March 9, 2024

CorkyHalrfold, Lillianne, Raifer
MacKozmo, Cade, Rispin
MikeJade, Erik, SD
JonGwyn, Rennala
AndieAngel, Hachi (in absence)

Game Date (Y/M/D) : 947 / 9 / 1 thru 947 / 9 / 7

I wonder why it’s called the Forsaken Forest?

It was a new day and the party geared up for the dreaded trip in to the forest. Cord spent some time checking for tracks, hoping to fine some trace of the missing Halflings. What he found was a mish mosh of a variety of tracks leading in and out of the old growth forest. The smaller trees were easily 8 or 9 feet in circumference, towering several hundred feet high. There was no clear path to take the wagon and many apparent tracks were interrupted by enormous roots. Traversing the woods was even more difficult as there was not much light making its way to the forest floor. Jade suggested they break out their Continual Light coins to help them see. This small suggestion was incredibly helpful allowing the group to have better sight of the terrain. They travelled the full day, zig zagging through but never really able to make a direct line in any direction. When they came upon a clearing large enough to park the wagon and station night watch around it, they stopped. The night passed without incident but Ben woke up sin a cold sweat, screaming. He was absolutely haggard looking, all he could describe were nightmares that disturbed his sleep.

The second day among the trees proceeded much like the first until Lilli spotted a clearing of trees off to the side. Rennala caught sight of a path leading up in to the clearing but Cord could not see it. Thinking the forest was playing more mind games he attempted to disbelieve what they were seeing but the clearing remained. The clearing was an end of the trees. Just beyond the line the ground rose in a uniform manner leading up to an area several hundred feet up. The open path was an easier approach to the crest of the clearing.

Gwyn stepped forward to investigate. She was warned to not go too far given the suspicion this anomaly presented. To the edge of the trees he went using a Find Traps spell that revealed nothing of note. He followed this with a Detect Magic that was also uneventful. Well, at least within the range of the spell. Beyond that range, emanating from the crest of the path was a bright light that seemed to glow from the entire area at the top as he could see. Looking more carefully he could now see large standing stones along the crest of the path. The group came to the conclusion this was a Henge made of stone and it was safer to go around it, deferring out of respect.

And that was exactly what they did, once again making zig zag time until they were able to stop for the night. But while there were no physical interruptions of their sleep, Lilli, Jade and Erik were haunted by the same type of nightmares Ben had suffered the first night. By luck, the day of travelling was calm and quiet, unlike the dreams of this night. Rennala and Gwynn joined the ranks of the haunted as Jade and Ben were revisited rendering both rather ineffective.

The fourth day in the woods was quiet once again. Cord was even able to find some foot print tracks during one of his dismounted scans but they were not readily identifiable. The night was anything but quiet. While on watch Cord and Gwyn were alerted by a rustling noise approaching. Gwyn called to Jade and Lilli who were on watch on the far side to alert them as a number of undead began to shamble in towards them. Skeletons and Zombies. Ben sat up against the wagon, still shattered by his nightmares. Jade also disturbed and distracted had difficulty concentrating. Gwyn stepped forward and issued forth the power of her deity, turning the skeletons, making them reverse direction. Rispin fired off her first Magic Missile knocking down a Zombie as Cord attacked one of the beginning to flee skeletons, knocking it to the ground.

The skeletons able to flee did so but then came to an abrupt stop and turned back to attack. A Skeletal Rider on a Skeletal Horse appeared to counter the turning. Gwyn loosed her power again, this time successfully directing it at the Zombies as Cord shattered the first skeleton with a scimitar blow. This time only one Zombie returned to the battle as Gwyn directed her turning once again at the skeletons. It was now they discovered there were ‘other’ undead in the mix. Rennala fired a bow shot at one of the strange undead only to see it hit and have no effect. The creature now engaged with Gwyn, attacked, striking him, causing a drain of his essence. This was a Wight. Rispin reacted using an Aganaver’s Scorcher on one of the two apparent Wights. Gwyn responded by directing her Turning on the Wights causing them to turn away.

Some Skeletons and Zombies were now engaged for attacks. Jade hit one with a bow shot. One skeleton hit Rispin with its sword, breaking her right leg. Halrford attempted an Entangle that fizzled as the Wights turned once more to attack. Rispin tried to pull a healing potion from her belt but dropped it. She was fortunate the glass vial did not break. Halrford used a Holy Dart spell, loosed his three projectiles and destroyed one of the Zombies. Erik shattered a skeleton with his hammer and Lilli did the same with her sword.

Rispin picked up her dropped vial, one swig later her broken bone was healed. Gwyn’s power to turn finally expired as he attempted to push the Wights away one more time. But Halrford had him covered using his Psionic Blast on one of the Wights, stunning the creature in to a stupor. The battle continued all around, Jade destroyed one more skeleton and Erik chose to use this opportunity to evoke the name of his deity, calling on Thor for help dealing with the Wights only to miss his attack. At this point, the skeletal rider and horse reared up, turned and retreated.

Halrford pressed on with another Holy Dart, but it also fizzled. Ben, now in the fight and wielding a burning branch from the campfire tried unsuccessfully to attack a Wight with it as the creature swatted at Erik, draining life essence from him. Jade responded with a Melf’s Acid Arrow on the Wight as Gwyn used a Spiritual Hammer to strike it. Jade followed up with a Magic Missile on the same one. Rispin followed with a Lightning Strike and Halford with a Hailstone. Halrford followed his spell with another Psionic Blast, this time pushing the creature in to a sleep like stat. Jade fired another Magic Missile destroying the first Wight, Rispin used the same spell to destroy the second, ending the confrontation.

They moved on the next day not really having had much sleep as a group. Once again another clearing was spotted by Rennala. This one had a faint glow all its own. Lilli and Cord did not see it until they were almost upon it. A small clearing where forest detritus covered the ground where a faint glow rose up from under. The group carefully prodded the ground, scraping away at the covering. Cord and Rennala led the investigation finding four weapons that all had their own glow. Two Short Bows, a Short Sword and a Sling that all appeared to be magical. A little extra digging revealed a pack. Gwyn used a Detect Traps that revealed nothing. Halrfold used his Psionic powers Detect Magic but it did not function. Gwyn tried using the same spell but it failed. Halrfold tried one more time and this attempt revealed the weapons were in fact all magical. A further investigation of the area uncovered two Halfling bodies. It became apparent these were members of the rescue party sent out to find the children.

The sixth day of travel was greeted by nightmares haunting Gwyn and Erik. Cord performed a little check on his bearing and by his account they should have left the forest by this time even given the slow travel. Their info must have been incorrect and the assumption was the map maker was unaware of just how extensive this forest really was. So on the moved until they came upon another clearing that resembled the Henge they found earlier. Some of their reservations now behind them but their indecision still holding them up, Halrfold was not waiting. He used his Dimension Door ability to teleport to the top of the rise. From there he could see around, the mesa he stood upon being just above the tree tops . The top was inside a dug out ring. The stones formed several concentric circles. Through the rings of standing stones features in the distance could be discerned. To the south could be seen the rise and burned area of the Wasteland. To the north over the top of the tree line could be seen a mountain ridge way off in the distance. To the east and west there was nothing of note other than the stretch of trees and what was likely the other Henge off to the east..

Now they were completely sure the map was incomplete and unsure exactly how far west the forest extended. A discussion followed to determine their path from here. The idea they arrived at was to head north hoping there was a gap between the trees and the area they knew as The Spirits of the Past.

And now.... another Halrfold original bardic tale.....

NIGHT PROWLER (From AC/DC song Night Prowler)

Written & Composed by Halrfond Veoknottr

Somewhere a clock strikes Midnight
And there's a full moon in the sky
A coyote howls in the distance
And you can here one of her babies cry

For those on watch, a chill runs down their spines
Did something just sneak across that meadow?
As they wish the sun would shine
You hope the others are alert enough to warn you
Hopefully someone yells 'Attack'!
And, you don't feel their steel
When it's sticking out your back

On the watch for Night Prowlers
They travel the days
Night Prowlers, stay out of our way
Those on the watch are the real Night Prowlers

Oh what a night (wight) (Frankie Vallie & the Four Seasons)

Written & Composed by Halrfond Veoknottr

Oh what a Wight
I remember it was back in (9) 47
Not a special time for We
As I remember, what a night

Oh what a Wight
You know, we didn't even catch their names
Some of us were never the same
When we ran across the Wights

Oh what a night
Zombies, Skeletons, and Wights
Gwyn and a skeletal rider exchanged turning attempts
Yet, here came the Wights

Gwyn got a funny feeling when touched by a Wight
And if I recall, Erik was also struck by one that night
It was a triple feature of foes that night
We found out the true horrors of the Wight

Next time ...

Forest, Henges and Undead…OH MY!

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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey /