Cliddean Race

One of the most intriguing developments introduced into my campaign was the emergence of a race of creatures from the outer planes. I was looking for an idea to generate a completely new turn of events in the game to put the players off balance. Give them a cause to either join or fight against. Further, in the tradition of inspiration, the idea for these creatures came while watching TV. These creatures are based on animated characters I saw in a blue jeans commercial. There was very little in the way of explicit details for the creatures, but the basis was there. From the starting point of their physical appearance and some general qualities exhibited in the ad, I developed the racial construct, abilities and history to fit the game.



All forms of Clids have Ultravision. The take only 1/2 damage from COLD (save for NO Damage) due to living in an extremely cold (the creatures were from outer space in the ad). Spells dealing with breathing have NO EFFECT for the first 20 minutes (for game balance, there must be a limit on the amount of time they can go without oxygen). After that time, only 1/2 effect (save for no effect). They take double damage from fire attacks and save a -3 (cumulative for fighter types, magic resistance applies for magic-user types). All forms are at a -2 to hit in temperatures above 60 Fahrenheit and at +2 to hit when under 10.


There are 5 Magic-User types of 20th+ level who are the ELDERS. They are advisors and leaders of the race. The fighters control themselves by strongest in battle, which can be challenged at any time. This leads to constant battle amongst the ranks and a constant turnover of fighter type leadership. The wizard types rule by election. When an elder wizard is about to die, he/she will select a successor. If the figure dies unexpectedly, those of the next higher level decide who is to be taught the new level of ability. The grand wizard Clid must name a successor once he acquires the position. The designation of the next leader can be changed at any time and just such an occurrence has caused rifts between cliques within the society. Whenever battle plans are discussed, at least 2 of the mightiest warriors will be present and will almost always favor straight up fights to intricate battle plans. They do recognize the wisdom of their wizard leaders and tend to commit to their plans as long as there is some eventual violence to be performed by the warriors. When encountered, there will always be at least 1 Magic-User type for every 10 Fighters (the Magic-User will be of a superior level than the highest fighter).


Clids are from the plane of TARTERUS and used to serve the TITANS of the plane until the Magic-Users grew too powerful and the fighters too strong to control. A great battle ensued between the races which caused widespread destruction on the plane. In one last effort, the Titans banded together to banish the Clids from Tarterus and placed them on the Prime Material Plane through one massive Plane Shift. The Clids now attempt to gain enough power to reassemble and journey back to Tarterus for another battle. To make matters worse, no Clid has the power to cast the spells required to transport themselves back to Tarterus. The Clids have sworn that they will one day return to the plane and reclaim it as their home. There is constant fighting between the types for superiority and control, but their superior intelligence and magical prowess keep the fighters at bay for the magic-user types.


The Fighter types use a special sword that is made for each individual. The sword is embued with some of the wielders' spirit creating a more powerful weapon than it otherwise should be and a spiritual link is created between Clid and sword. It is like a Long Sword in every way except that it does 1-10/2-16 damage. It will EXPLODE when broken, which can only be done after the owner dies or by the owners' own will. When it explodes, it will do d6 damage per HD of the original owner to all figures within a 1 hex radius (1") of the sword (Save vs. Dragon Breath for 1/2).

Racial Specifics


Frequency:	Uncommon
# Appearing:	2-40
Armour Class:	6 (and better)
Move:		15"
HD:		2 (and better)
% Lair:		10%
Treasure Type:	X
# Attacks:	4 (or 1-2)
Dam/Attack:	1-6(x2)/1-4/1-8 or sword + STR Bonus
Spec. Attacks:	Multiple Attacks
Spec. Def:	See Notes
Magic Res:	-2 on Saving Throws (see Notes)
Intelligence:	Very
Alignment:	Chaotic Neutral (with Evil tendencies)
Size:		L (8' tall)
Psionics:	Nil

Will have any fighting level ability and gain attacks as normal fighters, but only with a Cliddean sword (see note) which is its first preference. Armour Class is according to armour worn (see table), but never worse than 6. Without a weapon, it has 4 attacks (claw/claw/bite/tail). Their strength may reach up to 20 and is never lower than 18. They can cause Fear with a gaze attack (as the spell) 1/day/3 HD on creatures with fewer HD (Save vs. Paralyzation or frozen to the spot 4-16 rounds). They are immune to Symbol, Friends, Charm, Scare and Fear. 3% ride Cliddean War Birds.

	40%	Studded
	10%	Ring
	5%	Scale
	15%	Chain
	15%	Splint
	10%	Banded
	5%	Plate

	HD		Strength
	2		18
	3-4		18/01-50
	5-6		18/51-75
	7-8		18/76-90
	9		18/91-99
	10		18/00
	11		19
	12+		20


Frequency:	Rare
# Appearing:	1-4
Armour Class:	3
Move:		12"/9"
HD:		2 (and better)
% Lair:		10%
Treasure Type:	T
# Attacks:	1
Dam/Attack:	1-4
Spec. Attacks:	Magic-User spells (see Notes)
Spec. Def:	Magic-User spells (see Notes)
Magic Res:	45% (see Notes)
Intelligence:	Average to Genius
Alignment:	Chaotic Neutral
Size:		S (3'-4' tall)
Psionics:	2% have 101-200 pts (2 Min/ 1 Maj with no attacks/defenses)

Their spell level equals the HD level as a Magic User. They can Fly at will and become Invisible 3/day and gain +3 on all saving throws where applicable. They may use spells up to 8th level except fire base spells. Cold based spells are cast with double effectiveness. Normal physical attack is with a dagger. Psionics - 2% have them with 2 Minor and 1 Major discipline with 101-200 points. They have no attack or defense modes. They are unable to be attacked psionically and have the equivalent of a Mind Bar equal to their HD.

HD		Intelligence	Magic Resistance
2-3		12		10%
4-5		13		15%
6-7		14		20%
8-9		15		25%
10-11		16		30%
12-13		17		35%
14+		18		40%
20+		*		*

	* - 10% chance for both 19 Int and 45% MR
	     Those with these attributes are Elders.


Frequency:	Very Rare
# Appearing:	1 (or 1-4)
Armour Class:	-1
Move:		6"/36"
HD:		25
% Lair:		5%
Treasure Type:	Special (see Notes)
# Attacks:	2 or 1
Dam/Attack:	5-50(x2) or Special (see Notes)
Spec. Attacks:	Freeze Ray
Spec. Def:	Immune to Cold
Magic Res:	None
Intelligence:	Average
Alignment:	As Rider or Neutral
Size:		L (40'+ wingspan)
Psionics:	Nil
Man Class:	'C'

Fire does double damage to these birds, cutting weapons do 1/2 damage, smashing weapons do normal damage. Theire eyes can emit a Freeze Ray equal to 1/2 total hit points of creature, but it drains 10 HP in fatigue from the bird (Save vs. Dragon Breath for 1/2 damage) and is focused on only one target. The bird can spread eye ray to hit more targets but loses 5 HP of damage per extra target. It is immune to Psionic manipulation. Their eyes are sapphires of 5000GP per 10HP of the creature in value. They are traditionally ridden by Fighter Type leaders.

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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey
Last modified: MAR 28 08:00 EST 1997