November 4, 2023

CorkyHalrfold, Lillianne, Raifer
MacKozmo, Cade, Rispin
MikeJade, Erik, SD
JonGwyn, Rennala
AndieAngel, Hachi (in absence)
NPC'sBen, Shin Liu, Tao, Jim Napolitano, Hacker Umstar, Harry Tidwell, Andolene

Midway group
Game Date (Y/M/D) : 947 / 6 / 30 thru 947 / 7 / 1
Egypt group
Game Date (Y/M/D) : 947 / 8 / 7 thru 947 / 8 / 17

I thought they were friendly elves and has the shoe dropped in Midway?

Egypt :

During the training months Rispin, Hal, Gwyn and Erik made yet another effort to traffic the wine from Midway. In Egypt they targeted 4 restaurants. Three of them were either too busy or too rude to approach. But the fourth, in the very affluent area of town was willing to entertain a trial. And to their pleasure Gwyn was greeted by a runner just a few days before setting off that the restaurant wanted to engage in an agreement for more wine. Word was sent back that more would come as soon as they could return to Midway.

Over two months there and training finally completed the party gathered up once more and set out. They started by heading to the spire of Shin Liu now that Halrfold has completed his martial training. With Hal back with the group they headed south and east towards the ocean, the intent being to make it to Carolon. A city they were informed was populated by ‘Sea Elves’. They traveled quickly for three days, Halrfold playing his jaunty travel tunes. About a day and half out of Carolon they were set upon by seven large and lumbering Cyclopskin.

Opening volleys of arrows were fired and some returned by the one eyed beasts with Cord taking a hit. Jade broke out a new spell, Shark Bolt, sending it at the creatures. They swam through the air at great speed engaging one of them as they chomped away attempting to score hits. By this time Cord had secured the wagon and leaped down to engage. As a Ranger these creatures were in his wheelhouse as he slashed in to them scoring deep wounds. Lilliane, atop her horse, scored hits with her sword as she was struck critically by one, smashing its club across her back, also breaking an oil vial in her pack. Rispin used a Protection from Normal Missiles on herself and Halrfold failed casting a Fairie Fire. Gwyn lent her aid tro most of the party using a Prayer spell.

The battle become more intense, the Cyclopskin proving a good challenge. One swinging his club to strike one of Jade’s magical sharks. The second scored a hit and dissipated. Rispin fired off a Magic Missile and Jade fired her bow, missing, as she was struck by two arrows. Cord continued slashing his way among the beasts as Hal failed on yet another spell casting. Renala and Lilli remained atop their steeds as they fought, but Renala began taking heavy damage. Jade decided to use her stored Rael’s Enlarging Arrows, firing and hitting but not knocking over the large creature as Cord was able to drop the first of the enemy. One down, Rispin used an Aganaver’s Scorcher at one of the bowmen to great effect as Halfold was able to finally get a spell to act appropriately, sending a Hailstone at his opponent. Jade’s next shot was another special arrow, scoring another hit with the aid of Gwyn’s spell.

The battle raged on, Erik dropping the second. Halrfold used an Eyetrick to distract the Cyclopskin between Cord and Ben. The effect enabled Cord to gut the creature almost in half. Score number 3. The bowmen now focused on Rispin, each scoring what would have been a hit had it not been for her magical protection, the arrows deflecting harmlessly away. Jade, now having her magical armor protection used up, cast a Nimbleness on herself to increase the difficulty of hitting her. Lilli, who had been trading blows with one, finally dropped what was the fourth. But nearby, Renala, who had been taking serious incoming, was finally hit with a heavy blow and slumped in her saddle. Her horse, no longer under her control, bolted from the engagement. Lilli seeing this shouted for help for Renala. Cord heard and moved to reign in the horse. He was able to meet it as it ran by, grasping the reins and harness, calming the horse and bringing it to a halt. The horse stopped, he gently pulled Renala from the saddle to provide medical assistance pouring a healing potion down her throat. She revived but was weaker for the experience.

Lilli moved to battle the beast that had dropped striking it viciously, causing critical internal wounds. She battled the beast, scoring blow after blow as Halrfold disabled its giant club using a Warp Wood spell. Unable to properly attack back Lilli was now able to finish it off. Rispin used another Aganaver’s Scorcher on the bowmen further weakening them as Jade’s bow shot dropped the fifth. Followed by Magic Missile from Rispin. The last one, now not able to use his bow, tried to enter hand to hand with Erik, who repelled the attempt. The beast was then struck by Magic Missile from Rispin, Darts from Halrfold and finally killed by a hammer blow from Gwyn.

The battle ended, they licked their wounds and scoured the bodied for a small amount of booty. Extra time was taken to replenish a number of spells and ensure they were healthy enough to travel. They completed travel for the day and the next, pushing on in to the early darkness of night to reach Carolon.

Entering Carolon they could see it was not a city, per se, but a large fishing village. Lilli greeted a woman walking the paths asking for guidance to an Inn. Recognizing the stature of Lilli the woman curtsied and gladly led the group to the Carolon Inn, a relatively small Inn consisting of a ranch style structure housing a number of smaller private rooms and a more sizable common room. The common room was their choice along with room in the stables for their horses and a parking space for their wagon. Erik decided to sleep in the wagon to guard it. Rispin spoke with the Inn attendant acquiring the rooms and services and asked about where they could go to talk to locals. The keeper directed them to the local tavern, ‘My Favorite Dinghy’ as the place to speak with the fishermen. The crashed for the night and ventured out the next morning.

The barkeep was not the friendliest they had ever met and greeted them with suspicion and a little contempt. Being late morning, before the mid day meal time, the tavern was sparsely occupied. But there were some folks present and they decided to strike up a conversation with a wiling resident. His name was Andolene and they traded some stories. He could not believe where they claimed to have come from saying Midway was nothing but a myth. He even shared the local story he knew about the place which turned out to be a mix up of events at a few places, but relatively accurate as to events that had occurred. Just not in Midway. They spoke about Ithisdra, which lay across the bay. Andolene informed them it was a place of Elves and non-elves were not readily welcome and their party would have a hard time there. He thought it would be a bad idea for them to go there.

The conversation took a number of turns but once he knew where they were headed he offered to sail them across the inlet to bypass the delta so they could make way towards Irlholme. But the very interesting part came as they discussed maps. Rispin produced maps of the territory between the crevasse and Midway and Andolene a map of the coast and across the ocean showing some of the Archindom continent, revealing some details of cities and ocean approaches a sailor would need to know. They eagerly agreed to exchange copies of maps with each other and Ben was charged with making one for the Elf. After two nights in Carolon they were off again. It took the better poart of the day to cross the bay and they left, deposited on the southern shore.

Traveling towards Irlholme they moved as quickly as possible. The trip was peaceful until the fifth day as they traversed the rolling grassland. An aggressive buzzing sound was heard. Jade called to stop the wagons, turned on her horse and spotted large bee like things flying towards them at an incredible speed. She let loose an arrow, striking the bug which fell to the ground but was not dead. The buzzing sound grew to an overwhelming volume as the bugs closed in to attack.

Halrfold used a Haze spell to help defend himself but one managed to approach and chomp down crushing his off hand arm causing significant bleeding. Rispin used a Sleep spell to bring one harmlessly down. Renala had turned her horse to charge in but needed to bring it up short as the bugs closed so quickly. She drew her sword and began attacking. Knowing the effect, Jade used a Sleep spell too, dropping another. Cord fired his bow for a hit and Erik was struck by one of the large bees by the creatures stinger, poison coursing in from the attack. Halrfold now dipped in to his special bag using a Psionic Blast causing another to drop in a sleep state. Ben, standing adjacent, planted his sword through the bug for a kill.

Rispin broke out the Aganaver’s Scorcher downing one but it was not dead. Halrfold used his second shot and blasted another in to a sleep state. Erik, who was now surrounded, swept his sword through all three on him, killing the last. Gwyn was now able aid the party with a Prayer spell as some bugs tried but missed Jade. But she dropped her hammer on her next attack, Cord also fumbled his bow and Lilli scored a kill with her sword. Halrfold moved to engage more of the bugs from his spot a distance away using his Dimension Door skill. Rispin dropped another with a Magic Missile as Erik was yet again struck with a poison stinger attack.

Lilli skewered yet another as Ben sliced through one in a rear attack. This left only a couple still alive. Rispin used Magic Missile at one that had not yet been struck and Hal loosed a spray of Darts, each one striking. The bugs were finally wiped out with attacks from Renala, Lilli and Cord. With the battle done, wounds were attended as they gathered up to keep moving knowing it would be several more days before they would reach Irlholme.


SD gathered up Etienne, Raifer and KozmoMayor and headed out to the three businesses that were not represented at the town meeting. At Bottle It they found owner Jim Napolitano had been approached, offered a business card but the man walked out without making any offer. At Wanna Slug, the gruff dwarf owner Hacker Umstal wanted nothing to do with SD and denied any contact essentially shoving SD and his compatriots out the door. But at Pick Me they were met by the owner’s teenage child. He did not have any information about his father’s whereabouts. SD left a written note requesting he come to see him. But the owner, Harry Tidwell, did not show. So back off to the store SD went… alone. Tidwell greeted him rudely, virtually kicking him out. He complained about all the good sales in town going to the dwarven suppliers. He never admitted to having had discussions with the suspicious lawyer but also never denied it. He claimed his business was his own to do with as he pleased and was indignant when SD finally threatened him and his business were he to enter in to an agreement with who he revealed were the White Ninja. Unsatisfied, but not wanting open hostilities SD left, returning to his home where he was met by a runner from the front gate. A man, dressed in ninja garb but all in black and with no head covering, had arrived there requesting to meet with the lord of the city. He would not enter the premises until he was able to do this. SD went to his equipment storage, geared up in full adventuring battle dress, gathered up Kozmo, Raifer and Etienne and headed for the front gate…

And now.... another Halrfond original bardic tale.....

Sweet Carolon (Irlhome)

Cover of Neil Diamonds, 'Sweet Caroline' (Bear with me...)
Written & Composed by Halrfond Veoknottr

Our trip back from Egypt is where it began
We can't begin to remember when
But then again, we're growing strong
Seems like we left in the spring
And spring became summer
Who'd have believed we'd come so far along

Marching feet
Picking up
Picking Halrfold up and heading out to...

Sweet Carolon (bom, bom, bom)
Our next destination never seemed so good (so good, so good)
We've been inclined (bom, bom, bom)
To believe that this would be so good (so good, so good)

We entered the ville late at night
An Elven lass directed us to an inn
We traded stories with the barkeep & patrons
We learned about the Elves of Ithsidra
And decided to take a different way home
We're going to leave Carolon for...

Sweeter Irlhome (bom, bom, bom)
This new destination seemed so good (so good, so good)
Many days of travel ahead of us (bom, bom, bom)
Some more friendly Halflings seemed so good (so good, so good)

Fucking bees
Stinging me
Stinging you
On the way to Irlhome (bom, bom, bom)
Travel with trusted friends never seemed so good (so good, so good)
Hopefully new friends to come (bom, bom, bom)
A few more days and we'll be good (so good, so good)

Next time ...

Looking for love in a Halfling town and who is the 'man in black'…

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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey /