:		Special (see Notes)
Magic Res:		15%
Intelligence:		Highly
Alignment:		Chaotic Neutral
Size:			L (40'+ long)
Psionics:		Nil

These creatures are very dragon like in appearance, but have no wings (like a Gold Dragon). They are not capable of flight, but have large claws used for gripping to crawl around their caves. Their Armour Class starts at 3 for the smallest. The Armour Class is reduced by 1 for every 2 HD of the creature above the base 5 HD (i.e. 7 HD = AC 2, 9 HD = AC 1, etc.). It is capable of attacking in several different ways. It will attack with a bite, a bite/claw/claw or a bite and 4 claws. Damage is d3 per 2 HD for the claws and d6 per 2 HD for the bite. When attacking with four of its six claws, the bite attack is at -4 to hit.

The Wangdoodle can attempt to Swallow with its bite (when the bite is the only attack). It is capable of swallowing 1 Man sized creature per 3 HD of the creature, or 1 4' or under figure per HD of the creature. It will attempt this form of attack 10 percent of the time.

Any figure under 4' tall is at -4 to hit a Wangdoodle.


Frequency:		Rare
# Appearing:		10-20
Armour Class:		5
Move:			9"
HD:			4
% Lair:			80%
Treasure Type:		Any
# Attacks:		1
Dam/Attack:		1-5
Spec. Attacks:		Poison, Surprise, Jump
Spec. Def:		Special
Magic Res:		None
Intelligence:		Low
Alignment:		Neutral Evil
Size:			S (3'+ long)
Psionics:		Nil

A Vermicious Knid is a thick snake-like creature that resembles a wet dead tree log. They are not able to constrict a figure like some other snakes. The bite, although only inflicting minimal damage, transmits a poison (d20 Save vs. Poison for 1/2 damage). They will surprise their target 80% (1-8 on d10) by the use of a Jumping attack (3 hex maximum distance). After its' prey is incapacitated, it will attempt to swallow it whole.

Any bashing weapon will do only 1 HP damage per attack, cutting and thrusting weapons will do 1/2 damage. Magical bonuses inflict damage as normal full points. They have any treasure that a previous victim might have possessed.


Frequency:		Rare
# Appearing:		20+
Armour Class:		5
Move:			6"/28"
HD:			2
% Lair:			5%
Treasure Type:		Any
# Attacks:		1
Dam/Attack:		1-6
Spec. Attacks:		Suffocation
Spec. Def:		Bashing
Magic Res:		None
Intelligence:		Animal
Alignment:		Chaotic Neutral
Size:			S
Psionics:		Nil
Man Class:		'A'

These creatures are bird-like and only travel in packs of 20 or more. They attack in a line and encircle their prey. The rate of movement allows them to form a vortex that surrounds the prey. For each successive round after the first that the prey is in the circle, a cumulative -1 to all rolls except damage rolls is applied. Every figure in the circle will lose 1d4 hit points (damage) per round due to Suffocation. If a figure attempts to break out of the circle, they must make a successful roll versus their Dexterity at -4 (other modifiers also apply). If failed, the figure takes d6 damage from up to half of the birds in the circle (based on a percent roll) but never less than 1 hit (this is the bashing attack). These hits are automatic. The effects of the vortex are broken when the number of figures encircled is equal or larger than the number of birds remaining. Figures outside the vortex are unaffected.


Frequency:		Very Rare
# Appearing:		1-4
Armour Class:		5
Move:			15"/12"
HD:			4 (and better)
% Lair:			10%
Treasure Type:		P, T, X
# Attacks:		1 or 3
Dam/Attack:		by weapon (or special)
Spec. Attacks:		Spells, Paralyzation
Spec. Def:		Spells, Immune to Lightning
Magic Res:		30% (or better)
Intelligence:		Highly
Alignment:		Chaotic Evil
Size:			M
Psionics:		Nil
Man Class:		'C'

These creatures are the basic equivalent of a Drider in the Llolth following. They, however, have not failed some form of test, but have failed in the performance of a task to further the cause of Cthulu. These Drow / Grell half breed creatures appear to have the head and torso of the Drow with the tentacle appendages of a Grell for legs. They have 10 such legs, each of which can attack in a given round doing 1-6 points damage. No more than 5 tentacles can be used on a single target in a round. These tentacles also possess a poison that causes a victim to Save vs. Poison (at +1) or become paralyzed. When a victim is incapacitated in this manner, the Drell is ruthless in his/her treatment. The victim will be drawn inside and consumed by the beak hidden within the ring of tentacles. This is the only way they beak can be used in an attack. It can devour a man sized target in 4 rounds and never more than 3 such figures in a day. The Drell may still attack when eating a victim but can only use half of its tentacles in an attack.

Due to the nature of creation of these creatures, it is typical that the Drow life form that failed in ts task was either a Cleric or Wizard. These figures will have abilities of anywhere from 4th to 9th level Magic-User (25%) or Illusionist (10%), 4th to 11th level Cleric (30%) , 5th to 11th level Fighter (15% - 40% Anti-Paladin), 5th to 10th level Assassin (15%) or some combination of two of the previous skills (5%). The figure retains all the abilities commensurate with that level character class but requires no spell book normally used by Wizards.

The creatures have a base Magic Resistance of 30% plus an additional 1% per level in their given class (multi-classed creatures will gain 1% in each level for BOTH classes). They have superior Infravision (120') and fight equally well in daylight or darkness. They also are innately resistant to all forms of lightning. In addition, they can use these spells once per day at will Darkness, Detect Magic, Suggestion.


Frequency:		Very Rare
# Appearing:		1 (or 1-100)
Armour Class:		2
Move:			15"//6"
HD:			10
% Lair:			0% (or 90%)
Treasure Type:		Any
# Attacks:		1 or 1 or 2
Dam/Attack:		10-60 or 4-16 or 2-5 (+7) (x2)
Spec. Attacks:		Surprise, Poison, Fear
Spec. Def:		Special
Magic Res:		None
Intelligence:		Exceptional
Alignment:		Neutral (with Evil Tendencies)
Size:			L (10' at the shoulder)
Psionics:		Nil

These are the creatures from the ALIEN movie series. They are extremely intelligent when operating alone, and exhibit mass attack tendencies when in large numbers. They are very stealthy and are extremely cold blooded creatures, due to this they are immune to detection by means of Infravision. They are able to attack with surprise, and will usually attempt to do so, on a 4 in 6 chance. They cause Fear (as the spell) in any figure of fewer HD (roll is made when visual contact is made).

The attack modes are as follows: Teeth or Tail or Claws. The claws (one attack per claw) is the least threatening as the claws are used primarily for raking and wounding. They cause 2-5 points of damage each. But, due to the creatures immense strength (Strength 19), they add +3 to hit and +7 to each successful hit for damage.

When attacking with the tail or teeth, these are the only actions allowed in the given round. The tail causes 4-16 points of damage, but is laced with a strong poison that is injected in to the victim. A Save vs. Paralyzation at -2 must be made or the figure is paralyzed for 5-30 rounds. When attacking with their teeth, the Alien must "prepare" for a round as the teeth are exposed and "aimed". No action is allowed in a round where an Alien is preparing for a teeth attack. The attack has a range of 1" and causes 10-60 points of damage.

These creatures will often attempt to take prisoners to provide hosts for "Face-Huggers" which implant an embryo for a new Alien. These creatures are born from an egg. When a figure is grabbed with surprise (a successful "to hit" roll with both hands), it will be taken back, if at all possible, to become a host. Any attempt to break free will be at a severe penalty. In a battle of strength to break free, the Aliens' effective strength is 22.

The blood of an Alien is a concentrated Acid. When cut with a slashing or piercing weapon, any figure within 1" of the Alien (on the "front hexes" of the Alien) must make a save vs. Petrification or be struck by a spray of acid (Dexterity and other protective magic bonuses apply). If the roll is failed, then the target is hit and will take 1-20 points of damage. A figures armour may be used to stop some of this damage (1 point for each point of Base AC value below 10 plus any magical bonuses), but the armour becomes useless until repaired by an armourer.

The young will burst from the hosts' chest, instantly killing it. The new Alien is 2HD and can be any where from 2 to 9 HD as a young. It will become fully grown to 10 HD in 24 hours as long as there is a food supply available.

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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey /