Selected Pages from the Necronomicon

The text below has been transcribed from the readable pages of the Necronomicon to date as possessed by the evil party lead by Sidnaceous and Ursula Galore.


To all ye mortals,

I, the unnamed one send thee this greeting and warning. Contained within this tome are writings and incantations to restore thine world to the influence of the all powerful. Read carefully what thou can, for what thou canst is not for thine eyes. Great pain was taken to encrypt this volume in a manner to which thee are accustomed, both in common and magical tongues. Thou hast already displayed thy eagerness to explore our gifts and have ventured down the first path towards the ultimate.

No words in thine own tongue can prepare thee for all that will follow shouldst thou continue. The secrets of the Necronomicon await one brave enough to fulfill a destiny travelled by few. No greater challenge will be faced than thine own spirit and dedication. Follow the words and the steps in order. Failure in this is tragedy.

Thee will be challenged to gather up followers, for no belief can last long without. Be not alone, for the solitary man is feared and destroyed. Take what thou can and thee shall be made one.

				The Unnamed One
				Creator of the SIX


Now that the elements for my first arrival have been collected, prepare each by marinating in the so-called holy blood from believers of some self-righteous cult. A sizeable quantity will be necessary for both of the bat wings, each of the four aurumvorax paws and its heart. The item that instlls flight should be doused with this fluid so as to stain it ruby red or change the lettering to blood.

When this preparation is complete, return to whence this book was found and perform the ceremony detailed on the following page. The central altar must be used to perform the ritual. No interruption can be permitted. This, above all else, must be. Two wizards will be required to complete the casting. The first shall recite the incantation. The second shall mix the elements in to the ruby at the appropriate time.

Be prepared in ALL ways imaginable for the receipt of my first gift.

Do NOT speak my name EVER or you shall pay dearly.

Have tribute prepared.

Have some present willing to receive His higher endowment.


At the dark of the moon there will be a moment of truth where ye shall behold unto thee a ritual spilling of Blood. Combine the vitriol with these materials, one at a time, slowly. If the Serpentine steel be true through the heart, the pulsing river served in offering, one need only recite the below incantation. Thus will BYAKHEE be delivered unto thee. This gift shouldst be used wisely to spread the ways.


Now that the first coming has been realized, use BYAKHEE well. Although he is not all powerful, he is my representative to you. It is he that will present my endowment upon those wishing to pray to me, for now.

Begin the preparations for the second arrival. Many and dificult are the items for collection now. The six rune stones must be kept apart until the ritual gathering. Any one possessing a stone must spill blood before relinquishing it to the next bearer, their own blood. Dip the rune in this blood. Failure will cause its' power to fade and eventually crumble.

Prepare a temple to which believers may begin to assemble. Send forth emmissaries to gather these sheep unto me. The essence of the masses will feed my hunger and allow me to aid you. You will require many followers to survive. Remember that he who stands alone shall not stand for long. Your collective energy will be what sustains for the greater goal.

Look deep in to your heart and find the strength to prevail. Those who oppose our return will assemble to in an effort to undermine your purpose. Let none who believe travel alone, for those who do are easily defeated. Use this strategy for our purposes. Power will begin to intoxicate each member of the faith.

One last word of advice. Let no ONE being prevent the completion of each required ceremony. He who does not play his part shall feel my wrath.

Page 54

Fear not, thy insidious expeditioners. Death is but another venture in the grande parade of eternity. No other being offers what he who lies dreaming can. Not even death can forestall this.

Prepare a sacrifice.

Prepare the sacrificial evil dozen.

Prepare yourselves for personal audience.

Prepare to justify yourself to me.

He who is unnamed, SHALL BE KNOWN TO THEE

I wait for thee, guarded well in this place of repose. Many rewards await those that survive the validation of the worthy. I require two to lead you, for no one can accept the full breadth of the task. I shall open the gates unto the third, fourth and fifth circles. I shall make legions of minions succor to your desire. The forces of opposition shall rally to confound thee. Battles shall be fought, death shall surroud thee.

Reap well the harvest.

Page 55

Thou begin to understand. Thou begin to see the potential, the power, the possibilities. No longer mere mortals thou must now be to continue, to succeed. Corruption of the soul and unity of purpose must be complete. Those who act counter to MY dictates will be passed over and lost. Mind thy true leader. Flesh that leads can deceive, be ripped asunder in glorious pain. Thy purpose is His, for He sleeps waiting to be roused by the worthy.

Thy journey will be fruitless if thou look for all things physical and outside thyself. The final stone and piece required exists within thyself in the shape of things to come. In this ceremony, thou must choose leaders of the flesh, for they alone can complete the word to spell the name of the unholy ONE who sleeps. Here shall thy worldly control be defined. Religion and magic is required to satisfy the hunger, for ours is a stronger breed than the multitude of pagans that denegrate thy belief. With these two powers combined, a greater evil than apart, we shall rise and thee who can satisfy the hunger shall speak in his stead.

Seek the Master, for he lives where the nexus for this purpose exists, created by the power from a battle long ago in this time of man. He must be convinced of thy commitment, for he guards the altar. If thou can pass, the ceremony may be performed and the truly obsessed rewarded...

	Order the five stones as appropriate.
	Place the sixth in the Pentagram of pain.
	Encircle the Pentagram with a believer at each point,
		place another at each mid place,
		place the last in the Pentagram with the sixth,
		ALL must be alive.
	Evoke the spell given on the following page.
	When all external strength has been drained,
		perform the blood sacrifice inside the Pentagram.
	Consume the blood flow through the Vampire's teeth.
	At the point of sating, attempt Contact.
	Bring with thee the Heart and Mind.
	A sign ye shall receive.


Gather the six to make one. Perform a sacrifice of blood. ONE must be prepared to accept the gifts of power I will bestow. Gather up sheep unto thee to draw force and essence that will allow the summoning transfer to occur. Whilst during the dark of the moon perform the below incantation with these materials. Thus the portal unto thee be made ready. Teach those thou canst enjoin and thus spread our influence. I can hear and help thee NOW. Be thou not afraid to call on thee.

Page 60

	Know now that the end is near.
	Know now that your place has been reserved.
	Know now that no soul can escape.
	Know now that your time will come.

Know now that I shall be delivered unto thee. Know now that the door is fluid. Know now that the host survives. Know now that the heralds have sung.

Know now that your weaknesses can prove your undoing. Know now that an Amulet is needed. Know now that I must possess one to wake. Know now that therein lies the door.

Know now that the Amulet can create. Know now that the Amulet can destroy. Know now that the Amulet will decide all. Know now that the Amulet is needed.

Know now that the Elder sign is not enough. Know now that you can only serve me. Know now that a host is needed. Find ye the incantation to obtain the Amulet.


Believer, you will find many new spells contained in this tome. Fear not the power which you invoke. Drink in the energy. Intoxicate yourself. Only by total immersion can you hope to master that which we reveal.

Possession (Abjuration/Possession)

Level : Variable (Minimum 4th) Range : 0 Duration : Permanent (Special) Area of Effect : Creature Touched Components : V, S, M Casting Time : 1 hour Saving Throw : Negates

This spell opens a channel to the outer plane on which the caster's deity resides. It places what amounts to as a "request for services" query to the deity for a minion to take possession of the intended target. The target MUST be present on the Prime Material Plane. The spell will automatically fail if attempted on another plane of existence and the caster must make a save vs. Death Magic or die.

The request is not automatic. There is a 5% chance per level of the caster that a minion will be sent to possess the physical form of the target. Only human, elf, dwarf, gnome, halfling and combinations of them are succeptible to this spell. If there is a creature sent, the target gets a save vs. Death Magic to negate the effect of the spell. The save is made at +/- 1 per level difference between the caster and target (A 10th level cleric casts the spell on a 5th level target, the save is made at -5, if the levels are reversed the save is made at +5). A willing target is still required to roll a save where a roll of 20 causes the body to reject the possession. If the save is successful, no further attempt to possess the target is possible by any means from the attempting pantheon for 1 year.

The type of spirit that will come to perform the possession is dependent on the level of the caster, the standing of the caster in the religion and the purpose for the summoning. The more pertinent to the cause of the deity, the more powerful spirit will be sent to perform services. What happens to the target body after the spell is dependent on what type of spirit is summoned. The younger the target, the more powerful the possession wil be and the longer it remains in the body, the more integrated the two beings will become. It can only be dismissed by means of an Exorcism. If the possessing spirit is of 12 or more hit dice, then a Gate spell is also required to force open the portal to send the spirit back to its place of origin.

The material components are a target humanoid, a vial of the targets' blood, and a diamond of at least 5000 gp value. The blood and diamond are consumed in the spell.

Page 79

Locate Amulet (Diviniation)

Level : 3 Range : Special Duration : Instantaneous Area of Effect : Caster Components : V, S, M Casting Time : 1 Day Saving Throw : None

By means of this spell, the caster is able to determine the exact location of the nearest Amulet of Immortality. The spell takes 1 full day to cast at the end of which, the caster will be made aware of the location. This will not inform the spell caster of any dangers involved in obtaining the item, but merely where it is and and a vague image of the locations' appearance.

The range is limited only to the plane on which the spell is cast. Only the spell caster is informed of the location. The material component is some magical item fashioned by the gods to channel the divining.

PAGE 103

Prove thyself worthy of my summoning to unfold the mystery eternal. On the blood moon perform the traditional high sacrifice of virgin blood on the stroke of midnight. Engage a witch to fulfill her right upon the altar whilst loyal subjects foul the maiden. Valuable and rare are the gifts needed to open the portal for my return. Gather up these things of pleasure and recite the summoning. When complete, I will return and reward those who brought thee hence.

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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

The "true" Necronomicon is believed to have been written by the mad Arab Abdul Alhazred in the 8th century. It is theorized that the document contained first hand accounts of journeys into alternate planes, magical symbols, magic spells and details for bringing about the return of an ancient cadre of gods referred to as the "Ancient Ones". Any and all references and quotations on these pages are completely ficticious and germaine only to a private RPG

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey /