Building Number Cross Reference
Number Location Description
1 Training Facility This facility is available for anyone to use. The property is owned by Jens Svensson, a “retired” 13th level fighter, and is rented for training purposes. There is a staff on hand to train people in the use of weapons, weapon skills, fighting styles and multiple attacks. The facility does not teach thieving, assassinating, clerical, druidical or magic-using skills. Customers are always welcome to use the facility with “their own” trainer. Jens is 38, 6’1”, 225 pounds full of muscle. He parties hard and long in to the night.
2 Midway Brewery The facility is owned by Oolst and employs 5 dwarves to produce the nectar of Midway. The only problem is getting more of it out of the brewery than gets drunk in the brewery.
3 Hotel Corliss An upscale living establishment, this hotel caters to the wealthy and only provides full service, expensive accommodations. Owned by Jermaine Corliss, a well to do entrepreneur who lives in the Intercities, the place is run by his nephew Otto and was designed to be his cash cow. Otto loves to flirt and has extremely high standards of living. Any and all amenities are available here for a price. Otto is a charter member of the upscale night life of Midway and usually has 2 or 3 women with him at all times. This Hotel has 20 rooms for rent. They are a human family.
4 Wander Inn Run by Bertha. The best way to describe Bertha is 'Too much fish for one man .... much too much' and she is not ashamed of it. Eats frequently at the 'Morning Star' not so much for the *quality* of the food but for the *quantity* of the food. She is human, single in her late 30's, obnoxious, tough but runs a tight ship at her place. She is the bouncer most of the time. In the rare cases where she can't handle a situation she calls in her slightly retarded brother Bruno (whom she loves very much). Bruno (also a part time tax enforcer) listens to Bertha unwaveringly and very literally. He is human 6'6" 325 lbs. ... strong as an ox. He is normally very gentle but will not tolerate anyone hurting his sister. Bruno also frequents the 'Morning Star' and calls the dwarves there 'his friends'. The Wander Inn is a medium-to-low class place that gets most of its customers from spill over from Rooms For Rent. They have 50 rooms for rent.
5 Pete's Place Pete is a Lizard Man that has become “civilized”. He realized long ago it was easier to sell food and drink to humanoids and take their money than to try and kill them. He serves good food and great drinks for a reasonable price. He has a chain of restaurant/inns running in the more populated and higher profile towns. He usually has some good bits of info if he’s in town. The place has 25 rooms for rent in a variety of price ranges depending on specific accommodation requirements.
6 Wanna Slug This joint gets a lot of attention. If a drink and a brawl are what you want, this is where to go. If you don’t start a fight, just wait a while. The police are constantly visiting to haul away the drunk and disorderly. The owner, a dwarf by the name of Hacker Umstar, is a definite alcoholic. He is always pushing people around looking for a fight, trying to recall some long past “heroic battle”. It’s a wonder this place makes money except for the fact that the prices are dirt cheap. He caters to the lower class of travelers.
7 Balrog's Heart

Upscale hotel that is suited to wizards, although anyone of any occupation can stay there. There is a sitting rooms with a large library, nice chairs and tables (with some chess tables) and expensive/high class alcohol. This is the kind of place you would find Drs. Niles and Frazier Crane. SD, Dante Phibes (sage see below) and just about all of the MUs of Midway (as well as some clerics) frequent this place to exchange ideas, thoughts, information etc. Run by Edmund Birchfield and elderly elf with the mannerisms and personality of Alfred (from Batman).

Dante Phibes is the father of Vincent Phibes (who used REAL butter). Edmund Birchfield has been a long time valet/butler and friend to the Phibes family and helped raise Vincent as Vincent's mother died at birth. Dante and Edmund are very close but NOT sexual (of course Vincent never knew this, so maybe this is where Vincent got his 'preference' from). Dante is a sage of demonology (specific) and creatures from other planes (more general). SD and Dante have looooooong discussions sharing information. Of course, SD gives more info to Dante than Dante gives to SD, but that's OK with SD. Dante is about 50 years old, sophisticated, world, cultured, gracious, entertaining and very likable. He is fast becoming a friend of the whole Drumstick family.. He wants to have a story/song written about this son Vincent, of whom he is very proud. Lives in the penthouse of Balrog's heart and can be found at the library often times. Also, runs the Midway Chess Club which meets once a week at Balrog's Heart. It has 25 room for rent plus the penthouse.
8 Meat Pies & Stuff Basic food stuffs for the not so picky. This eatery is run by a Half-Orcan group of 12, all of whom were originally from the same area around Antibaun. Nivok Armcrusher is the primary owner and he will not put up with any funny business. Needless to say, there are a number of bouncers that work here as their contribution to the business. Nivok is a man that understands where he came from and is not ashamed of it, but realizes he started with 2 strikes against him. He tries to do what’s right and has become an outspoken member of the community.
9 Rooms for Rent A no nonsense inn. This place has 50 rooms for rent and usually fills up early each day. Prices are reasonable and extras are not expected.
10 Chateau Estelle This is the best place to eat in town, but don’t forget your money, lots of it. It sits on an island in the middle of the mountain spring and has the best food available. Estelle Ravion, a human in her late 40’s, is a originally from the Intercities where her fine food restaurant was not as successful as she would have liked and decided to change venues to become the best in town. She can be found every night schmoozing with the customers and occasionally sitting in with the bards. Her husband is Ettienne, the town Mayor.
11 Mountain Nook

Cafeteria style eatery for the masses, reasonable food at a reasonable price. There is one very popular aspect of this place, the SOUP. Mountain Nook has the best soup in Midway and probably all of the known world. If there are 10 people in Mountain Nook 9 are there for the soup. The soup chef is Hans Templanshultz more commonly known as "The Soup Tyrant". Due to the overwhelming popularity of his soup, he has a very strict ordering sequence :

  1. state the type of soup desired
  2. state the size, small or large
  3. put down the payment
  4. take three steps to the left (5 for dwarves and halflings)
  5. receive your order
  6. exit the area

Any deviation from the ordering sequence will anger Hans, anger him enough and he will not sell you any soup, really piss him off and he will not sell you any soup for a year. Every order comes with very tasty elven bread. A large order (10 gold pieces) is enough for a meal, a small (5 gold pieces) makes a good compliment to any meal. Chateau Estelle regularly buys the daily special in bulk and offers it as a choice for one of the courses (this of course is the first to go).

Hans is human, mid 40's married with 4 1/2 elven kids. His elven wife Ulenir helps out in the kitchen baking the bread.

12 Crusty Mug An out of the way drinking establishment, this place is famous with the town guards. They usually come in to sample the latest batch from the brewery after a shift at this watering hole.
13 Morning Star This restaurant specializes in dwarven style food, cooked well and lots of it. Owned by the large family of dwarves, the Macenlocks, who are probably the richest people in town, aside from SD. The 15 members of the extended family see to every aspect of the business, including acquiring food and making their own micro brewed stock. They hold no grudge and also carry the Midway brewery beer. This place also has 15 rooms for rent.
14 Eagle's Fare Owned by Armand Eskandria, a Gnome from the Far Hills, is a better than average place to eat specializing in culinary oddities. You can get the normal stuff here, but you won’t be able to identify the better food. Armand is a likable older gnome that is a widower. His only daughter, Ariel, works in the restaurant doing anything that needs doing. She is very young and attractive, as gnome’s go. He tends to socialize as a way to keep his business alive and she tends to shy away from crowds.
15 Carriage House
16 Stables Run by Norvis Chenery; a stern, 'to himself' person who appears to be in his late 40s (by human standards). He has been raising and caring for horses since childhood. It is rumored that he runs an underground horse racing gambling rink. It is also rumored that he works the stables to select 'choice' horses from Midway's stable for racing. He lives/dresses well for a man living off of the salary of the "Head of Midways Stable".
17 Guard Houses / Barracks
18 Bath House Travis Birchfield is in all respects a virtual clone of his identical twin brother Edmund Birchfield (who runs Balrog's Heart). Travis runs a TIGHT ship at the Bath House. NO public sex is permitted. Travis instructs town guards to patrol and break up instances of any kind of sexual behavior. "There are proper places for that. The Bath House is NOT one of them".
19 Library

Run by Agnes Stivolsky (aka 'Sister Mary Moosehead' as the young orphanage kids have nicknamed her). The 'Moosehead' reference comes from the shape of her coif. She is a young average looking human female who was jilted by her fiancé and now uses Catholicism to emotionally distance herself from men. She is smart, an excellent librarian and is very dedicated to her work and her faith. David Bronstein is a half-elf chess enthusiast who's ability is rivalled only by Horton Earwig (Library Sage). He is usually reading some obscure chess book instead of performing his job (which is re-shelving books). Agnes constantly hounds him to do his job.

Horton Earwig - A Grey Elf in the venerable age group, Horton has outlived most of his family and left behind the rest in Simbala. He is a tad hard of hearing and extremely fragile of body. His entire life seems to have been spent reading and you would be hard pressed to find a book he has not heard of or read. He is an invaluable source of knowledge and intellect, but not practical application. His hearing problems often lead him to answer the wrong question and most people try to communicate with him via written notes as to avoid confusion. The builders of the library have put an addition on the building for him to live to avoid him having to travel. He is usually visited at least 2 or 3 times a week by a member of the healers to check on his physical condition.
20 Link and Plate Run by a dwarven armorer named Bronstar Gimelstob or Bronny to his friends, of which there are few. He is a skilled and capable armorer who grew bitter at the world during the battle of five armies when his only brother Hemlon died in battle while wearing armor Bronny made. Hi is secluded, very private, lives alone and likes it that way. Occasionally wallows in a drunken stupor alone, blaming himself for his brothers death. Hi is in his early 30's (as humans go). He is also fairly wealthy (although you would never know it) because he does not have anything to spend his money (that he earns) on.
21 Vora's Midway Vora originally opened up this satellite location as a favor to SD to help work on his equipment, but since Simbala has turned in to an ugly place, Vora, an older Grey Elf who’s been an armourer his entire 1600 years of life, stays in Midway almost exclusively. If he can’t make it or fix it, it probably can’t be done. He is affable and easy to talk to, just don’t waste his time.
22 Gunther's (smith) Gunther is a bearish specimen of a dwarf. He makes ONLY weapons that would befit a dwarf and will not deign to make any other form of weapon. His axes, maces, hammers and morning stars and things of beauty, but if you need a sword, look elsewhere. He is straightforward and extremely savvy in business acumen. He is originally from Oolm, where his family currently resides. If the business takes off, he will bring them to Midway. He can often be found sneaking in to the Brewery at night to help with the taste testing. The boys at the brewery know him from back in Oolm.
23 Hot Enuf (smith) Run by a Human named IronHead Jackson, this establishment supplies a wide variety of weapons and accessories. He specializes in no one type, but can make just about anything. A very talkative person, IronHead used to play baseball when he was younger and coordinates the local youth leagues. There are always several kids around his shop looking for an apprenticeship or just to hear his stories about games and places he has played. He is in his late 40’s, is a HUGE man of 6’6”, 275 pounds. He has no family in town and spends most of his daylight free time with the kids.
24 Sharper Blade Run by Doug "Snap" Turtledowns. Human in his late 40's who is filling the need for swords left by Gunther. He can make a pretty good sword when he wants but generally produces swords for the masses. His swords are cheaper than the norm (in price and quality) because he makes (and sells) so many. However, his swords have a chance to break ("Snap") on a roll of 1 OR 2 on d20 to hit. He thinks people call him "Snap" because of the first part of his last name. Occasionally dates Selene Hardaway when SHE feels like it.
25 Kronk's Weapons John Kronk is a good looking tall half-elf. He got too drunk one night and took Hannah home for a little fling and has regretted it ever since. Hannah nags him for dates, money or love ... not necessarily in that order. He is a nice guy and gives into her once in a while (he feels sorry for her) for money only.
26 Jen Ling's Strings (bows) Jen, an adult wood elf, is a master Fletcher and Bowyer. She can craft bows quickly and efficiently and spends much of her time investigating ways to improve the accuracy of her weapons. She has worked with Vora in the past to create extremely fine weapons. She is a tireless worker and seldom has time for the family she has raised with her husband, Fal. They have 3 children that are grown and do not live with them.
27 Church of Vaprak (Ogre) Church of Vaprak (Ogre)
28 Church of Thor Church of Thor. Current residence of Agamemnon who is working around the facility for his keep.
29 Egyptian Church Egyptian Church
30 Norse Church Norse Church
31 Greek Church Greek Church
32 Elven Church Elven Church
33 Halfling Church Halfling Church
34 Bottle It (potions) Owned by Jim Napolitano, a swarthy salesman from somewhere outside Lost Wages. He claims to have been “taught by the best” but never seems to have anything but the simple stuff. He can get anything for a price, but don’t bet on him making it. He is the epitome of a salesman. His wife Joann, works the store in the mornings because Jim usually tries to drum up business during the later portions of the day. He has a great deal going with the local healers supplying healing potions for a discount rate. In return, they supply many of his necessary components. They are humans in their early 40’s without children.
35 Emkar's Potions Emkar is married to Astria, the 7th level wizard who works for the police. HE is resourceful and more than willing to attempt to make something new. He will frequently make deals to acquire rare components to make obscure potions. He is a very well schooled alchemist who learned from an expert in Sparta.
36 Adventurer's Guild Adventurer's Guild site
37 Town Maintenance Facility Town storage and repair / maintenance site
38 Sacred Heart of Camo Church Christian Church
50 Finestra's Dry Goods Finestra is the chairperson/president/leader of the Midway Chamber of Commerce. She is an excellent businesswoman, very charismatic, attractive (not gorgeous), mid 20's and very smart. She is human and hopes to start a town of her own some day. Her store is immaculate and stocked with quality goods. She is an upright citizen but has a skeleton in her closet. She used to be a thief (1st or 2nd level) and not a very good one. While robbing a dry goods store (ahhhh irony) the store owner woke up, a fight ensued and she killed the store owner. The store was in Simballa and there is a bounty on her head of 1000 gold pieces if brought back alive to stand trial for the murder. Her real name is Susan Silversmith (take a guess at dad's occupation) and she hopes her charade is never exposed.
51 Jewel Of My Eye (Jeweler) Run by Roan McNab, a smallish, shifty eyed man who never seems to come out of his store during the daylight hours, this place is a rarity. Gems, jewels and articles of any type can be found here, including rare pieces. His prices tend to be fairer than you would expect, but he never pays out a market price when he does buy from the populace (which is rare) and he is a notorious haggler. This brings up the question of where he gets his stock, which no one seems to know. He keeps to himself and is never seen out and about. He has no family, and appears to be a human in his late 60’s.
52 To A Tee (clothes) This is the place to go when all you need are some simple clothes. This store stocks the basics in apparel for all ages, races and sexes supplied from the Intercity. They specialize in Uniform wear and are the supplier and tailor for the local police force. Owned by the halfling family of Harry and Petunia Hedgerow. They are in their late 30’s with three small hobbits at home (2 boys and a girl). Harry wanted to be a Cleric when he was younger, but showed better promise as a tailor. He now finds himself a devout member of his church and participates regularly in services. His family is very religious and they take special pride in making the clothing for many of the clergy in town.
53 Hannah's Boutique (clothes) Hannah is a single mother of three kids (2 boys age 8 & 5, girl age 6) to three different fathers. Hannah's last name is Morgann. She had a fling with John Kronk (Kronk's Weapons see below), she is constantly after John Kronk. Boutique is disheveled ... like Hannah, she is always on the run and relies on her mother (Julia) to mind the kids a lot of the time. They are all human.
54 Assad's (rugs/furniture) Assad is an Indian (big surprise). He is smart, shrewd, cheap and a rip-off artist. He has LOTS of kids that he uses as a bargaining ploy to get people to buy his cheap merchandise. He is ALWAYS trying to beat the tax collectors out of money ... not been successful yet but he keeps trying.
55 All of It (dry goods) Owned by Elise Gullfinch, this is a dry goods store that carries just about anything you might need for adventuring, yard work, house repairs, well, just everything. It is at the end of the main strip of stores and benefits from the ability to spill merchandise out in to the street for sale. It is a common sight to see Elise out in front of her store trying to banter with passersby to purchase some of the stuff she “just can’t fit in the store”, while the stock and counter help tend to customers inside. This place does a good business and is usually crowded, if not for the merchandise, for Elise. She is an attractive late 40’s human woman whose husband died years ago adventuring. She tends to live it up at night after the shop closes and is known as one of the better paying employers in the city.
56 All Dressed Up (clothes) Looking for that “special” outfit? Look no farther than here. This store, run by two older Grey Elves, Kali and Tinian Denali, is the premier clothing store in Midway. All the finer clothes for any occasion are bought or made here. They excel at making custom apparel and alterations. They also make new designs and will make something special for a price. These folks have been at their job a long time (they are in the comparative late 40’s) and have 3 daughters and a son that assist in their production of clothing. The cost may be high, but the quality of product is never lacking. As a family, the parents and daughters do not go out much, but the son, Elber, is known to run in the night life circles.
57 Wick & Sticks (dry goods) A smallish store for dry goods, this place tends to carry a little of everything and a whole lot of travel food rations. You’ll not find a better iron ration in town, but the rest of your shopping list is hit and miss at this store. Run by a widowed female halfling in her early 50’s named Mara Underhill, the store is usually well kept. There is a distinct presence of dried foods and traveling fluids, all reasonably priced and made by Mara and her family of 6. Mara is a pleasant and affable person, and always seems to be concerned for her clients well being as if performing mother type duties to all adventurers that shop in her store. She is quite popular and is well known in town and considered to be the nicest member of the community. Her children range in ages from 6 to 22.
58 Sparkles (jeweler) Owned by Selene Hardaway, a knockout red headed human in her mid 40’s, who doesn’t look a day over 25. She specializes in upscale, classy articles that tend to be a bit on the expensive side. She makes most of her own pieces, and will make to order. She is a popular member of the growing Midway night life, but never seems to be with anyone in particular.
59 Pick Me (mining supplies) The first mining supply store opened in the Midway area, the prices are cheap, as well as the merchandise. Owned by Harry Tidwell, a human in in his early 40’s that was “between jobs” when he heard about the new town and saw an opportunity. He doesn’t know much about mining, except what he picks up from the miners that buy merchandise from him. He gets most of his supply from a manufacturer that makes a poor product and it hurts business. He does a lot of selling to new miners that haven’t learned and those who don’t have enough money to afford to shop at Mountain’s Pack. Harry is married to Jannelle, late 30’s. They have two children, both boys 16 and 14.
60 Components 'R Us Owned by Tyrell Ardmoore, a failed traveling 4th level wizard who got away with his life in his “last battle”. He now finds that selling components to those stupid enough to adventure is a lot more profitable. He sells mostly low end spell components and very reasonably. His upper level stock is minimal since he considers that stuff a bit too dangerous. He is a human male in his early 40’s that lives alone. He is currently trying to find a woman to call his own and spares no effort in his search.
61 Mountain's Pack (mining/mountaineering) Trun Longstar owns and operates this mining supplies establishment. He is a Dwarf and a former miner, thus his store carries most of the better mining supplies. He is a friend of many of the dwarves currently working in the local mines since he used to work there. He decided that he might be able to make a good living selling the supplies to the miners since he was put in charge of acquiring supplies from other cities while employed in the mines. He is opportunistic and very forthright. He lives alone in a wall apartment and enjoys his nights now that he isn’t exhausted during them anymore. He is in his mid 30’s.
62 Midway General Store Burt Sandusky knows his stuff and placed his store smack in the middle of the market square. His “Local-Town” General Store chain can be found in most larger cities where any volume of traveling in and out occurs. He likes Midway and has decided to live here as his home. He likes the security and the opportunity to help “shape this new community”. He is usually in his store taking inventory and is a notorious tight wad when it comes to paying the help. His turnover is quick as far as stock and counter help is concerned. Burt is in his mid 50’s and is not married. He owns several properties in town and rents them out and also sells his services to handle taxes for property owners in the community.
63 Clothes Owned by George Ross. This is your ordinary, run of the mill store that sells middle of the road stuff. He is bland and dull. He sells his stuff “as is” and will not haggle on any price. Personality is not his stock in trade. His wife Elizabeth, whom he calls Betsy, sews many of the articles he sells. They are both human.
64 Leo's Maps Leo Nuefeld can give you any detail of any map any time, just don't ask him what day of the week it is ... he'll answer "June". Ezmerelda is his wife who looks out for Leo (put the rattlesnake down carefully Leo...). They are both elderly and he is grooming his son Bernard (carbon copy of his father) to take over the business. Friends call him Bernie. Leo has 4 younger daughters, one (Liza) wants to be a scribe, kind of like her dad, but not really. Human family.
65 Wizard's Guild Currently run by John Zybahbskistein and MT. They have 8 apprentices that assist in training and facility maintenance.
66 Healers Primary Healers and hospital site in Midway
67 Wondrous Image (tattoos) This is a Tattoo parlor run by a gnome named Rogan Starburst. His ability to create “minor magical” tattoos creates a steady flow of business. His creations can imitate some form of motion or effect as specified by the customer although no real magic is employed. The abilities are somehow imbued in the inks themselves. He is the approximate age equivalent of the mid 40’s and lives with his wife and 2 children. Rogan is an affable sort and is always willing to try to make a new “masterpiece”. His “magic” tattoos are quite expensive as compared to a normal version.
68 Orphanage Location for orphans and emergency housing in Midway. Can house as many as 150 children/people.
69 Orphange Staff House Place for all staff that supports and works at the Orphanage. Jeri and Jimmi Fittimfatum are the head masters of the facility and live here.
70 Gold Dragon Alchemy Alchemy and Magic shop owned and operated by Kozmo, Kym and John Z.
71 I'll Fix Your Wagon / S3 Location of the Mercenary offices for raifer and the Wagon Building business.
101 Yosh & Janet Schemge Residence of Yosh & Janet Schmengie
102 Gwenifer Lee Shinsei Residence of Gwenifer Lee Shinsei
103 Roddy Piper Residence of Roddy Piper
104 Oolst Residence of Oolst
105 Jockbar Residence of jockbar
106 Rollin & Molly Hand Residence of Rollin & Molly Hand
107 Hurricane Highlander Residence of Hurricane Highlander
108 Raifer Dulgath Residence of Raifer Dulgath
109 Ferraud Residence of Ferraud
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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey /