April 1, 2023

CorkyHalrfond, Lillianne
MacCord, Rispin
MikeJade, Erik
JonGwyn, Rennala
AndieAngel, Hachi (in absence)

Game Date (Y/M/D) : 947 / 5 / 22 thru 947 / 5 / 24

A Light at the End of the Tunnel…

The time spent with the Senanaki was not wasted. Not as far as Cord was concerned. First, he and Rennala offered some of their dino meat to the tribe as thanks. The food was accepted graciously but they also said they had no idea how to cook this bounty. Cord and Rennala were happy to demonstrate providing a nutritious morning meal appreciated by all. During the morning meal the group tried to show the tribal leaders the map that showed the way from the Risen Plains to where they were but they could not understand the map itself and how it represented the path. The maps Ben had drawn reflected the three dimensional path through the mountain adding to the abstraction. Cord asked if he could share the news of the tribe with the Seneca living on the Plains, see if they would want to make contact, an offer that was quickly and happily accepted. As a last thank you, Cord offered one of the Dire Wolf pelts they had collected and a large portion of the dino meat. The gifts were accepted by the leader with great thanks who shared a good portion of fish they had in exchange.

The party traversed back through the tunnels making their way back to the location they encountered the Plesiosaur with the intention of exploring the tunnels where it had burst forth. There they found the creature had begun to spoil. There were signs its carcass had been eaten at and the large mass blocked enough of the opening there was no way to get the wagon through without some work to clear it away. As they accomplished this task Jade used Refresh and Preserve spells to replenish a significant portion of their food supplies, stashing it in the wagon. Completing the job down the side tunnel they travelled, but only a short ways. The goal was to get clear of the carcass and stop to rest for the night. As they passed what had been the staircase opening that led to his unfulfilled test Cord reflected on his experience concluding where he had gone awry and resolving to keep looking for the bow and do better next time. He asked Erik and Gwyn to help demonstrate how prayers are done. What they do when they pray, the process and the types of things for which they gave thanks. And in his conversations with Erik, Gwyn and Halrfond he received what he believed to be a message from the gods guiding him. His resolve was now firmly set.

After a restful sleep they set off again through these newer tunnels. They were slightly wider than the others and wound away. Using their light coins to see they eventually arrived at a fork in the tunnel. Cord tried sensing which way was more ‘appropriate’ but both seemed equally proper. Unable to determine a clearer choice he selected the tunnel that branched off left. The left branch had a hint of moisture and during one pause they spotted tracks running along the ground. There were foot / flipper marks that straddled drag ruts along the ground. Soon they beagn to hear the sound of running water and the waft of ‘fresh air’.

They crept upon the location, again using their light coins to see the way. They approached an opening to both sides in the tunnel finding a running river that split the cathedral like chamber of the tunnel path. Erik and Gwyn cautiously led the way approaching the river as they were beset from the water and the dark sides of the chamber by smaller versions of the Plesiosaur and the battle was begun. Rispin fired the first shot with a Magic Missile, Jade and Rennala began firing bow shots. The pack of younger dinosaurs tried to attack but failed miserably against Rennala and Lilliane as Lili struck back. Halfold and Cord jumped down from their wagon as Gwyn covered the entire party with a Bless.

The battle engaged, the party moved forward to strike the creatures. Rispin loosed another Magic Missile and Gwyn a Spiritual Whip. But Lili and Rennala became the first victims of successful strikes by the creatures. Erik was the lucky one as the dino on him missed terribly enough to hurt itself. Erik, not holding his weapon but rather the light coin, decided to drop it, landing face up, and draw to enter the fight. Gwyn struck with another Spiritual Whip. Halrfond attacked with his darts, trying to enhance one with a Holy Dart spell but it failed to take effect, as Cord hit with a critical bow shot killing the first of the creatures. This one was engaged with Erik. But as this one fell, Rennala was struck and was the first of the party to fall.

Lili scored a critical using her sword as Rispin hit the one by Rennala with an Aganaver’s Scorcher. The dino moved closer, fighting its way through the fire stream, finding itself engaged to Cord as Lili became the second to fall, suffering a serious bite. Halrfond used a Remove Pain to stem the bleeding and stabilize Lili. Gwyn suffered yet another attack as dropped the second dinosaur with a well placed arrow. Cord dropped the third with his scimitar, leaving only one. But there was more to come. Just then a larger one burst forth from the river waters, leaping down into combat with Jade.

Now, there were only two left. A small one and a very big one. Rispin fired a sling bullet at it. Jade and Gwyn missed with their attacks. But before the big one could attack Halrfond reached out with his psionics, blasting the creature, causing it to drop as it fell in to a coma as Ben scored a hit on the last, killing it. The battle completed Cord asked Erik to review how he should offer prayers, thanks and worship to his deity and the two offered their devotions.

The next task was crossing the river and traversing the tunnel on the other side. A rope was tied to Halrfond and he tried wading through but the water was far deeper than they would be able to cross with the wagon. So they tried the area a little upstream past a small water drop, but still in the chamber. The water here, very quick and slippery under foot, but no more than 3 feet deep. He slipped and had to regain his footing several times and finally reached the other shore using his Dimension Door mental power. Rennala was able to cross and joined him. The two scouted ahead down the tunnel and it was determined the path did begin to rise. This was the way they wanted to go. They worked out how to cross using the horses and wagon reaching the other side and worked their way in to the tunnel on the far side. Soon it was obvious this was leading up and a few hours later they emerged once again under the warm rays of the sun. Here they found themselves on the eastern side of the ravine. The decision was made to put some distance between them and the tunnel while they still had light and then they stopped for the night.

And now.... another Halrfond original bardic tale.....

The Great Entertainer (of Lost tribes)

Written & Composed by Halrfond Veoknottr

Oh yes, I'm the great entertainer.
Entertaining and doing well.
My need is such, I don't entertain enough.
I'm kind of lonely but, no one can tell.

Oh yes, I'm the great entertainer.
Roaming the world, I am not alone.
I play the game but, no in vain.
My companions carry me and I'm not on my own.

Too real is this feeling of musical and mental appeal.
Too when I feel what my mind can't conceal.

Oh, oh yes, I'm the great entertainer.
Just laughing and singing like a local Bard in a town.
Sometimes I seem to be not what you see.
I wear my heart on my sleeve, not wanting to let my friends down.
Entertaining and fighting and putting big dinosaur's down to the ground.

I am the entertainer
And I know just where I stand
Another serenader
And another one-man band
Today I am your champion
I may have won your hearts
But, I know the game and don't forget my name
Because I may not be here in another year
Especially if I keep getting off the cart and slinging my trusty darts!

Next time ...

Into the great wide open, where new maps await…

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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey / senk@optonline.net