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Master BARD Spell list

This character nbdass has been culled from a back issue of Dragon(tm) Magazine and details a character nbdasses for use in a 1st Edition AD&D game.

Spells listed below are gathered from a variety of classes and special spells for this class only. The source class is noted in parens with the spell in the list.
click on the link below to bring up the spells available to the class


Animal Non-Aggression (S)
Audible Glamer (I)
Comprehend Languages (M)
Dancing Lights (M)
Darkness (I)
Entangle (D)
Friends (M)
Hold Portal (M)
Light (M)
Protection From Evil (M)
Shield (M)
Sleep (M)


Continual Light (M)
Deafness (I)
Invisibility (M)
Knock (M)
Levitate (M)
Obscurement (D)
Scare (M)
Shatter (M)
Strength (M)
Ventriloquism (I)
Warp Wood (D)
Wizard Lock (M)


Call Lightning (D)
Continual Darkness (I)
Fly (M)
Gust of Wind (M)
Hold Animal (D)
Hold Person (M)
Prot. From Evil, 10' r. (M)
Prot. From Normal Missiles (M)
Summon Insects (D)
Tongues (M)


Animal Summoning I(D)
Call Woodland Beings (D)
Dispel Exhaustion (I)
Dispel Magic (D)
Emotion (I)
Fear (M)
Fire Charm (M)
Fire Shield (M)
Minor Globe of Invulnerability (M)
Repel Insects (D)
Wall of Fire (D)
Wall of Force (M)


Animate Dead (M)
Animal Summoning II(D)
Chaos (I)
Conjure Elemental (M)
Control Winds (D)
Hold Monster (M)
Insect Plague (D)
Maze (I)
Satire (S)
Transmute Rock to Mud (M)
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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey / senk@optonline.net