Here lies the remains of those who have gone before us. No decent campaign exists for long without some characters suffering a memmorable death scene. This page is the monument to the dead.
NPC Name Race PC-Class (Level) NPC Name Race PC-Class (Level)
D. D. Driesbach (NPC) Dwarf Assassin (7) Courtney (Bob) Human Paladin (1)
Isaac Hayes (NPC) Human Magic-User (6) Pete Childs (NPC) Dwarf Fighter (5)
Ivan Muno Funido (I M Fun) (Scott) Gnome Jester (4) Palim Viderian Camo (PVC) (Scott) Human Paladin (9)
Laurel (John) Wood Elf Archer/Druid (2/2) Basil Furburner (Mike) Human Cleric (1)
Tsing Fu Kau (Mike) Human Ninja/Monk (1/1) Dan "Wahoo" McDaniel (Mike) Human Ninja/Monk (1/1)
Marna Elolos (Sarah) Elf Fighter/Magic-User/Thief (7/8/9) Chardros the Reaver (Mike) Elf Archer (7)
Culfin Elolos (Sarah) Elf Fighter/Thief (8/10) Joe Bloe (Mike) Human Cleric (7)
Lucy Simpson (Bob) Human Fighter (9) Barriel Araelwen (Joe) Grey Elf Cavalier (10)
Sullivan Barrow (Scott) Human Illusionist (6) Loudfoot StrongAx (Mike) Dwarf Fighter (8)
Carson Collier Baker (Joe) Human Magic-User (8) Pete P. Uma (Mike) Dwarf Fighter (1)
Ajay (Dave) Human Fighter (3) Ed Grimley (Tom) Human Fighter (4)
Vincent Phibes (Tom) Human Illusionist (9) Peter (Bob) Human Cleric (9)
Rudy Bing (Tom) Kobold Shaman (1) Hamilton Hardball (Paul) Elf Magic-User (1)
Hawk (Dave) Half-Elf Druid (2) Rex Harrison (Eric) Human Magic-User (1)
Smash Teethgrinder (Eric) Dwarf Fighter (1) Hans (Rich) Human Barbarian (1)
Bash Fodder (Corky) Dwarf Fighter (1) Thrash Teethgrinder (Eric) Dwarf Fighter (1)
Arcthed (Edd) Gnome Illusionist (1) Fletcher A. Bowman (Eric) Grey Elf Archer/Thief (1/2)
Kell Damage (Michael) Human Magic-User (1) Maxmillian Damage (Eric) Human Anti-Paladin (3)
Kevlar (Edd) High Elf Fighter (1) Eljer Sinistrad (Eric) Halfling Thief (3)
Jeldi Bandyopayapul (Dave) Human Cavalier (3) Frank Castle (Corky) Human Assassin (6)
Marco de Sade (Eric) Gnome Thief (1) Raistlin (Dave) Human Magic-User (5)
Rod Usher (Tom) Human Anti-Paladin (7) Wun Hung Fuk (Corky) Human Monk (4)
Tur Raines (Eric) Half Elf Druid/Fighter (1/1) Bohica Cannon Fodder (Eric) Half-Drow Fighter (6)
Justin Force (Eric) Human Cavalier (1) Slats MacDougal (Eric) Dwarf Fighter (2)
Les Paul Stratocaster (Eric) Half-Elf Fighter (4) Hurricane Highlander ("the Rat") (Eric) Grey Elf Magic-User / Thief (4/5)
Maximillian Dare (Corky) Human Paladin (3) Joshua Von Strausberg (Corky) Human Cavalier (2)
Noaznstein (Mike) Dwarf Fighter (5) Sarsipius the Wanderer (Corky) Human Cleric (6)
Selith (Felix) Half-Drow Fighter (1) Willie Maykit (Corky) Human Fighter/Cleric (1/1)
Beauty "Booty" Hunter (Debbie) Human Fighter (4) Justin Case (Mac) Elf Ranger/Cleric (3/3)
Bekki Rytz (Debbie) Elf Thief (2)
top of list

Character Death Details....

D. D. Driesbach

The first significant death, D.D. was sacrificed by a priestess of Llolth while infiltrating the secret temple lair hidden deep below a good Elven city. His party destroyed the temple and those who served there, but D.D. never made it out.


If it wasn't such a cool death, the 1st level character might be missed. But the Ankheg acid spittle is as good of a death as any for beginers.

Pete Childs

Pete got his head bitten off by wolves. Even the bad guys get good rolls sometimes.

Isaac Hayes

Isaac died on the Isle of the South Wind as his group travelled in search of knowledge and wisdom and found it guarded by the Tarrasque. Unfortunately for Isaac, he was unaware that the creature reflected lightning. And that was the end of Isaac.

Ivan Muno Funido (I M Fun)

Ivan had a bit of a confidence problem. Here was a gnome jester, on a dangerous trip to a far away island. He couldn't make the group laugh and two giant half-orcs had it in for him. Shortly after they dangled him off the roof of a building and contemplated making jester stew, he committed suicide (only proving that I don't have to be that vicious, my players will do it for me).

Palim Viderian Camo (PVC)

A hero to the end, PVC was a cavalier living up to a tradition and going down in classic fashion. On the wrong end of a lightning bolt from a Lich (in the first trip to his domain).


As her boat got caught in the whirlpool that erupted in the cavernous opening approach to the island, it became impossible to control its' path. The vessel was thrown into the jagged rocks comprised mainly of sharp edged pure mineral ores (primarily Adamantium). Her body was sliced into too many pieces to count when she was thrown clear and could not control her landing.

Basil Furburner

Some die a mundane death. Basil was in the wrong place when a fireball fly exploded.

Tsing Fu-Kau

This guy wound up on the wrong side of a group of Cliddean warlords and was cut to pieces.

Dan "Wahoo" McDaniel

Perhaps the best death ever encountered was Dan's. On a mission to the 1st plane to try to kill Tiamat, Dan's moment of glory came as this 1st level, 6 hit point character jumped up on a large boulder and shouted "Wahoo" as Tiamat came in for an attack on his party. He acquired her attention and immediately shot lightning from her Blue head (the sound of "SSSZZZCCCRRRAAATTTT") leaving nothing behind but slag.

Marna Elolos

A high level character, killed by the White head breath weapon of Tiamat. It would not have hurt quite so much if the party had accomplished its' goal. But the left behind two members on that field in hell.

Chardros the Reaver

He just started calling himself "The Reaver" on this second trip in to the castle of the Lich. Unfortunately no one though they might run in to a Demi-Lich as well. One scream and he was history.

Culfin Elolos

Not even a high level character is immune to the Demi-Lich howl. She was victim Number 2.

Joe Bloe

Joe went down like the rest. He was victim Number 3

Lucy Simpson

Victim Number 4 in the Demi-Lich room. Ox Baker will never forgive himself for this one, but at least this time it wasn't her voice.

Barriel Araelwen

Living up to the code of chivalry and honor right down to the letter, Barriel offered herself to her god in exchange for her sisters' life. She went on to a higher calling instead.

Sullivan Barrow

The man with the frogs couldn't help himself when the Tar-Blog picked up and swallowed him up letting him roast away to nothing in the acid contained in his stomach. They eventually recovered some of his body, but he was long gone.

Loudfoot StrongAx

When the group killed the Tar-Blog, Loudfoot had the unfortunate luck to be directly under it, between its' legs. he literally got dicked as it fell, crushing him under it. Victim number 2 for the Tar-Blog even if it was dead when it happened.

Carson Collier Baker

The last party member to die in this trek to the Lich castle. The younger Baker brother got himself in to a magic fight with a Githyanki wizard. They went blow for blow, but in the end, the Githyanki had better luck. Carson's death brought the grand total of deaths in this one adventure to a whopping 8.

Pete P. Uma

Even though Ox and Paul Baker didn't attack the dwarf, he tried to break up one of their arguments. This was the last mistake he ever made as the ship they were on shifted jerkily while the two fought and he tried to intervene. The two Bakers fell on him and the Cliddean sword Ox carried exploded. All that was left of the dwarf was a stain on the deck where he used to be.


Melkin castle claimed many victims in its' history. Ajay was one of 4 characters in the party that had all lined themselves up perfectly for the mutant Evil Gold dragon to blast with its' breath weapon. Can you say "Cook".

Ed Grimley

Gold dragon victim number 2, Ed never had a chance, I must say.

Vincent Phibes

Never again will the phrase "I Live" be spoken. Vincent wound up being the third in line for the Gold dragon and found out just how hot it can get. But Peter never lasted long enough to hear his final words.


The 4th victim of the Gold dragon, his death not only hurt the party firepower but removed one potent healer. And he never did know abourt Vincent, but they died together.

Rudy Bing

Who says that Oompa Lloompa Island is a nice place to visit. Rudy found himself bitten by a Vermicious Knid, only to find that if the bite didn't kill you, the poison would.

Hamilton Hairball

Hamilton turned in to the second victim of a Vermicious knid bite. Where is Willy Wonka when you need him.


The ice man cometh. When the party was set upon by harpies, they went right for the powerful members of the group and that meant Khellek, a high level magic-user. After he was charmed, one cone of cold later and Hawk met a chilly end.

Rex Harrison

Khellek chalked up a second victim in Rex as his cone of cold found a nice tight pattern of heroes to hit.

Smash Teethgrinder

Weren't we here before, Smash became yet another victim of a Vermicious Knid on the return trip to Oompa Lloompa Island.


Hans found out just what a Wangdoodle is when it opened its' mouth and swallowed him whole.

Bash Fodder

Bash discovered that the Wangdoodle breath is as bad as its' bite.

Thrash Teethgrinder

His brother died first, but Thrash was in the same line of fire as Bash Fodder. And even Ox Baker couldn't protect these two from the breath weapon. Next time they should try to throw something more useful than a Half-Orc at a Wangdoodle.


The first Evil party member to buy the farm, Arcthed died while fending off an Aurumvorax. Crunch and goodbye.

Fletcher A. Bowman

"Better than a picnic" is what the giant ants sang as they carried his body away on the first island the greedy party visited in the 10,000 islands.

Kell Damage

Yet another trip in to Melkin castle, and this time the aging building collapsed several times. One of those got Kell.

Maxmillian Damage

If only Max could convince his sister it was really him in the street. Unfortunately, the evil group thought that Max had already been killed by a vampire in the town they just left and figured him for an imposter. They quickly jumped him and cut him to pieces. Sometimes you need a scorecard to tell your friends from your enemies.


When the island hopping trip came upon some giant snapping turtles, Kevlar forgot to stay in the boat and wound up looking like dinner.

Eljer Sinistrad

They came upon "He who must not be named" as the evil party attempted to gain entry to the unholy chamber wherein they were to perform the second ceremony and Eljer thought it would be a good time to steal something. He was wrong.

Jeldi Bandyopayapul

He was the first to fall in the war. This cavalier bravely led his force of overmatched dwarves from Al-Alin aginst the raiding party of Drow. They fought and fell back and he finally tried to turn the fight by attacking the force leader. Rod Usher was too much for him and Jeldi fell in heroic fashion befitting any cavalier.

Frank Castle

Put in charge of a group of Drow on a raiding party, Frank went to join the one on one fight between Rod and Jhoram. When his poisoned arrow shot missed, he was paralyzed, ironically enough, by the Drow crafted (and poisoned) hand crossbow bolt Jhoram shot back. Later, Jhoram finished the job by removing Frank's head.

Marco de Sade

I sense a repeat coming. These people just won't stay away from the Demi-Liche and Marco has the dubious honor of being the first absorbed in to the Demi-Liche skull, encased in one of it's gem teeth. He ain't dead, but just as good as dead.


Ah... the evil party's first victim of a Demi-Liche howl. What ever will Sid do without his side kick now.

Rod Usher

Thus falls the house of Usher, and the best reference of pure evil on the bad guys side in the game, as one of five victims to the Demi-Liche howl. But even after he died, no one wanted to lift his face plate to look at what was behind it.

Wun Hung Fuk

This monk couldn't make his saving throw either and another Monk bites the dust. But at least this one was evil.

Tur Raines

Why was this guy with the evil party? Only he knows for sure and now he'll never be able to tell as the last of the Demi-Liche victims this time around.

Justin Force

He built his reputation by turning against the strong arm tactics employed by Ferraud. His legacy was to be decided by the bag of 'bang sticks' he brought back with him from an alternate plane. During a battle in the Drow inhabited caverns north of the outpost, he was hit by dragon fire. His bang sticks melted and exploded the bullets it held. Far too many struck him and he got whacked in classic style.

Slats MacDougal

An "ignorant colored kilt" wearing dwarf to the end, he died trying to save some of the Xvart slaves being held by worm like things. When he got too close, one attached several tentacles to him and sucked the life from his body. His god only knows what happened to him as he transformed in to some heinous reptilian creature.

Les Paul Stratocaster

The royalties from his original song "Ode to a Turtle" never started to roll in. But this bard in training died valiantly in the drow caves when he got caught up in a bunch as a mutated Gold Dragon entered the open space and fried a host of people. Let it be said that Les Paul burned out and did not just fade away.

Hurricane Highlander

Officially called "The Rat", a name he earned early in his career after being turned in to a rat by an alchemist while attempting to rob and roll the mans store. He travelled with Rollin Hand and performed admirably as one of his lieutenants during the long trip through the 10,000 islands. His fate was to be cast down in the crowd struck by the gold dragon breath.

Maximillian Dare

Yet another who gathered in the flamed bunch, Max was always the curious one. He would often ask the question... "Can we do that?" Unfortunately, now he can't do much but help the flowers grow.

Joshua Von Strausberg

A cavalier that joined the mission in hopes of helping the cause. He is the last of the fallen done in by the Gold dragon attack in the Drow Caves.


A fire explosion in an oil pool cavern blasted him off the wall as he climbed for safety and from the group and he drowned in the oily pit before anyone could rescue him.

Sarsipius the Wanderer

An overzealous use of a fireball by John Z. finished off Sarsipius who was already reeling from attacks by the Cthulu worm creatures.


A half-drow rescued from the town of Sudalon, he couldn't escape the rain of fire the dwarven ballista issued forth and was burned alive as the new team made their get away.

Willie Maykit

Beauty "Booty" Hunter

While attempting to free the kingdom of Gulfmoor from an ancient and evil curse, Booty was the first victim killed by a fireball explosion atop the mountain.

Justin Case

While attempting to free the kingdom of Gulfmoor from an ancient and evil curse, Justin was the second victim killed by a fireball explosion atop the mountain.

Bekki Rytz

While chasing a cursed dwarven military wagon train party across the countryside Bekki was at ground zero of a catapult thrown oil barrage hit.

PlayerNumber DeadPlayerNumber Dead
Eric13 Joe2
Mike8 Sarah2
Corky7 Edd2
Dave4 Felix1
Tom4 John1
Bob3 Paul1
NPC's3 Rich1
Scott3 Michael1
Debbie2 Mac1
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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey /