December 3, 2016

Taking Care of Business…

MikeSD, John Z, Yosh, Patrick, Agamemnon, Blargg, Charles
CorkyRaifer, Furion, Grogg, Kenny
MacKozmo, Cade, Ruurik, Tyrade, Jack, Rispin
DebbieOllie, Bru
NPC'sTollemay, Jen Ling, Librarian Horton, Ben
Tom Doty (in absentia)Janet, Rollin

Game Date (Y/M/D) : 945 / 10 / 11

Where to begin? So many things went on between session, so let’s start somewhere…

There were conclusions to the R&D of two new spells. SD completed his work on the new spell Thermal Shelter, a 4th level Magic-User spell. His work was swift and relatively easy given the higher level. John Z, on the other hand, did complete his work on the 1st level spell Capture Image, but his research took quite some time. Both wizards registered their spells with the Wizard’s Guild and are awaiting classification to determine their future royalties. The good news for other wizards is that these two spells are now ‘generally available’ should they want to have them in their spell books. As a side note, Kozmo has organized his materials to work on the new spell Natural Armor.

As a matter of public works issues, a one time bonus for the employees of Midway was approved and paid to all for their tireless work supporting the Orphanage festival.

Yosh Schmengie has enlisted his Wife, Janet, to help him go into a small side business creating portable traps to catch small game and sell them in the local general store All of It, which specializes in adventuring gear.

Another new business opening is the Wagon production and Mercenary for hire operation run by Raifer, and whomever else he allows to buy in to co-ownership in the future. A sizable new building is currently being erected near the Stables to house their operation. Tollemay agreed to work with Raifer to help design a few ‘better wagons’ or features that are not in use at the current time. Once the building is complete they will begin work on these improvements. A side development for this is the negotiations to bring the traveling flea market to Midway. Cade, through representatives in Sudalon, have made arrangements for the caravan to come to Midway. They have asked for additional protection which Cade was happy to offer. He is currently working with SUGAR operatives to hire a number of mercenaries for the job, many of which he anticipates with be Halflings. Further deals are being worked with the merchants in Sudalon, Gulfmoor, Zumbrota, Umbriola and any other towns interested to open up the local wares for sale via the caravan in to Midway and beyond. Meanwhile, Ruurik and Partick have been tasked with organizing strike teams for melee and ranged weapon squads focusing on personnel and tactics.

Yet another business agreement was struck between Patrick and a few others (Tyrade, Furion, Raifer and Ollie) and local Bow shop Jen Ling’s Strings owner, Jen Ling. Patrick has had possession of what he calls ‘Armor Piercing’ arrows he found long ago on an adventure. He has never found anywhere else that makes this variety and has contracted with Jen to assist in the R&D to reproduce these arrows. The deal was struck to work with her, using her space and materials. The group represented by Patrick can then buy these arrows from Jen at cost for 2 years. In return, Patrick will also get 25% of the profits from any of these arrows she sells for that same 2 year period. After which she is free to make, sell and keep all of the profits anticipating the design will have made its way to other Fletchers and be in general circulation.

SD has commissioned a group to begin scouting locations for a possible tunnel under the Wasteland. The location is to be on the eastern side of the Right River and, hopefully, in reasonable transit distance of a larger river crossing point to facilitate transport to and from Al-Alin. SD had asked Rollin Hand to reach out to his contacts to find out if there was already a tunnel crossing somewhere but the information that came back indicated no one had ever thought of that as a solution.

SD also spoke with head Librarian Horton regarding ‘Dragon Diamonds’. Horton remembered reading something somewhere about them but the books was not in the main library but rather in the Wizard’s Guild library. Ha offered to investigate and report back to SD what information he could dig up.

Lastly, Agamemnon has signed on as a local official working for the Church of Thor in Midway. They are now providing him room and board as well as a small stipend to perform support services required to operate the church. Agamemnon will also have facilities at his disposal to work with his hammer and commit to his prayers for guidance.

And then, on to the expedition to destroy the ant colony….

The group had just emptied a chamber with the ants streaming out and turning right out of the chamber. The party followed them down the passageway that continued on a decline. It wasn’t long before the passage split. Once again the group went to the right and continued down. The passage kept its width allowing them to walk 2 abreast until it eventually came to a major split. In front of the party the tunnel went both left and right, both paths entered what appeared to be some type of chamber. Their light only able to illuminate about 30 feet ahead. Once again they chose the right path, entering the chamber.

It was big. Far bigger than they had anticipated as the cavern opened wide before them. Their light could not reach the ceiling and the open space stretched beyond the 60 foot radius of their light source. Jack made the decision to proceed along the right side about 20 feet from the wall. A little ways in to the cavern they came across a number of ants skittering about when they heard a loud angry hissing and chittering sound. Their light able to show just far enough to reveal two large ants charging towards them. The majority of the ants busily moving around were the size of a large dog. These two were more the size of a small pony and they were the ones making the noise as they charged.

Battle mode was engaged and missile weapons fired. Grogg, Kenny and Bru scored hits on one of the larger ants before Bru was hit hard by a bite from the mandible of the ant. Jack was engaged by the second and was able to swing and make solid contact before it had the chance to bite at him. As the battle ensued the other smaller ants scattered from the lighted area leaving only the two warrior type ants to face the party. Bru was able to hit again and Grogg smashed the more wounded ant to its final demise.

The smaller ants were then noticed coming down the side wall carrying eggs in their mandibles. As Jack sliced in to the remaining warrior ant, Kenny shot the lead ant racing away, knocking it off its feet and sending the egg rolling away. Bru took the opportunity to fire at the egg scoring a perfect shot and slicing the egg in two, the larva inside left squealing as it died. This enraged the carrying any that charged to attack Kenny. Kenny attempted to use his Animal Empathy skill to calm the creature to no avail. A moment later Grogg smashed the ant. The other large ant continued to battle but managed to hurt itself while attacking Blargg just before Jack was able to slice it in twain.

More ants came down the side wall moving at max speed. Blargg used his light source to try to see where they were coming from but their source was outside the range of his light. He could only see more ants crawling down the wall, eggs cradles in the maw.

Charles moved to Kenny to heal him as they considered their options. But they also heard an odd growling sound. When they moved towards the sound they found Ben, but not quite Ben, wrestling with an ant, its egg on the ground. Ben was transformed in to some rat like alteration and was ravenously chomping at the ant. After he completed one last bite in to the ant to kill it he picked up the egg and placed it in his bag.

Now was the question, where to go. The ants were moving too quickly to dodge through them as they headed off across the open chamber, eggs in hand, as it were. They decided to travel with them, or rather along side of them, to find where they were going with the eggs. They marked the wall where the ants crawled down, formed up and began to pace alongside them as quickly as they could.

Next time ...

Next….I’m here for the queen?

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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey /