C. T. Hulu's Diary

The text below is taken directly from the diary of C. T. Hulu found in the alternate reality plane by S.D. and Ferraud when they were attempting to chase down the evil religious zealots.

April 14, 2033

1:40 pm

The beginning of a nuclear attack is imminent. I have uncovered a plan by subversives aimed at the destruction of the large nations and forms of government we have today. There is very little time left. What I have learned about the shield system the government will attempt to use to protect the island of Manhattan should be very useful. Our group is on our way to the control base of operations of the shield now. It is located in the subterranean caverns/floors of the Empire State Building. Testing of the shield, on a small scale basis, was very successful if you can believe the reports. The questions that remain in my mind are 'Will it protect people from the radiation fallout?', and 'Will there be an earth remaining to power the shield?' . This second question is critical due to the power source used to fuel the shield. It does not work on normal electricity, reactors or generators. It is fueled by geothermal radiation. A tap well in to the core of the planet has been drilled under the building that directly feeds the systems used to power the shield. This was the only way they could get the 1.21 jiggawats required to cover the island. We should get to Manhattan within 2 hours and be at the base within 3. Hopefully the shield can be put up and running, but will there be anything left to live for.

7:25 pm

We were too late. The first volley struck at 3:22 pm. We had made good time and were in the city, but they overestimated the shield's range. The entire island was not covered. Many of us were caught outside the shield, which apparently came up as the missiles fell. We got lucky that they hit on the opposite side of the shield and we were spared from the explosion. There were, obviously, many other hits as we can see several mushroom clouds from here. We have to get them to let us inside or we've all had it. God, help us.

April 16, 2033

9:10 pm (if my watch is still correct)

The shield is still operational, but it appears as though radiation is leaking in. We have seen several people come by the edge showing signs of poisoning and our group is beginning to show them as well. Why won't those bastards let us in. We will all die if we don't get cover and food soon. The temperature has risen more than 30 degrees above normal and does not show signs of stopping. We'll send out a scouting party in the morning for food, water and a way in.

April 20, 2033

8:30 am

We'll get even with the scum who locked us out if it's the last thing we do. We lost three of us yesterday to the heat and poisoning. the temperature is up to at least 100. I remembered the access tunnels in to the core drill tap. If we can get to them, we can shut down the shield long enough to get our hands on them. The only food we have left is each other, and I'm beginning to like it.

April 21, 2033

Still trying to find the access tunnels. Secondary explosions and more waves of missiles are beginning to rip the planet apart. We began to see a separation of the shielded area from the rest of the earth. Almost as if it was rising away from the planet. We have to get in now. Kill them NOW. We will have our revenge, damn them.

I removed six stones from what was once Manhattan and inscribed a letter of my name on each of them. I found the way in to the access tunnel. I shall place them in to the power flow conduit to disrupt their energy and plant the stones of their undoing and our resurrection in their midst. When we are gone and it remains, find these stones and open a portal to let us through. They hold what remains of our lives, our spirit, our essence, our blood. They will resurrect us. Summon us forth. We will bestow great power and destroy those who left us behind.

It's done. The world is breaking apart. The power flow disruption caused some kind of chain reaction. We'll all be dead shortly.

All except them.

We will find them and vaporize them. No suffering will be sufficient to atone for what they did. Even in death we'll find a way to have our retribution. We will search heaven and earth and span the galaxies and planes until our revenge is sated.

I shall return and have my vengence...

C. T. Hulu

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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey / senk@optonline.net