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Healer Character Class

This character class has been culled from a back issue of Dragon(tm) Magazine and details a character classes for use in a 1st Edition AD&D game.


Healers, as the name implies, are designed to allow rapid repair of other characters in large campaign games. Basically, the healer is a combination of magic-user and cleric with a dash of fighter. However, the healer has a set of spells exclusive to the class (although most of them can be found in other lists), and a healer is not allowed to change class at any time of his own volition.

Basic prerequisites for a healer are minimum scores of 15 each in intelligence, wisdom, and dexterity. Healers can only be lawful or neutral. A chaotic healer is not possible, and a healer would become a mere fighter if forced to change to that alignment.

Healers may not wear any armor or carry a shield, but may use any weapons and may use and be affected by any magical items. The various magical books, librams, and tomes to be round will not aid the healer in any way and can only be harmful. Special abilities are conferred upon the healer at certain levels, as follows:

At 4th level the healer can detect molds, slimes, etc. at a 40-foot distance.
At 8th level the healer can identify general types of potions.
At 12th level the healer can read magic-user and clerical scrolls.
At 16th level the healer can use four 1st-level magic-user spells, in addition to the healer spells listed below.
At 20th level the healer can use four 2nd-level magic-user spells, in addition to the healer spells listed below.

Healers can be of the human, dwarf, halfling, half-elf or elf races. Dwarven healers are limited to 10th level (Medic), while halflings, half-elves and elves can rise only as high as 14th level.

The class fights and saves on the Clerics tables and is a sub class of Cleric for all pertinent rolls. As a starting character they have the Talents Run, Dodge and First Aid as described for the Barbarian class. They start with 3 weapons proficiencies and gain 1 every 3 levels.

NOTE: Healers are not allowed to Multi or Dual class. Healers are also treated as a Cleric sub class regarding healing spell swapping, Wisdom Bonuses, Super Stats and spell focus.

Healer spell list
1st level2nd level3rd level
1.Cure Light WoundsCure DiseaseAnimate Dead
2.Detect CharmHasteCure Serious Wounds
3.Detect DiseaseInvisibilityCure Blindness
4.Detect EvilNeutralize PoisonDeath's Door
5.Detect InvisibilityPurify Food & DrinkESP
6.Detect MagicSlowSpeak w/Dead
7.Detect PoisonStrength
8.Detect Phase
4th level5th level6th level
1.Awaken Cure InsanityClone
2.Cure LycanthropyCure ParalysisImproved Cure Serious Wounds
3.EnergyLongevitySpeak w/Animals
4.FlyMinor SurgerySpeak w/Monsters
5.Mind BlankRaise DeadSpeak w/Plants
6.Stone To FleshSize ControlWater Breathing
7th levelCantrips
1.Blade BarrierAspiration
2.Cure DeafnessCandle
3.Neutralize GasCure Minor Wounds
4.Remove CharmFind a Stray
5.Remove Curse
Spell descriptions
1st level
  1. Detect Magic: same as magic-user spell of same name.
  2. Detect Evil: same as magic-user spell of same name.
  3. Detect Poison: A spell that allows caster to determine if poison is present or is being used within a 30' radius, and where. It will also tell what type of poison.
  4. Detect Disease: This spell will tell caster what disease (if any) is present within a 30” range.
  5. Detect Invisiblity: same as magic-user spell of same name.
  6. Detect Phase: A spell to find secreted treasure hidden by out-of-phase equipment (spells); and to find creatures that are out of phase; duration 6 turns.
2nd level
  1. Neutralize Poison: same as cleric spell of same name.
  2. Cure Disease: same as cleric spell of same name.
  3. Purify Food & Drink: same as cleric spell of same name.
  4. Slow: same as magic-user spell of same name.
  5. Haste: same as magic-user spell of same name.
  6. Invisibility: same as magic-user spell of same name.
3rd level
  1. Speak with Dead: same as cleric spell of same name.
  2. Cure Serious Wounds: same as cleric spell of same name.
  3. Cure Blindness: same as cleric spell of same name.
  4. ESP: same as magic-user spell of same name.
  5. Animate Dead: same as magic-user spell of same name.
  6. Strength: same as magic-user spell of same name.
4th levelTD>
  1. Stone To Flesh: same as magic-user spell of same name.
  2. Mind Blank: same as magic-user spell of same name.
  3. Energy: Use of this spell will restore one life level to a character who has lost one to a wraith or similar happenstance.
  4. Cure Lycanthropy: This spell allows user to remove the disease of lycanthropy from anyone so afflicted.
  5. Awaken: This spell will awaken anyone put to sleep through any means.
  6. Fly: same as magic-user spell of same name.
5th level
  1. Raise Dead: same as cleric spell of same name.
  2. Cure Insanity: allows caster to cure anyone of insanity.
  3. Cure Paralysis: allows user of the spell to cure paralysis, or negate it in any effect.
  4. Longevity: Removes 10 years from the age of the character this spell is cast upon (note: This will counter the effects of aging caused by a staff of withering, ghost attack, etc.).
  5. Teleport: same as magic-user spell of same name.
  6. Size Control: This spell will neutralize the effect of growth and shrinking potions or similar devices.
6th level
  1. Improved Cure Serious Wounds: This spell will cure 4d6 worth of damage, with an bonus of one point per die (i.e., 8-28 pts.)
  2. Clone: same as magic-user spell of same name.
  3. Water Breathing: same as magic-user spell of same name.
  4. Speak with Plants: same as cleric spell of same name.
  5. Speak with Animals: same as cleric spell of same name.
  6. Speak with Monsters: same as cleric spell of same name.
7th level
  1. Sterilize: This spell will cleanse any room of any infection, or rid an area of mold, slime, or other nasty creatures of up to 5 hit dice.
  2. Neutralize Gas: This spell will neutralize the adverse effects of poisonous or harmful gases.
  3. Blade Barrier: same as cleric spell of same name.
  4. Remove Curse: same as magic-user spell of same name.
  5. Remove Charm: This spell removes or negates a charm placed upon a character; range 3”.
  6. Cure Deafness: This spell will cure deafness from any cause.

LevelTitleExp. pointsHit dice (d8)Spells by level
8Sr. Resident200,00183322211
12Doctor, 12th600,00110+24443332
13Doctor, 13th700,00110+35444333
14Doctor, 14th800,00110+45544433
15Doctor, 15th900,00110+55554443
16Doctor, 16th1,000,00110+66555444
17Doctor, 17th1,100,00110+76655544
18Doctor, 18th1,200,00110+86665554
19Doctor, 19th1,300,00110+97666555
20Doctor, 20th1,400,00110+107766655
21Doctor, 21st1,500,00110+117776665
23Doctor, 23rd1,700,00110+138877766
24Doctor, 24th1,800,00110+148887776
25Doctor, 25th1,900,00110+159888777

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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey / senk@optonline.net