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Here is the rogues gallery of our group. Listed below are all the current and recent players in the campaign. Click on their name to jump to a full list (and some descriptions) of their chartacters.

AD&D Non-Player Characters

Here they Are. The supporting cast for our AD&D game
NPC Name Class Race Group NPC Name Class Race Group
Jocelyn Angstrom Cleric Dwarf None Eddie Mallory Fighter Human None
Curly Ranger Human Greedy Jockbar Paladin Human Good
Elena Drumstick Magic-User Half-Elf Good Fezzik Fighter Human Freelance
J. Fred Muggs Thief Half-Orc Unknown PDQ Fighter Elf Simbala Military
P.J. Quick Fighter/Cleric Half-Ogre Good Seeker/Neutralizer/Destroyer Magic-Users Unknown Evil
Willy Wonka Bard (old) Human None Sven Larrssen Vampire Human(?) None
Jurgen Prochnow Unknown Unknown None Wolfgang Prochnow Unknown Unknown None
Chemp None Opinicus None Vaclav Antonin Cavalier Human Good
Finneous Fingers Thief Human None Shimatsu Monk (Sumo) Human None
Vora Armourer High Elf Good Mordenkainen (Mike) Magic-User Human(?) Evil (?)
June Pendleton Anti-Paladin Human None John Drake Bard (old) Human Evil
Andre Fighter Human None Teal Fighter/Magic-User Drell Evil
Ben Berserker Human None


This ranger is a crusty old coot that knows a lot that he ain't tellin'. He is helping the greedy party stay clear of some of the worst natural dangers on their trip through the 10,000 islands in search of treasure. He knows what his one thing is, do you?


As good and straight as they come. This long timer has given help and gotten it on several occaisions from the goods souls of the party. He is a paladin of Thoth.

Elena Drumstick

An extremely high level Magic-User, she is married to S.D. She has had 3 kids (including twins) and is the prime pure magic wielding force that good guys have at their disposal.


A good sole, extremely large and strong.

J. Fred Muggs

This half-orc knows nothing but what he can steal or con. His current whereabouts are unknown.


This Elf is a guard in the castle. He has been along on several missions and proven himself worthy.

P. J. Quick

The Half-Ogre who doesn't say alot but carries a Battle Axe that few survive. It glows red in battle and serves as his holy symbol. Somewhere in the blood line, he goes directly to the Ogre god and it has come in handy as he attempts to make a "good" name for his religion.


These three "men" represent the leaders of the new wizard guild that has taken over since "the purge". They are most definitely evil and represent themselves by a lightning bolt through a black field sewn in to their garments.

Willy Wonka

You know him, you love his chocolate. This is the bard that saved the Oompa Lloompa's from devastation on their island. He has come back to save them again since someone kidnapped and sold 20,000 of them in to slavery.

Sven Larrssen

This vampire inhabits the town of Fetund. He has a particular fondness for the taste of Elf blood.

Jurgen Prochnow

What he is is still in question. He captains an old style sailing boat made of solid rock that sails over land as though it were in the water (and can sail in the water as well). He is very powerful (as evidenced by his raising dead during the trip to the lost kingdom of Arbech) and very secretive. Those who sailed with him on the Astral Plane found that his boat manifests itself as a giant turtle there.

Wolfgang Prochnow

Jurgens' brother, he seems much less malevolant as he captains his own boat, a submarine, that behaves much the same as his brothers' ship.


An Opinicus that was guarding one of the rune stones needed for the second evil ceremony.

Vaclav Antonin

A cavalier, liege to Jeldi.

Finneous Fingers

The greatest thief around, he has spent a lot of time knocking around the islands lately. He now has a group of followers that call themselves the "Phriends of the Phalanges".


A former member of the White Ninja, he broke ranks and became a hired muscle man. He has a good heart and a great sense of humor (just not hearing).


The best of all weaponsmiths and armourers. If he can't make it, it can't be made.

Mordenkainen (Mike)

One of the greatest wizards ever, what his agenda is, is unknown. But, he seems to want to help out the new evil religion (if only to thwart S.D.).

June Pendleton

This Anti-Paladin has built up her own power base and carries a pretty big sword. She currently runs a slave and drug ring and is actively trying to bring down S.D. Something about a family problem.

John Drake

He has identified himself as "the Time Traveller". Where he is from and what he is doing is unknown, but it definitely seems to be for the benefit of the evil party. His last appearance was in a magic fight with some other high powered Elf. The outcome of which is still unknown.



Eddie Mallory

The only good cop in Sudalon.

Jocelyn Angstrom

Head of the Moradin temple in Sudalon


The young, up and coming, rather snotty and egotistical leader of the Drow.


A rather intense, Were-Rat being who's very good with a map.... when he has it right side up....

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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey / senk@optonline.net