March 14, 2015

Mind games...

CorkyRaifer, Indigo, Furion
MacRuurik, Cade, Books, Justin, Tyrade
DebbieBekki, Jimmi, Booty
FelixGaran, Warrex
NPC'sParker, Sudalon Sgt., Sudalon Col., Sasha, Mayor Farris, Parker, Tollemay, Meercon

Game Date (Y/M/D) : 945 / 4 / 20 thru 945 / 4 / 21

The damage from the previous battle was assessed. Bekki was gone, several of the group were badly injured and healing was needed. But now they had a bunch of things to decide get done. Several of the team were broken off to investigate the catapult and the hover vehicle to see if they could discern how it operated. Another group searched the bodies for loot, while a few stood guard over the two prisoners. The remaining members had to figure out a plan for how to handle them. Raifer knew outright killing of helpless prisoners would not sit well with Garan or Parker so a discussion had to happen.

They pulled the small group away and discussed options. It was clear that a “leave no prisoners alive” approach would not work but they needed ideas and Parker had a great one. She suggested the use of the magic user spell ESP to aid in questioning the captives. This was followed by other team members devising a way leave them bound and use a Rope Trick spell to keep them contained as they left the area. A plan was now in place. They separated the two prisoners and began with the sergeant who proved to be … uncooperative.

The ESP spell worked as desired and filled in the holes where answers were not provided verbally. They uncovered details about the patrol pattern and the Dwarves lack of contact with the Gnomes. They expected the Colonel, who had escaped, to be making his way back to one of the other patrols for assistance and this would limit their time. So they moved quickly on to the other prisoner, a private. This time a show was called for and Ruurik provided the entertainment. He dragged the dwarf away where he could not be seen and made a ruckus to imply he was working over the captive. This dwarf had very little info to provide which was no real surprise so they turned their attention back to the sergeant in hopes they could learn how the hover device worked. Only, this time, he was prepared for them and attempted to block his active thoughts from giving away his answers. As well as he was able to do this some information leaked through and enough clues were there to provide a guideline they needed. One last attempt to find out more information was attempted by the use of an Object Reading. Jimmi took the dog tags from the sergeant and used his power to learn what he could. What he was able to discern only convinced them more that they could not eliminate these dwarves as it proved to show they were really good people just doing their job.

The key was operating the 4 plates together while using special boots work by the drivers. This took some time to find the specific shoes but when the matched set used by 4 of them was found they were able to get the machine to work. Awkwardly at first but then better and better as they worked through their touch and coordination. With this figured out they place the prisoners in the temporary holding area of the Rope Trick. Ruurik left them both with one last word that they both ‘owed their life to a traitor’ and placed them in the space. With this done, the group left the area as quickly as they could.

They made decent time working out the steering of the craft as they went heading north and then west. The idea was to approach Gulfmoor from the northeast. They stopped about 4 miles away from the entrance as night fell and set up a fireless camp. Watches were established as usual and they would not have an uneventful evening. Nothing came at them to attack, but a fog was witnessed falling over the mountain. Thick and oddly limited to just the peak and range where Gulfmoor lay. When the blanket was complete lights appeared in the mist moving down the mountain pass that emerged from the entryway and left the mists. They counted somewhere between 10 and 15 of them, all of which appeared to be hover skiffs with some form of magical lighting illuminating their way. Down the pass they came out on to the plains and off to the east they went along the foot of the mountain range until they passed from sight completely. As the sun began to rise the fog lifted leaving the mountain once again open for full view.

They geared up, left the hover skiff behind and headed for the arch entryway to Gulfmoor approaching it along the coast. They decided to have three members invisible as an emergency fail safe that would travel at the rear of the group. For this task they chose Cade, Indigo and Sasha. The arch was a magnificent carved stone gateway that heralded the long path that wound up the mountain. The path was a steep and wide avenue of stone carved or shaped from the natural contour of the mountain. It snaked back and forth up the side until they found themselves almost at the top. The pristine nature of the path was almost too perfect to be believed and many tried to disbelieve what they saw to no avail. They paused and looked around working out how to proceed when they did reach the top. Books used a Detect Evil spell and found some latent evil coming from the down within the mountain but no source could be identified. Warrex, in his impatience, walked away up to the end of the path which poured out to the mesa at the top. From here he could clearly see out over the ocean and a steep drop off down the cliff side where below he saw several terraces of carved areas protruding from the side of the cliff. When he turned about he saw a gaping opening at in the mesa that led down in to the mountain and from the cave mouth he heard voices.

Warrex excitedly got their attention and summoned them to the top where upon their arrival a torch could be seen coming from the cave. Out from the darkness emerged 4 men, once carrying a torch who called out “Welcome visitors! Welcome! I am Mayor Faris, welcome to Gulfmoor!” A stunned silence fell over the group as they absorbed something that had absolutely nothing to do with the expectations they brought with them. Parker and Garan eventually used Detect Evil spells but found nothing of note. Raifer engaged Faris in a discussion in an attempt to grasp exactly what they had found. Warrex stepped forward with more questions than a barbarian is usually noted to have but his tact and diplomacy were pitch perfect for a barbarian as he rudely interrupted and projected piercing, pointed and suggestive questions about Faris, Gulfmoor and the people there. Garan picked up and probed some regarding the population and the citizenry make up that Faris evaded without having a real answer.

Justin used a Detect Magic and found the only magic in the area was Faris himself, or something Faris had on his body, he could not be sure which. Furion finally put together the idea the stone carving of the mountain was most likely perfomed by a wizard using Stone Shape or with the help of Elementals, which Faris confirmed.

Eventually, Faris was able to convince the group to accept his hospitality and accompany them to a banquet hall where food and drink would be prepared for them and where he would gladly answer any and all questions. They followed him through the mountain caves and passages down two levels of living and market spaces to a large chamber. The entire underground area was lit by natural sunlight. Shafts of light came down through access tunnels striking reflective mineral surfaces that directed it to dispersion nodes that lit up and shone like bright lamps illuminating then entire way. Once in the hall food and drink was bought in and served. Many of the group were reluctant to partake at first but after one or two tried the food with no apparent ill effects most joined in to various degrees.

The conversation went back and forth. Raifer, Garan and Books had many questions and slowly Faris began to gain the trust of the group. Raifer decided to be open with him and reveal why they were there. Faris knew nothing of Al-Alin, denied any trade with Sudalon for many years and shared that Gulfmoor was engaged in active trade with the cities in the 10,000 Islands. This last fact caught Raifer by surprise and he chose to talk about the ‘odd creatures’ from the islands which Faris recognized, but he described different creatures than those spoken of by Raifer. At that point Faris suggested the group speak with Tollemay, a Gnome Illusionist and Alchemist that knew far more about these things than he did. Tollemay lived in his lab on level 8 and Faris offered to gladly escort them to him and break the ice as Tollemay was not well known for his hospitality or sunny disposition. It took a few more rounds of questions, including a persistent question about the exact population of the city that troubled Garan greatly, before they agreed to the meeting. Faris gathered up a few others to assist him in guiding the group there and off they went.

Down to the 8th level they went passing through level 4 which proved to be the most busy and populated containing what was the main market and business area. Down they went until they reached their destination. Off to the back of the city closer to the ocean side of the mountain accessed via a bit of a narrow lengthy hallway they reached the entry door to Tollemay’s lab. Faris knocked and went in followed by the group. Only Sasha was able to sneak in invisibly before the door was closed. Cade and Indigo waited patiently outside and kept watch. Inside the lab was spacious and well appointed. Many experiments were strewn out across the many lab tables that any Alchemist worth his weight would kill to have. On the far wall was a long chalk board whereon were numerous jottings, drawings, notes and diagrams of the experiments and theories, all written in a mix of Common and Gnomish. In the far corner, on a step ladder, working at the board was an older Gnome that ignored the groups presence entirely until Faris made enough noise to gain his attention. This was Tollemay.

His attitude, disposition and manners were rude, boorish and impatient. Not to mention insulting. The group had filtered in to the lab and wandered around a bit. Tollemay took particular exception to the conversation with Raifer interpreting many of Raifer’s comments as stupid or derogatory. Tollemay grew more irritated and agitated eventually flying in to a fit of anger at which point the far wall of the lab faded away revealing the inside of a cave that opened to the ocean waters. There were 5 or 6 people there wielding spears that charged at the group and one very large tentacle fish like creature that appeared to be in charge of everything. This was an Aboleth. Faris immediately dropped to his knees in a submissive pose. The other attendants drew weapons and the battle was begun.

Having been surprised by this turn of events the minions and the Aboleth moved in to engage the group who responded quickly. Warrex and Raifer moved in to take on Tollemay who instantly popped up a Mirror Image, creating 4 more of himself and confusing the party. All the party members that carried bow began their volleys taking shots at the minions and the Aboleth when the opportunity arose. Books was the first to draw blood on the creature. Garan conjured up a Spiritual Whip, Parker and Jimmi evoked a Bless to help the party. The minions were not nearly as skilled as the group but there were enough of them to keep them busy while the Aboleth went about his attacks which were far more devastating. Out in the hall Cade and Indigo heard the ruckus and moved to enter the room, still invisible.

Raifer was the first to hit Tollemay. One attack was wasted on a mirror image but his second found the genuine article. Warrex was frustrated several times as well but eventually landed a hit. With many of the group able to focus on one, Justin scored a bow shot killing the first minion. But it was at this time the Aboleth was able to reach out with his tentacles and score hits on Warrex and Meercon. The blow was minimal but a poison coursed through the flesh with an effect not yet visible. A minion charged on Alydra with his spear scoring a significant blow. And the fray began to become disorganized as enemies and allies intermingled. Tollemay took his next action to evoke forth a Shadow Monster Dragon in position to attack Raifer and Warrex. The creature issued forth its breath weapon scorching them. That attack was followed by some form of mental control attack on Raifer and Books by the Aboleth but it was ineffective as both were able to resist the attempt. Arrows continues to fly, Jimmi evoked a Spiritual Hammer and Tollemay’s next spell attempt fizzled. The minions traded blows with the party taking far more damage than given and slowly the Aboleth became more and more the focus of the arrow fire.

The Gnome Illusionist fired off another spell at Raifer that was ineffective and Ruurik became the third target of the Aboleth’s mind control attack. He also was able to resist. But at this point the poison from the Aboleth’s tentacle attack had finally begun to have its effect. The skin of Warrex and Meercon began to transform in to a slimy translucent membrane and inflicted excruciating pain on them as it did. Most of the minions were now down on attacks from Furion, Ruurik and Meercon but the 3 most dangerous foes were still up when Sasha, still invisible, approached the Shadow Dragon from the rear and struck a massive surprise blow from behind, utterly destroying and dispelling the evoked creature. The Aboleth reached out once more with his tentacles and struck Booty and Jimmi while Ruurik was able to shrug off the effects of the poison. This was followed by Indigo’s surprise invisible attack use of Aganavar’s Scorcher on the Aboleth from across a lab table through a number of the still percolating experiments. The attack ripped through the beakers and open flames, shattering a number of beakers adding to the damage inflicted on the Aboleth and causing just enough damage to leave the creature lifeless.

With the creature down, the remaining minions, and Tollemay, instantly ceased their aggressive behavior and surrendered. Well, the minions surrendered, Tollemay simply stepped back and indicated he was no longer a threat. Faris blurted out they were no longer under the mind control of the creature and as a whole they would no longer fight against the group. Tollemay was still typically recalcitrant. Raifer demanded he prove his change of position and reveal what would cure the skin condition of the afflicted party members. He directed them to get in the ocean waters and subsequently have a higher level heal cast on them. Warrex was the first to reach the water and he was quickly relieved of the pain but his skin did not return to normal just yet. The others were also able to make it to the water before falling dead from the pain of the transformation and the use of 3 Cure Serious Wounds spells from Parker and a scroll of the same was able to remove the condition from the victims.

Faris was able to explain that the Aboleth was in control of most of the city and they were now free of this manipulation. But there still remained the issue of the Gnomes and their hover vehicles, of which, both Faris and Tollemay knew nothing.

Next time ...

They mostly come at night....?

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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey /