Campaign Current Events and Calendar Benchmarks

Original Game Date Status Relevant People Event Description and Updates
Last date played in game : 947 / 10 / 12
Open, regular rolls All businesses Market financial generation
Last updated in game 947/4/1
open Patrick, Tyrade, Furion, Raifer, Jen Ling Creation of armor piercing arrows
Arrows are almost done. Jen believes she will be able to begin creation of the d8 damage version soon.
Design is now complete (947/6/1), now working on mass production methods.
??? Angela Whitcomb, SD Planned start date for researching Shield 360
Open SD, Tyrade Gem of Disguise, Stuffed Horse Pouch of Holding. Both items are in SD's possession to identify and evaluate. Taken from White Ninja hiding among the orphans.
Open Helena, Sgt. Markham Researching odd red gemstone found in rat chamber
Open Helena, Gunther Pistol Grip crossbow creation
Gunther believes he has the design woirked out but he is needing to make all new molds for the precision pieces. He expects the item to run closer to 1500gp as a market price
Open Kozmo Begins researching Vanish spell.
Open John Z Begins researching potion Silver Sheen.
Open Lillianne Vora begins manufacture of Chain-Lamellar and B/S Long Sword.

Closed Tollemay Researching Provision potion
Tollemay has been reluctant to discuss his progress and believes he is still too far away from a financially feasible version.
Tollemay has left GDA
Completed Kozmo Researching Clerical spell Flamehand
die rolls coming
Closed Rispin, SD Opal Crystal Ball found in bag taken from slain White Ninja Wizard. Now back in Rispin's possession. Device is a 'typical' Crystal Ball.
Closed Kozmo, S3 Building Kozmo's customized wagon
construction in progress. Customizations are causing delays from standard build
Wagon has been delivered.
Closed Phan Lo Leaves Unundu heading for Midway
Travelling to Midway to escape White Ninja controlled area. Travelling via ship going east along the coast and then south
Phan Lo arrived with slow moving caravan.

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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey /